Yup, exactly...here's a pic from one of @Mr. Magoo 's plants, top down. You can see the main branches in the center. He's a master and if you notice he's taken his legs all the way to the outside of the pot and then lets them go vertical. You can see the sea of colas about to develop. This one is his best so far.

You can also visit Ase's journal as he is the originator of the quadline method. Very friendly and very helpful.
Ase's Multi-Strain Quadlining In Coco

I did have a look at Mr. Magoo’s photo there and it is awfully impressive the spread he got and something to aspire to.

I also have been reading Asesino85’s thread on Quadlining you recommended and even more informative than his training method I find is his nute system. It is one of those threads that not only showed me what I don’t know but what I didn’t even know I didn’t know.

He has quite the complicated system there of using different proportions of different nutes to get the formulas he is after at each stage and monitoring ppm and judging by his prize winning plants it is obvious he knows what he is doing. After reading some of it I think I may get some kind of a bud booster but I just wonder what kind of extra yield he is getting with his complicated system? If it would be 10% more than what I will get using Megacrop and Calmag plus a bud booster it wouldn’t really be practical in my mind but if I could get an increase over 50% or so it would be. It looks like nutes may be a rabbit hole I may have to venture down.

Also Asesino’s thread has encouraged me to do a lot more lollipopping and get rid of a lot of my lower branches that aren’t at canopy level. I am thinking of defoliating a bit also?
Hey Homer. Glad you are interested in quadlining and are finding some good info. Just a little note on Ase’s nute regimen. He grows in coco, so if you also grow in this medium then by all means follow his regimen. If you don’t use coco then don’t get bogged down in the numbers. just make sure certain nutes are being boosted at the right times throughout the lifecycle of your plants.
Hey Homer. Glad you are interested in quadlining and are finding some good info. Just a little note on Ase’s nute regimen. He grows in coco, so if you also grow in this medium then by all means follow his regimen. If you don’t use coco then don’t get bogged down in the numbers. just make sure certain nutes are being boosted at the right times throughout the lifecycle of your plants.

Hey, Mr. Magoo. Yes from what I see quadlining is definitely the way to go and you look like you have really mastered the technique.

Actually I am growing in coco but at this stage I really don’t want to make such a big investment in the big variety of nutes Ase’s using so I am not going to follow his system precisely and his numbers but he did have a very good general write up that I am going to try and follow, “Ultimately you want to boost calcium when they are seedlings, Nitrogen in veg, even ratios during transition, boost Potassium just after stretch and then boost Phosphorous shortly after that and then flush.” Being a noob I find that one sentence worth its weight in gold so I am going to try and apply it to some degree.

Thanks a lot for the comment and advice Mr. Magoo.
Sounds like you've been doing your homework Homer... it never ends does it? I'm not a pro on defol and would hate to steer you wrong. I'm sure someone will guide you in that aspect.

No, it does never end so I think maybe for now I will just go with what I have because I don’t know if I want to make the commitment to use an involved nute system like Ase’s; at least not right now. I’m not saying it’s not worth it because I just don’t know but I have to draw the line somewhere for now.

But I do have just one question about how you use Mega Crop? I read on their website that you don’t need any boosters or additives because the plant just takes the nutes it needs when it needs it from their mixture which seems to fly in the face of Ase’s recommendation to boost different things at different times so I was just wondering do you do what he says and use a bud booster with extra potassium and phosphorus like a 0-10-10? Or do you just rely on the Mega Crop alone for your whole grow and change the dosage?

And thanks for mentioning the defol but for now I just did some more lollipoping and removed any lower branches that are not reaching the canopy. Anyway, your girls are looking very good.:thumb::bravo:
But I do have just one question about how you use Mega Crop? I read on their website that you don’t need any boosters or additives because the plant just takes the nutes it needs when it needs it from their mixture which seems to fly in the face of Ase’s recommendation to boost different things at different times so I was just wondering do you do what he says and use a bud booster with extra potassium and phosphorus like a 0-10-10? Or do you just rely on the Mega Crop alone for your whole grow and change the dosage?
I just use the MC from start to finish. I stick with the schedule and if my plants look like they have no problem with the recommended amount, I give them some more until I see the tips darken or burn. I haven't used anything else. This was a nug from my other grow, of a WW. It turned out delicious.
Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style
Greenleaf is opening up on Amazon Canada soon so it will save the shipping times. They said November, but it's not there yet You will get access to all their stuff.
I just use the MC from start to finish. I stick with the schedule and if my plants look like they have no problem with the recommended amount, I give them some more until I see the tips darken or burn. I haven't used anything else. This was a nug from my other grow, of a WW. It turned out delicious.
Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style
Greenleaf is opening up on Amazon Canada soon so it will save the shipping times. They said November, but it's not there yet You will get access to all their stuff.

Since you got such beautiful nugs from just using the MC I don’t see any reason to try to improve on a good system especially on my first grow so I think I will follow your lead and do the same. Thanks for answering my question and the information about the Amazon.ca. I got 300 g so I should be good until it is available there.
So my little mistake turned experiment turns out it may have worked out well. It's kinda like something between a mainline and a quadline...so I call it a twinline. Or, maybe it's just a normal plant that people grow like this all the time and I am stealing the spotlight...sorry if that's the case. Anyhow, what happened was I topeed the plant as normal for a quadline, except I hit the nodes coming out at the fourth level which prevented the upper legs from growing. If I recall a center stalk came up from the but looked really stupid so I cut it off. It left a hole in the center of the stalk about the size of pea. You could look down the center and see the inside of the plant. So the first pic shows the healing...the knuckles covered it completely now and the plant just took off. It's the talles and the strongest of all four. I'm happy with the mistake.

Looking good Sauga...:bravo:


I bet you can guess which one Homer is?? :rofl:
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