Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

My seed order lands I have room

Gotta plant some...I mean...I gotta....right???

Let's see... For sure one of each
C99x blueberry
Probably 2 kilamanjaro, I need a male

My veg tent is very open now, and I think Sour Hound and Black Cream will come down in the next week or so. That opens up lots of space.
My Siberian Haze Auto is going nuts, she needs to stop streatching soon, I'll need to adust the straps/wire on the light to gain more height if she keeps this up

Need some up potting of the two Candida babies, pretty sure I have both phenos...Wooo hooo

Fun fun fun
Yeah I have to do the same thing with my lights. My ATFs are getting taller than I wanted....and I haven't even flipped yet. I could have some height issues if I don't flip really soon!!
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Yeah I have to do the same thing with my lights. My ATFs are getting taller than I wanted....and I haven't even flipped yet. I could have some height issues if I don't flip really soon!!
My flower tent is

The HPS hood has hangers about 6-8" deep and I need that distance

Some day I'm re- doing that tent, but can't now.

Veg tent, similar issue, but I can fix it, may do that today

So kilamanjaro and Candida cross

Wait for it........

Elephant Candy!!!!!!!!

The natives refer to this-weed-strain as the "elephant killer", a reference to its potency. They use it as a part of their religious ceremonies and also before hunting trips to psyche themselves up and sharpen their senses.-
Yeah I have to do the same thing with my lights. My ATFs are getting taller than I wanted....and I haven't even flipped yet. I could have some height issues if I don't flip really soon!!
Have u super cropped Van????

Worked well for me, keep it in mind down the road
Have u super cropped Van????

Worked well for me, keep it in mind down the road

Been doing it, with some success but because I am running 7 plants in the 4x4 its getting really packed and hard to find lateral room as well. Once I put them in the scrog, it will be easier.
Hey @Van_stank....

Two things

Elephant Candy????? Lol

Also I just de seeded my branch of Devil Cream, was a smaller medium branch

You can see the leftover buds.. and all the seeds, I'd say 60-100 or that's a very positive thing
Wow, thats not bad at all man!! Will be interesting for you to keep track of the success rate of your seeds off of an initial cross. Wondering if you will need to stabilize it at all before you see a higher success rate.
Wow, thats not bad at all man!! Will be interesting for you to keep track of the success rate of your seeds off of an initial cross. Wondering if you will need to stabilize it at all before you see a higher success rate.
Thinking this fall to start a home seed grow, should be fun

Got these today....

And CBD Critical Cure is looking fantastic

So is Green Doc

Yum yum yum
Thinking this fall to start a home seed grow, should be fun

Got these today....

And CBD Critical Cure is looking fantastic

So is Green Doc

Yum yum yum

Nice seeds Scorpio. :high-five: Well done. Feels good, don't it? :laughtwo: A joy I've yet to feel from my own hand, but I'm growing out numerous seeds done by your virtual neighbors.

Nice seed order too. You like that Kilimanjaro, don't you? What's the THC value on that one?

How's the CBD CC smelling these days? I find mine to be one of my favorite smells at the moment. Sometimes I crack the jar to get a quick whiff. Lol!
Nice seeds Scorpio. :high-five: Well done. Feels good, don't it? :laughtwo: A joy I've yet to feel from my own hand, but I'm growing out numerous seeds done by your virtual neighbors.

Nice seed order too. You like that Kilimanjaro, don't you? What's the THC value on that one?

How's the CBD CC smelling these days? I find mine to be one of my favorite smells at the moment. Sometimes I crack the jar to get a quick whiff. Lol!
It is fun making the seeds indeed

The kilamanjaro is about a 20% thc full sativa...great energy , is perfect for my infused pills

I'll have 4 different seeds soon, all crossed with original skunk#1
Candida aka Skunk Candy
Green doc, Candida sister strain
Devil Cream
Dark Devil

Hope I get a kilamanjaro male 1st run then I'll cross him with Candida for
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

We have our newest baby to the family
Meet Skunk Candy.

One of the two seeds cracked, and one day after she was in soil I woke up to her head popping out to say HIGH

let's hope the three new strains, well 2 and kilamanjaro, crack today. I'll be sure and leave the kilamanjaro in water till I see crackage for sure

Think it's Hempy water day and make a spot to move the Candida into veg tent
Think skunk and Dinochem will be re potted today....we shall see

Fun fun fun
Ok...I have issues...yes I know yet surprised.

Sitting here planning my day, re-potting, topping , pics, new seeds in soil, and watching food porn

Now I want to cook a piaya....mmmmmmmmmmm
I love to cook......keeps me almost

Well topped the two Candida babies, bout day 18 I think.. and transplanted the Skunk baby

Decided to clip off one of two seeded branches on big Candida.
Want her to dry a few days low n slo and see how she looks. I just don't see her packing it back on like the other girls have
Trichs looked probably 50%+ cloudy , maybe more..

Hope she turns out good. This bud looks pretty decent but u can see all the re-growth
We might have to swap some recipes. What do you like to cook?
Pretty much everything, grill a lot, stir fry, Mexican, u name it I've probably cooked
Good morning bud heads

Still waiting on 3 new kilamanjaro seeds to crack, Gunna try 2 from other pack, really scuff em, pray to the Ganja God's, sacrifice a virgin bud, do a Navaho rain dance, click my heals together 3x, say Rumpelstiltskin 3x,

Hmmmm what else?????

C99xBlueberry should pop today and Cannatonic will go into her dirt bed soon

The youngins, 2 Candida, Skunk#1, and Malawi are rocking in the Auto/veg tent.
All but Malawi got topped yesterday.
Dinachem will get topped, re-potting and moved in today also
Will just leave baby DDA-S1 and S2, Skunk Candy, baby kilamanjaro in the sprouts closet

Big girls are looking FANTASTIC.
Skunk#1 us Gunna have some huge colas just like CBD Critical Cure, Nightengale and Blueberry are looking great but may not have as large if colas but lots of great bud sites
My test girl Purple Kush is looking good, bit small, should gave vegged a week or so longer but she is doing great. I forgot to mark her as nutes or her once with nutes and she didn't burn but pretty much just Calmag water, so thinking she is mark the pots

Still can't believe how the Siberian Haze Auto is growing. She is my 1st full Hempy and she is just killing it. She is Osmo+ and Calmag water, I've had to LST her in flower to keep her close to the height of the last Sour Hound Auto and Black Cream Auto... Siberian Haze is my favorite Auto so am pumped to see what she produces.
The taller pot I think really has helped her grow tall

Think that's about all... I gave some left over prime rib I cooked and may make fried rice today

Oh ya... So after two test smokes of the Devil Cream, one hit each time, kicked my it's an indica Dom and I can tell for sure
I crossed it with Skunk for shits and giggles and am glad I did, she will be a fun one to grow down the road and I have like 100

Ok time for more coffee
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