Wow, that’s amazing! The site I learned all my basics from was dead set against miracle grow. Repeatedly said do not use it. Something about the time released nutrients and nitrogen at blooming, I think. Haha, I want to send them your link! Maybe the organic is different? Anyhow, can’t argue with your results! Absolute beauties!!
That's what I have heard and was taught as well, but when you have the MG locally available and a lot cheaper I had to see for myself. Actually nobody ever talked about specific products, just stay away from MG.
My recipe was 72.5% MGOrganic Soil, 22.5 MG Sea Compost, and 5% MG Perlite. #doesn'tkillweed
The other two are in FFOF and although the one is producing super thick buds they are half the size. I can't do a true comparison either as the two in FFOF were originally in Promix HP and their growth I'm sure was stunted @ transplant from stress on the autos, but it was more to see if the plants could handle the MG, which they did. Before flip, or first sign of pistils, all four received a small dose of Kelp Extract at each watering.

I know :) But actually I think I got a flu shot a few years back, that took care of that one. So, how about you two tuck yourselves in bed and I nurse you to health?!?... Chicken noodle soup... (not of a relative of mine lol)
Sure thing... thanks! :hug:
They recommend we get ours yearly. I never do because I don't believe in putting things in my body that my government says I should do. It's the first time I have gotten the flu in probably over 10 years. I get the odd cold here and there but not like this one.
It is an ugly one.
I remember back then, had about 5 serious flus from Oct to Feb. When I was recovering from last, I knew it was time to do something since I felt next one would kill me.
I never mentioned the name as I find most people right away are dead set against it, but I swear that this Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix is better than FFOF. A big statement, I know, but the results are showing.

I have been anticipating your big soil reveal because using Coco with worm castings and perlite I think costs me close to $20 to fill just one 5 gallon fabric container. The biggest problem I have read with Miracle Grow is that it is sometimes infested with bugs but you can never trust what you read so it is hard to say if you got lucky or those who post about it got unlucky. Or maybe they have stocks in coco, lol.

Anyway, I am glad to read your post because I see that 60lbs or 107L or 28 gallons of Promix HP is only $33.99 at Canadian Tire which works out to less than $5 per five gallon grow container which is about 25% the cost I am paying for coco and your post has made me consider a comparison grow. Good job Sir!! :bravo::ciao:
It is an ugly one.
I remember back then, had about 5 serious flus from Oct to Feb. When I was recovering from last, I knew it was time to do something since I felt next one would kill me.
Well wifey's immune system isn't as strong as mine I guess so she finds the shots do help her. Personal preference of course. As I get older I do understand the importance of it so most likely when I reach 104 I may start taking the flu shots.
I am impressed! It really surprises me that Miracle Grow has an organic product that can grow cannabis like that! I may have to get a bag to experiment with next summer. Thanks, MrSauga. Love those pineapple colas!
I am impressed! It really surprises me that Miracle Grow has an organic product that can grow cannabis like that! I may have to get a bag to experiment with next summer. Thanks, MrSauga. Love those pineapple colas!
Thanks Bode,
It could also be a combo of a lot of things. Type of nutes, amount of light, etc. but what I can say is there was no problem with time released nutes, no burning, and the plants did just fine. No mites or other type of critters so I am quite happy with it.
I only said I would try a test grow with Promix because I know a lot of people use it and that it is pretty cheap at the Canadian Tire but after a little research I found in the local big box stores Miracle Grow is only about 10% more so I am thinking maybe in my next grow I will do a 3 way test between Promix, Miracle Grow and my coco mix.
Growing with Synthetic Nutes is easiest to understand because as a new grower I did not know much about NPK. The bottles tell you when and how much, usually lower than they prescribe is best medicine. Some bottles say A then B. Once you achieve the all mighty understanding of PPM/EC and pH, synthetics is easy. Just considering growing organic involves a lot more homework. Organic means learning all the cool words like rhizosphere and soil food web, not to mention enzymes and microbes. I went organic because people say that's where the taste is at, and learning is fun! Why else would you be here. Hahahaha! Cheers everyone!
I only said I would try a test grow with Promix because I know a lot of people use it and that it is pretty cheap at the Canadian Tire but after a little research I found in the local big box stores Miracle Grow is only about 10% more so I am thinking maybe in my next grow I will do a 3 way test between Promix, Miracle Grow and my coco mix.
You're a better man than me Homer...juggling water schedules will keep you hopping alone :) Keep good documentation and you'll be fine. I have no problem myself comparing two methods, but three imho requires some good footwork. Different growth rates may be an issue and require supercropping, different feed schedules and mixes etc. I have no doubt you will succeed, but it would be a bit too much for me to worry about all the time.

Just considering growing organic involves a lot more homework. Organic means learning all the cool words like rhizosphere and soil food web, not to mention enzymes and microbes.
Good information Wally, and not to make light of your hard work understanding growing organically, here's what I do.
I buy a bag that says organic on it and now I'm organic. I also use rain water which boosts that organic feel I get! I honestly don't have the time for all the homework involved, and it's a lot more work if you go LOS, which now you're not feeding the plant, you're feeding the food the plant is eating.
I also believe in go with what works. Growing is fun no matter what method you choose. Smoothness, trichs, terps, yields all are effected by your methods and care of the plant. You can have the best organic soil, but a neglected plant will die or be harsh tasting, no flavor, etc.
My first down was so smooth, even before it cured. For a first time grower I was expecting to lose a lung with my harvest, so I had no reason to change or try a different method when my yields and quality were top shelf imho.
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