Do you ever grow outside?

Now that we are all legal to grow 4 plants, I want to have my summer garden under the sun. As we are very close to each other, around 2 1/2 hrs away, we will only have a slight variation in temperatures.
Next time you pop some beans, I will try to pop some as well to come along for the wild ride.

I kept getting thrown off by your use of Fahrenheit over Celsius, and it wasn't until I read a comment saying you are outside of the T dot
Hey Geo,
I use both. It depends who I think is responding or listening. I'm just South of BTown btw.
If you look at my first Journal(WW) two of those were done outside last summer before legalization. I thought they had a bug issue and had to seperate them from my healthy ones. Outdoor growing was a lot of fun until I had issues with the gas main and all kinds of contractors were showing up unannounced. That kept me hopping.
This season I don't care as it's legal.

I'll keep you posted when the next beans go under. Thanks man!
Hey Geo,
I use both. It depends who I think is responding or listening. I'm just South of BTown btw.
If you look at my first Journal(WW) two of those were done outside last summer before legalization. I thought they had a bug issue and had to seperate them from my healthy ones. Outdoor growing was a lot of fun until I had issues with the gas main and all kinds of contractors were showing up unannounced. That kept me hopping.
This season I don't care as it's legal.

I'll keep you posted when the next beans go under. Thanks man!

What’s after the PE sauga? Will you be staying indoors as well as doing the outdoor run? I’m thinking of doing 1 Autoflower outside or a fast finish photo not sure yet lol
What’s after the PE sauga? Will you be staying indoors as well as doing the outdoor run? I’m thinking of doing 1 Autoflower outside or a fast finish photo not sure yet lol
Morning Dutch!
Not sure about beans yet. Most likely WWxBB and maybe GG#4 for sure, the other two not sure.
Once the weather is warm, and if planned right, my photos will go outside. Outdoor growing was soo much fun but more stressful. It's really a good balance. I loved sitting on the deck with the girls in the morning and it's hard to do in the tent.
lol, as I am at the border, I am unfamiliar with the terms of the GTA towns. However, there are not a whole lotta known cities in the GTA that would get a name like that, so its very simple to deduce in a few guesses.

Two years ago my brother popped a random bag seed in June and just let her go in the backyard. Wouldn't even let me give it pond water (that had my minnows in it, mmm fish poop). He wanted it to be left naturally. Needless to say, it was definitely lacking in several areas, just not in potency. Boy was I ever surprised at what came of it. Sadly he didn't listen to me about drying and curing, and let over half get all moldy and ruined.

I am buying a greenhouse for obvious reasons during the summer months, but I had also decided on building an 8x8 garden shed in the back that will double as half for growing with HPS in the winter, and half for an actual garden shed. When fixing up my pots now, I need to go into the pool room (nice and warm) where I keep all my pots and substrates. I keep leaving a big mess on the carpet, so its time I look into a solution. Few months from now and I can work outside again, but as a fellow Canuck, you know just how short our summers seem to be.
Awesome storry Geo, and too bad about the harvest cure. Now you have full control over your environment so go nuts man!
Last summer came to a halt quick. September hit and the temps dropped. I ended up harvesting a bit early on the one but it was really close and still had good potency. Look for short flowering times on strains or hearty northern hemi plants and you should be good.
luckily I have that covered, literally. As the pool has one wall of windows and sliding doors, it gets lots of sun, while remaining warm. The plant two years ago I named Shirley, it was brought inside once it got cold, and allowed it time to finish flowering. The greenhouse will combat that issue, but I always have the pool for plan B.

Other than that, I have been looking at photo period strains that are suited for us up here, but mostly just autos.
I have some Jack Herer that are going outside for sure, at least one, but maybe, just maybe, I will put two.
I have friends that are growing as well, so it will be nice to share the harvests. We purposely get different strains to have a wider variety, but still swap seeds so we can grow our own of that strain later on.

