Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

How did you get those great pictures, Scorpio? Macro lens or microscope?
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Sweet Scorpio. :high-five: You're definately in the harvest window. I tend to harvest when they flush to cloudy and before any amber has a chance to get started. It depends on the high you're looking for. They say maximum THC is at 10-20% amber, but I find my best euphoric experiences are at all cloudy. It's a personal thing.

Since you don't know yet what stage will please you the most have you considered doing the harvest in stages? Harvest some and leave the rest to get more amber. Then you can contrast the high and make your personal determination.

Great info! Thanks :hug:

Hey Scorpio,. How long do you let your finished product cure after harvest?

My 1st Grow... soooooooo none harvested YET!!

How did you get those great pictures, Scorpio? Macro lens or microscope?
Its a zOrb USB Microscope its about $40 on Amazon and most places.. it works great.. but cant have A/C on, fans, move, breath...LOL.... once ya figure that out its pretty sweet. Also has to be plugged into yer computer, most say tablets dont work with it, I dont believe that I bet ya could. I have a 6' USB extension that works great. I also mounted it to a selfy type stick (for my GoPro) and then on a tripod so it dosent move

So I got bored and grabbed one of the DDA's.. They look pretty Milky to me... Some clear, kinda, but no amber

Now if there is amber on Leaves, not the main bud, is that the same as on the Buds??

Ill do more Pics like I said....Some still have active Hairs so they arent ready yet. But id say the GSC, TR, PR and possibly SH are almost ready

wow.... looks like my tent may clear out faster than planned... MORE SEEDS TO GERMINATE!!!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Well ...damn! That's a great idea! I have the fixins for that thar contraption right here at home. That will solve my shaky hands and pain riddled fingers while trying to take pics! :thanks:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Well ...damn! That's a great idea! I have the fixins for that thar contraption right here at home. That will solve my shaky hands and pain riddled fingers while trying to take pics! :thanks:

Ya I struggled with it at 1st, then I used my

It works good... Hook err up:thumb:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Sweet Scorpio. :high-five: You're definately in the harvest window. I tend to harvest when they flush to cloudy and before any amber has a chance to get started. It depends on the high you're looking for. They say maximum THC is at 10-20% amber, but I find my best euphoric experiences are at all cloudy. It's a personal thing.

Since you don't know yet what stage will please you the most have you considered doing the harvest in stages? Harvest some and leave the rest to get more amber. Then you can contrast the high and make your personal determination.

Love that idea. I think I will do that with all my girls, perhaps take three harvests on each plant, one cloudy, one around 20% amber and then a small batch later (perhaps 50% amber) just to see the difference. Thanks Sue!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Ya...this PR was pretty small...but I may try that Sue
Maybe pull the top bud...then let the lowers Amber a bit

The 2 DDAs are looking pretty much milky also....they also are looking a bit different between the two....

I'll get more pics tomorrow or Monday


Looks to me like they have about two weeks to go. What's your take on timing? How old are they now? Any color change yet?

When you're checking color of trichomes you're looking at buds, not leaves. Leaves will turn first.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Looks to me like they have about two weeks to go. What's your take on timing? How old are they now? Any color change yet?

They are at day 61 Today.

No color Changes, they look like similar Pheno's but are a bit different as well

The Hairs are still fairly active but slowing for sure..

I know I learned on the Autos growing for sure, thus the new 8 bulb Light and a mix of 3000k/6500k bulbs

I am gunna evaluate on Monday....on all the Girls. But Im thinking Ill start moving towards Flushing and some Staging of Harvest Like you said.... Try a few Options of Each, early and Late

I have seeds for each strain so can do this all again as needed

So much fun......
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

So went to water the BIG GIRLS today in the Flower Tent.. and a Nice Surprise:cheer::cheer::cheer:

One of the Dutch Treats, 2-1 CBD/THC , Jane, is looking to be ready ahead of the other Girls. Her Hairs are mostly tight and compact, she is Frosty like the winter snow, and compacting up very nicely

Took some pics, under the HPS light so kinda amber ish. But you can see she is moving towards Milky. Ill keep an eye on her... maybe a week or so and she will be ready

She will be a great candidate for Sue's test. Ill Pull a bud early... Then some when all Milky.. then wait for 30-50% amber

God this is getting Fun:high-five::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Pretty! I love it when they put their jewels on!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Big day tomorrow....

Start preparing for the early girls that should be ready to harvest soon....

