Ooo many favourite ppl in the same thread :hug::circle-of-love::hug::circle-of-love::hug:
MrSauga lovely ladies, you know my motto "grow with your grow" hugs to Brodie... Brought him a bone
Homer SweetSue is my virtual sister :circle-of-love:
Smeeeeeeegol :hug:
Im moving today :)
Sitting safe in New place :)

Glad you are safe in your new place Birdie. Moving can be very stressful so it must be nice to be settled. I am sure you will make your new house a loving welcoming home for you and yours in no time.:hug:
First off, thanks Sue for stopping by. I can appreciate how valuable your time is. Thanks again! :hug:

Good morning mr.Sauga I trust you've had a blessed Xmas and new year tidings. Sorry to hear bout Brodie not easy when it comes to your beloved companions...

But shew your girls are looking cracking though I won't lie, been have such a heatwave outdoors I thought my garden would dehydrate but storing rainwater was a good call..

Hello Smeegs,
I could use a couple of degrees over here to melt some snow. Send it our way, Canadians don't complain, we just say thanks!
I love my rain water brother, and ya good call on that. How are you keeping it from evaporating in that heat? Lids on the pails?
Ooo many favourite ppl in the same thread :hug::circle-of-love::hug::circle-of-love::hug:
MrSauga lovely ladies, you know my motto "grow with your grow" hugs to Brodie... Brought him a bone
Homer SweetSue is my virtual sister :circle-of-love:
Smeeeeeeegol :hug:
Im moving today :)
Thanks Birdie... well I brought 'em all in here for your moving day but I see I was a little late to help out. I sure am glad you made it safely and are getting settled in. I'd love to see some pics once you have it Home Sweet Home.

Love stopping in to see those PE's looking great as always
Thanks Happy...definately not complaining. This has been a quiet grow.
I don’t know what the hell I was talking about. It seemed like things hadn’t changed much for a couple of days but after I wrote that post about stalled growth I looked at my buds and they seem to be substantially bigger so ignore that comment, LOL. I’m going to be busy for the next couple days but after that I’ll get some new pics up.
lol, comment ignored, and try not to overdo the busy stuff. ;) I'm glad to hear the girls are fattening up. I'll be waiting for the update.
lol, comment ignored, and try not to overdo the busy stuff. ;) I'm glad to hear the girls are fattening up. I'll be waiting for the update.

Update imminent!!! :ciao:
First off, thanks Sue for stopping by. I can appreciate how valuable your time is. Thanks again! :hug:

Hello Smeegs,
I could use a couple of degrees over here to melt some snow. Send it our way, Canadians don't complain, we just say thanks!
I love my rain water brother, and ya good call on that. How are you keeping it from evaporating in that heat? Lids on the pails?

Thanks Birdie... well I brought 'em all in here for your moving day but I see I was a little late to help out. I sure am glad you made it safely and are getting settled in. I'd love to see some pics once you have it Home Sweet Home.

Thanks Happy...definately not complaining. This has been a quiet grow.

Morning mr.Sauga, yip use lids to cover so it doesn't evaporate but have 2 1000lt tanks that we collect in. But the girls are loving the weather no lie...

I could've used that snow on Xmas day as it was 38c out and everyone went into hibernation mode after lunch.

@AngryBird i am so super chuffed for you my friend, may it be everything you dreamed of for you and the girls and may this year be full of blessings and positivity...
That’s a very nice wake up call!
Ha, and this is why I never joined the military. Their wake up calls are so disturbing with all that exercise stuff.

dang, finally found this post again. After a smoke and some pancakes I will settle in a go for a read. Got my own PE (regular - photo) going as well, only a few days in, but he is growing steady.
Thanks Geo and welcome! Good luck with the regs...I hope you have a girl!
Superb my man! :welldone:
Thanks Dutchie! But I did run into a problem that snuck up on me.
I vent into my garage and with the warm moist air I managed to get me a good little mold going. Now I need to rethink things over the winter until I can cut a hole in the garage and vent outside.
I'm going to have to install my carbon filter and exhaust into the basement where I can control the humidity.
Sucks big time bro. Hopefully I caught it soon enough where it can be cleaned and get on with it.
Thanks Dutchie! But I did run into a problem that snuck up on me.
I vent into my garage and with the warm moist air I managed to get me a good little mold going. Now I need to rethink things over the winter until I can cut a hole in the garage and vent outside.
I'm going to have to install my carbon filter and exhaust into the basement where I can control the humidity.
Sucks big time bro. Hopefully I caught it soon enough where it can be cleaned and get on with it.

Sorry to hear about your mold problem. I don’t know if it will be of any help but I thought I would relay how I have my system set up. When I first started growing I didn’t have enough humidity but now that I have flowering plants and I am watering so often my humidity is sky high so I put my dehumidifier from my basement in my grow room because I don’t need it in the basement this time of year.

Basically a bedroom is my sealed grow room in that I have blocked off the furnace duct to the room and heat it now with a small electrical heater. So the dehumidifier keeps it below 45%. I was thinking I would have to eventually get a carbon system but I find my plants really don’t stink up the house too badly; I can only really smell it when I re-enter the house after being gone for a while.

It seems like a pretty expensive proposition venting your warm air outside and kind of radical cutting holes in your house. Anyway I don’t know if this helps at all but I don’t vent at all or have any carbon filtering but with my dehumidifier in the room things seen to be working out fine. I grew Northern Lights not only because it is supposed to be an easy strain to grow but because it also doesn’t smell very much so maybe that’s why I can get away with no carbon. Or maybe I am hard of smelling, LOL.

Not telling you what to do but maybe you should try running your carbon filter in your grow room not venting outside that room to control the odor and put a dehumidifier in the room to control the humidity and seal the room up. That way you could get rid of your mold problem and save energy not venting outside and not have to cut any holes in your house.
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