I find it amazing how much people think about the different ways to use what is available. Your ideas are great Homer and I know you'll find what's best for your setup.
They got a little snug for awhile. LoL
But it was a good snug, friggin awesome really.
Well I definitely had misjudged the size of the area in my head, I was thinking it was much smaller. I Should have realized its literally the same size as 4 of my tents combined. I will have some big bushy ones going in there.

As for the growing facility, it was only built in the last year or two, when they had a leg up on legalization. Started production well before entire building was completed, but they had plenty of space to start with.

Living around the chemical valley, there are numerous Flare stacks going off during the night, they can be seen just as well in the sky. Mind you, having a massive greenhouse with a HPS orange glow coming from it, would be like several dozen flares lighting off in one area at once.

I am sure some people have had complaints, just not enough to change anything.

I keep an eye open on the OCS to try some of the product from there. Would be cool to know my legal smoke was grown right by me. The stuff I paid for that is. Soon that will be a thing of memory.
Pineapple lookin good!
Of course I'm really enjoying the smell...I just wish I knew what it smelled like so I could describe it. All I can say is I threw my bed sheets in there over night and I'm sending Bounce the secrets to more sales. Bounce...April Rain, Summer Breeze, and now introducing Pineapple Express.
I am pretty amazed at the buds on your autos Sauga. I have read so much negative about autos you certainly dispelled those myths. I have really enjoyed watching your progress. :ciao::thumb:
Hiya Mr Sauga,

Pineapple colas are awesome looking, so thick, wide, dense looking buds. I may need to get some of those beans. Great job!
I am pretty amazed at the buds on your autos Sauga. I have read so much negative about autos you certainly dispelled those myths. I have really enjoyed watching your progress. :ciao::thumb:
Hey Homer, best compliment I've had in a long time, so thanks a bunch! I'm really happy with the results and I'm even more happy with the medium the two best ones grew in. I never mentioned the name as I find most people right away are dead set against it, but I swear that this Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix is better than FFOF. A big statement, I know, but the results are showing.
The MGOPM is full of worms and good stuff that they claim will feed your plant for three months. I never believe that and started feeding at a light dose shortly after the third node. But whatever they claim, the stuff is good. I heard all kinds of things about bugs as well but I must have got a special batch cause I have none on my plants.
:hug: Aww... :hug:
Pineapple is awsome too.
I'm just going to snuggle up with Brodie right beside her and enjoy the view :hug:
Make sure you sanitize yourself once leaving and put on the face mask while you're here!
Hiya Mr Sauga,
Pineapple colas are awesome looking, so thick, wide, dense looking buds. I may need to get some of those beans. Great job!
Thanks Bode,
I'm really happy with the way they turned out. Look alot like my WW's tbh.
Hey Homer, best compliment I've had in a long time, so thanks a bunch! I'm really happy with the results and I'm even more happy with the medium the two best ones grew in. I never mentioned the name as I find most people right away are dead set against it, but I swear that this Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix is better than FFOF. A big statement, I know, but the results are showing.
The MGOPM is full of worms and good stuff that they claim will feed your plant for three months. I never believe that and started feeding at a light dose shortly after the third node. But whatever they claim, the stuff is good. I heard all kinds of things about bugs as well but I must have got a special batch cause I have none on my plants.

Make sure you sanitize yourself once leaving and put on the face mask while you're here!

Thanks Bode,
I'm really happy with the way they turned out. Look alot like my WW's tbh.
Wow, that’s amazing! The site I learned all my basics from was dead set against miracle grow. Repeatedly said do not use it. Something about the time released nutrients and nitrogen at blooming, I think. Haha, I want to send them your link! Maybe the organic is different? Anyhow, can’t argue with your results! Absolute beauties!!
lol, no silly, I just didn't want you catching the flu...that's all.
I know :) But actually I think I got a flu shot a few years back, that took care of that one. So, how about you two tuck yourselves in bed and I nurse you to health?!?... Chicken noodle soup... (not of a relative of mine lol)
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