My buddy is an old school grower, so I am basically teaching him all the new techniques. While he still has the basics in mind, there are much more to be done than just drop the seeds into some shitty dirt and let it go. I mean it can be done, just not recommended. All the training techniques I keep talking about, are only things he had heard very little about back in the day, but its all mainstream now.

Myself, I am amazed how little has changed since I first started looking into growing. Main thing is autos. they gained the credit they deserve while potency and yield have greatly improved. Second thing I noticed is lights. Still can't really beat a MH and HPS setup, but LED,s are close. The use of CFL's were gaining popularity when I first started, but hadn't gone anywhere really.

Sorry about the novel, I get chatty after wake and bake
My buddy is an old school grower, so I am basically teaching him all the new techniques. While he still has the basics in mind, there are much more to be done than just drop the seeds into some shitty dirt and let it go. I mean it can be done, just not recommended. All the training techniques I keep talking about, are only things he had heard very little about back in the day, but its all mainstream now.
Well ya, for best yield you need to be around and help them along as they require. A lot has changed with mediums and nutes and sometimes on their own it's Mother Nature herself that dictates that.

Myself, I am amazed how little has changed since I first started looking into growing. Main thing is autos. they gained the credit they deserve while potency and yield have greatly improved. Second thing I noticed is lights. Still can't really beat a MH and HPS setup, but LED,s are close. The use of CFL's were gaining popularity when I first started, but hadn't gone anywhere really.
I love the MH/HPS. It hasn't let me down. Having said that, during flower I add 2 x 1000 LED to really make them buds hard. Quantum boards appear to be the biggest thing now.

Sorry about the novel, I get chatty after wake and bake
Chat away. It's free!
I can't wait to build the shed, and see just what HID can produce for me. Once the time comes, I just hope I can finally decide on what wattage lights to get. A 4 x 8 area can hold a few big girls, just not sure if I will use the entire area for them though. I really want to do some experimenting with plants. Learned a lot of neat things in school, and I would like to try some for myself. Growing massive photos will be the result, but how I get there is the fun part.
thats what I heard, just depends on how many girls have gone wild in there. Unsure of two photos and some veggies, or 4 photos and veggies. I am sure that even by the time its built, I still will not have decided on the path I am going. Downside to being so damn indecisive. Took forever to decide what seeds I was buying first, but it finally came to me, eventually.
I can't wait to build the shed, and see just what HID can produce for me. Once the time comes, I just hope I can finally decide on what wattage lights to get. A 4 x 8 area can hold a few big girls, just not sure if I will use the entire area for them though. I really want to do some experimenting with plants. Learned a lot of neat things in school, and I would like to try some for myself. Growing massive photos will be the result, but how I get there is the fun part.
That's about the size of my grow area. I'm running 2- 600w fixtures and I'm happy with it.
how many girls you got in there Mr Parabellum? (Preston9mm)

I was thinking of either just one 1000w with a dimmable ballast, or possibly a 1000w and a 400w to have a longer footprint. Perhaps I will even run a few smaller lights to keep the spread more even. Possibilities are many, and they are all exciting to think about.

As I am building it myself, the ventilation will be amazing, as close to a commercial grow as possible. Like a small scale version of the pot plant in Inniskillin, just no greenhouse roof.

its 35 minutes away from me, but the light output is amazing. I can see it from my house, looks like a big barn fire, the light is that intense.
As I am building it myself, the ventilation will be amazing, as close to a commercial grow as possible. Like a small scale version of the pot plant in Inniskillin, just no greenhouse roof.

its 35 minutes away from me, but the light output is amazing. I can see it from my house, looks like a big barn fire, the light is that intense.
lol, I'm not familiar with that op, but it does sound fun to look at once! I'm surprised no environmentalists have raised concerns regarding light pollution if it's that intense. But I suppose 35 minutes could be just across a lake if you have to go around as well.
how many girls you got in there Mr Parabellum? (Preston9mm)

I was thinking of either just one 1000w with a dimmable ballast, or possibly a 1000w and a 400w to have a longer footprint. Perhaps I will even run a few smaller lights to keep the spread more even. Possibilities are many, and they are all exciting to think about.

