Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I usually kick up a store sauce...sweet baby Ray's sauce.

I've made my own..but tend to not use it am like u..still searching for my fav

Now I've never made hot am excited for that..

Gunna do a garlic and reg habinero sauce with some canna oil...


LOL...well considering we have a 7 year old in the house that likes BBQ, I will have to leave the oil out of the recipe! I can just see him "oh I want to try that sauce you are using" me..." this one is for adults only, you can't have any"
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

LOL...well considering we have a 7 year old in the house that likes BBQ, I will have to leave the oil out of the recipe! I can just see him "oh I want to try that sauce you are using" me..." this one is for adults only, you can't have any"

Ya saying no to a 7 yr old

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I have 3 more "homemade recipes" that I still need to try that different friends "swore" would be to die for. But my issue is that I am an avid BBQer/smoker (of meats, not buds) so my standards and pallet are generally much tougher to satisfy. So based on disappointment I have had when trying other people's "must try BBQ sauce" I have kind of been hesitant to try them. But now that the weather is warming up (just broke out the smoker and did two pork butts over the weekend), it might be time to give them another try.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More


Ya saying no to a 7 yr old


Exactly....and he wants to do everything I do! So he would be crushed if I didn't let him try it.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

This is going DOWN!!!!

And some Mangos.....

Trying a garlic habinero sauce and. Mango habinero sauce

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

its funny, i love mangos so earlier this year I harvested a mango seed from one i bought at the store and I popped it and I have a foot tall mango tree out in a pot on the front porch.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I swear... planning a perpetual system is hard ...

Autos and photos don't​ mix...well kinda

Wanna start the CBD Critical Cure now.... But not sure I'll have space in 4 weeks when they need 3gal pots...

Gunna crunch the numbers tomorrow.

The photo tent is the challenge if my auto tent is full....

Oh the trials and tribulations of
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I have 3 more "homemade recipes" that I still need to try that different friends "swore" would be to die for. But my issue is that I am an avid BBQer/smoker (of meats, not buds) so my standards and pallet are generally much tougher to satisfy. So based on disappointment I have had when trying other people's "must try BBQ sauce" I have kind of been hesitant to try them. But now that the weather is warming up (just broke out the smoker and did two pork butts over the weekend), it might be time to give them another try.

:drool: Ya killin' me smalls! :cheesygrinsmiley:Smoker,,,BBQ...buds??
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I swear... planning a perpetual system is hard ...

Autos and photos don't​ mix...well kinda

Wanna start the CBD Critical Cure now.... But not sure I'll have space in 4 weeks when they need 3gal pots...

Gunna crunch the numbers tomorrow.

The photo tent is the challenge if my auto tent is full....

Oh the trials and tribulations of

I'm already planning our next move! More space, space, space. and...oh!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I'm already planning our next move! More space, space, space. and...oh!
And more space.....and babies....and space
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Told hubby I needed another tent so I can have one Veg and one flower...he said "Where are you going to put it? We have no room!" ...we need to move! :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I so understand, says the woman who keeps expanding. Hahaha!
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

Ya... I do wanna try hydro, I think, mainly for auto water when I go hiking

The gummy recipe is isn't consistent...water and oil dont mix
Next I'll do some decarbed bud..grind it really well...then add it to the mix... See if it mixes better. Or maybe a combo of oil and bud... But they taste great and are fun to give to yer

6oz of jello, 1 big or 2 small
4 packs of the geletin
I did 4t of coconut can oil last try
1/2 cup cold water

Mix the powders and on med stove...don't boil..but get hot till it starts to thicken...add canna oil
Pour into molds or on wax paper. Put in freezer for 10-15 min ish
Be sure and mix the stuff often when pouring.
Eat and enjoy!!!.