And move the Candida and Green Doc into the tent
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Well yesterday was a Ubber Fun Day:thumb:

Sorted the Auto's into 2 groups based on Bud Look and Tricomb Pics. The 1st 3 have dense buds and the hairs are curling and mostly red.

looks like I have 3 ill be harvesting in about a week, already 1 week into flush:party:

Please be forewarned, Major PHOTO DUMP:yahoo:

Today is Day 64 for all the girls

Pakistani Ryder.. She is a 50day strain
No Amber's Yet, Ill probably do a 2 stage harvest with her ta see how it effects change


Tangilo Rapido, she is a 70day strain, some amber's showing

Dark Devil #2, she is the one I topped and has a nice group of Buds. For sure am doing a 2 stage harvest with her
No Purples on the buds yet really, and No Amber's yet either


Stage 2 of the Girls. They need about 2 more weeks ish. Still some clear Tric's and Hairs still need to curl a bit more

Siberian Haze. She is a frosty little girl, has a nice big cola, she is an 80day strain so she may need some more time, we will be watching and drooling till then
There are a few Amber's so Ill keep a close eye on her


Girl Scout Cookies. She is looking good, another nice big cola, she is a 63day strain so bet she will be ready in 2 weeks ish

Dark Devil #1. She has a nice big colo, for sure not as developed as DDA#2 but maybe only a week behind
Im hoping she has some color changes so may let her go longer than the rest unless she starts to Amber alot


Here is the BEFORE sort pic after I checked em all and had em on the floor

Then back into the tent and sorted and ready, the 3 on the right are the 1st to get Harvested

Just liked this Leaf, the colors are spectacular

So Yesterday since I have a definite plan moving forward. I planted some Photo Seeds and transplanted the Candida and Green Doc into 3gal Pots.

The Candida and Green Doc will go into the Open space in Auto Tent once the germinating seeds are placed in Solo Cups into the New Closet area

The New Lineup is... drum roll please:tommy:

Nightingale... Sister of Candida, High CBD, low THC
BlueBerry... Free seed figured why Not
CBD Critical Cure.. Yes because of SweetSue:circle-of-love:
Original Skunk #1. These are Reg seeds, planting 2 hoping for a Male to do some Genetically enhanced Creations:yahoo:

So busy day yesterday, ooooo I also Smoked a Brisket:bravo::bravo::bravo:

Now to Figure out Curing in the Desert, any input is greatly Appreciated all
1st harvest & cure in the desert - I'd love some help please
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

:bravo: :high-five::drool:

I am so excited for you and can't wait to see your harvest! And you have an excellent lineup for you next round. :cheer:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

:bravo: :high-five::drool:

I am so excited for you and can't wait to see your harvest! And you have an excellent lineup for you next round. :cheer:
Think I'll start to research cloning....time for another trip to the hydro

Hope I get a Male Skunk plant...then I'll start playing with that
Hmm a skunk with Candida hybrid...that sounds FANTASTIC
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Very excited for you! They look awesome! :goodjob:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Its a Minor Relocation project Day:party:

Candida and Doc move into the Auto/Veg Tent today to make room for their 5 sister in the Starter Closet

I cant believe I will have 21 babies growing once the 5 Babies go to dirt beds today

Hi... my name is Scorpio420, Im a grow addict, Ive been and addict now for 3 months :ganjamon:

My Current Schedule

6/7 Move Candida and Green Doc to Auto/Veg tent.. Tent is Full
6/12 Harvest PR, TR and DD2, Start 3 new Auto's in Closet. Black Cream, Devil Cream and One Other
6/12 Move DDA 3, 4 and 5 to Auto/Veg tent, tent is full again
6/12 evaluate Jane, CBDutch Treat, in Flower tent for harvest availability
6/12 Check remaining 3 Plants in Auto Tent for Harvest
6/13 Buy LOTS more DIRT!!!!
Aprox 6/19 most likely start Flush in Flower tent of remaining Purple Kush and Dutch Treat

By July 1st, I should have a Full Auto Tent and Possibly Flower Tent which will be back to a Veg Tent. Only challenge will be the White Widow that i screwed up and didnt plant an But she could go into the closet under Flower Lights if needed

Rinse and repeat:high-five:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Excellent :popcorn:

Saw that you have Green Doc in your tent. Have you had that one before? It looks like a strain I might want to grow soon.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Excellent :popcorn:

Saw that you have Green Doc in your tent. Have you had that one before? It looks like a strain I might want to grow soon.
No it's a first timer...heck all mine are
The stats if Green Doc I like for sure.,...she may get... engineered as well.
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