As I am building it myself, the ventilation will be amazing, as close to a commercial grow as possible. Like a small scale version of the pot plant in Inniskillin, just no greenhouse roof.

its 35 minutes away from me, but the light output is amazing. I can see it from my house, looks like a big barn fire, the light is that intense.

I bought a 600 W LED for my 3 x 3’ growing area and then a 300 W LED for my vegetative area and they work okay but the problem with my 600 W LED is that about 50% of the light concentrates in about 25% of the center area right under the light. It does grow okay but I really wish the light was more evenly dispersed so if I had to do it over again and wanted to do a 4 x 8 grow area I would either get four 300 W lights or build my own LED lighting system. There are a couple of threads on this site where people have built their own and it does cost more money than buying a commercial unit but I think it would pay for itself in no time the way it would give even illumination. Just my two cents of what I would do in retrospect if I knew when I was starting out what I know now.

Here is one of those LED build threads; DIY Test Build with Samsung Q-series strips
I bought a 600 W LED for my 3 x 3’ growing area and then a 300 W LED for my vegetative area and they work okay but the problem with my 600 W LED is that about 50% of the light concentrates in about 25% of the center area right under the light. It does grow okay but I really wish the light was more evenly dispersed so if I had to do it over again and wanted to do a 4 x 8 grow area I would either get four 300 W lights or build my own LED lighting system. There are a couple of threads on this site where people have built their own and it does cost more money than buying a commercial unit but I think it would pay for itself in no time the way it would give even illumination. Just my two cents of what I would do in retrospect if I knew when I was starting out what I know now.

Here is one of those LED build threads; DIY Test Build with Samsung Q-series strips
Absolutely correct Homer! And soo many people are willing to help there as well. Once you are ready let us know if you haven't found the right people to hook up with. Some real good DIY'ers here.
Quick update... looks like Chicken Little is ready for chop chop soon. She really finished fast the last few days which I thought would be about two weeks. I'll get some trich shots up tonight at lights on.
The other pics are of Tweety outside the tent. This was my biggest mistake on topping and she proved to be the biggest and healthiest out of them all.

Absolutely correct Homer! And soo many people are willing to help there as well. Once you are ready let us know if you haven't found the right people to hook up with. Some real good DIY'ers here.

I spent a couple of days reading the threads about a DIY LED system so I have a pretty good idea of what I need and how to do it but my problem is I already have spent the money on 600 W and 300 W lights so I would be pretty much wasting that money I spent on them if I do a build. As we said hindsight is wonderful, LOL. And yes I am sure I would get tons of help from great people out here if I did do it.

Besides in Canada I figure I would be looking at about $800 for a do-it-yourself lighting system because they actually do cost more for the same wattage if you do it yourself it’s just that the light is evenly spread out over your whole growing area which would be worth it in the long run if I didn’t already have spent money on other lights.

This is the light I have and if you see it is made up of four separate light panels and I have been toying with the idea of dismantling it and separating those four sections with 1 ½ foot centers and a different platform so the light would be a lot more spread out over the grow area but I am not sure I will do it.

how many girls you got in there Mr Parabellum? (Preston9mm)

I was thinking of either just one 1000w with a dimmable ballast, or possibly a 1000w and a 400w to have a longer footprint. Perhaps I will even run a few smaller lights to keep the spread more even. Possibilities are many, and they are all exciting to think about.

As I am building it myself, the ventilation will be amazing, as close to a commercial grow as possible. Like a small scale version of the pot plant in Inniskillin, just no greenhouse roof.

its 35 minutes away from me, but the light output is amazing. I can see it from my house, looks like a big barn fire, the light is that intense.
I'm down to 5 now,

but I started this group with 13.

They got a little snug for awhile. LoL
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