I wonder if adding some liquid sunflower lecithin to it would help with the emulsification? It wouldn't take much. Might want to give it a try next time Scorpio. Nothing gets lost if it doesn't work for some reason, because it'd still be edible.
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

I wonder if adding some liquid sunflower lecithin to it would help with the emulsification? It wouldn't take much. Might want to give it a try next time Scorpio. Nothing gets lost if it doesn't work for some reason, because it'd still be edible.[/QUOTE
Google "blooming gelatin". I am a retired pastry chef and the method of mixing ingredients is key!
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

I wonder if adding some liquid sunflower lecithin to it would help with the emulsification? It wouldn't take much. Might want to give it a try next time Scorpio. Nothing gets lost if it doesn't work for some reason, because it'd still be edible.[/QUOTE
Google "blooming gelatin". I am a retired pastry chef and the method of mixing ingredients is key!

I'll try that next time....thanks
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil


I'll try that next time....thanks
Sorry....may have been slightly medicated when I responded last. Now reading your recipe I think your problem is that you are heating the gelatin to much. Heating does not cause gelatin to thicken. You really want to "melt" the gelatin with a hot liquid. There is a chemistry behind pun intended! The thickening happens when it cools. You are likely denaturing the gelatin by trying to thicken in by heat. I am putting my chef hat on...or toque...pronounced like toke! :cheesygrinsmiley: Pun intended...

Sprinkle the granules of gelatin over the surface cold water or liquid. Use 1/4 cup of liquid per envelope. Do not dump it in a pile or the granules in the middle won’t dissolve.
Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Add your warm liquid to it or heat it gently, stirring only until dissolved. To verify the granules are melted, lift the stirring utensil and make certain that there are no un-dissolved granules clinging to it.

Another funny thing about gelatin...and if you want to get fancy with flavor is that fresh tropical fruit juice like papaya, kiwi, mango, and pineapple will cause your gelatin not to set when combining. They contain an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is a natural anticoagulant and eats gelatin. Heating or “pasteurizing” kills the enzymes in these fruits, so canned or frozen juices of these fruits WILL work!

Hopefully this will help!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

The Girls are looking Pretty close

To me all the trichomes look Milky to me. Still practicing with the zOrb... This is the Pakistani Ryder, its a 50day strain and Im at 61 days

I looked at all the girls 2 days ago and they all look pretty cloudy, even the DDA's. Im gunna try and Take a good look on Monday at all the Girls under the Microscope. I took Pics but didnt name them and no clue whats what now...LOL

I was thinking Id start Flushing the PR now and see how she goes

any feedback Friends?? This is my 1st grow and would be 1st harvest:thumb:

All pics of the PR from today, are these good Pics? Im not sure myself, they seem ok


re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Sweet Scorpio. :high-five: You're definately in the harvest window. I tend to harvest when they flush to cloudy and before any amber has a chance to get started. It depends on the high you're looking for. They say maximum THC is at 10-20% amber, but I find my best euphoric experiences are at all cloudy. It's a personal thing.

Since you don't know yet what stage will please you the most have you considered doing the harvest in stages? Harvest some and leave the rest to get more amber. Then you can contrast the high and make your personal determination.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Sweet Scorpio. :high-five: You're definately in the harvest window. I tend to harvest when they flush to cloudy and before any amber has a chance to get started. It depends on the high you're looking for. They say maximum THC is at 10-20% amber, but I find my best euphoric experiences are at all cloudy. It's a personal thing.

Since you don't know yet what stage will please you the most have you considered doing the harvest in stages? Harvest some and leave the rest to get more amber. Then you can contrast the high and make your personal determination.
Ya...this PR was pretty small...but I may try that Sue
Maybe pull the top bud...then let the lowers Amber a bit

The 2 DDAs are looking pretty much milky also....they also are looking a bit different between the two....

I'll get more pics tomorrow or Monday

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Since you don't know yet what stage will please you the most have you considered doing the harvest in stages? Harvest some and leave the rest to get more amber. Then you can contrast the high and make your personal determination.

Great info! Thanks :hug:
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