Hey Homer, glad to hear that. Good things happen to good people. That might explain why my seeds are still amiss.
Stick with their feeding schedule on the website( I use grams) and you can adjust accordingly. You wont need to go less....in otherwords, no quarter or half nutes with this stuff. Go full strength. Eventually you can increase the gram weight by 10% after a week if things look good.

If Karma has anything to do with it I think you will be getting your seeds pretty soon. That must be frustrating though having them be lost, sorry about your plight.

Luckily I have a small scale so I can measure out grams pretty accurately. I watered one plant and gave it the full dose so hopefully, it should work out. Thanks for the feeding advice.
Thats awesome news man!!! Im at 0ml of nic so i just vap for flavour and motion i guess you could say.
Ya I hope to be at 0mg soon, and you're absolutely right about motion. At work I still go for my smoke breaks just because I have been doing it for 35 years, and my body wants to be there. So I go through the motions and blow clouds instead of smoke!
Lovin your garden dude! Looks mint!
Thanks brother, I got a new photo dump coming on shortly.
If Karma has anything to do with it I think you will be getting your seeds pretty soon. That must be frustrating though having them be lost, sorry about your plight.

Luckily I have a small scale so I can measure out grams pretty accurately. I watered one plant and gave it the full dose so hopefully, it should work out. Thanks for the feeding advice.
Ya it is what it is...what's discouraging is it was the free seeds from Seedsman I got for my contest win :(

MC has Nitrogen in it, so it's going to be your way of telling if you are overfeeding or not. If too much your tips will start to darken a deeper green and the tips will slightly burn. You will see a good example I think on my next photo dump. If that happens just lower your dose by 10% and wait a week for the results before upping the dose again.
If not enough, your green will be lighter similar to new growth and you can bump it up by 10%.
You should not have to flush and I feed right up until harvest. My plants have never asked for plain water so it's feed feed feed feed for me.
OK things are moving along nicely. One plant is way ahead of the others as far as flowering goes but it looks like the rest are starting to make a move now. Good girls!

Ya it is what it is...what's discouraging is it was the free seeds from Seedsman I got for my contest win :(

MC has Nitrogen in it, so it's going to be your way of telling if you are overfeeding or not. If too much your tips will start to darken a deeper green and the tips will slightly burn. You will see a good example I think on my next photo dump. If that happens just lower your dose by 10% and wait a week for the results before upping the dose again.
If not enough, your green will be lighter similar to new growth and you can bump it up by 10%.
You should not have to flush and I feed right up until harvest. My plants have never asked for plain water so it's feed feed feed feed for me.

That is a real bummer losing your free seeds. Do you mean you won the seeds for having photo of the month in September? I never thought that they actually would give out prizes on this site or was it another contest?

That sounds like a pretty good system changing the dosage 10% depending on the leaf reaction. I will try that system. When I watered today I used the full dosage of the Megacrop they suggested plus I also used my Calmag in full dose too. Is that a good idea since I am in flower?

Just saw your pics. Looking good!!
That is a real bummer losing your free seeds. Do you mean you won the seeds for having photo of the month in September? I never thought that they actually would give out prizes on this site or was it another contest?

That sounds like a pretty good system changing the dosage 10% depending on the leaf reaction. I will try that system. When I watered today I used the full dosage of the Megacrop they suggested plus I also used my Calmag in full dose too. Is that a good idea since I am in flower?

Just saw your pics. Looking good!!

Yes they have all kinds of contests... 420 Contests
Check them out and make sure you vote!

No problem in CalMag and MC..they work great together. At what stage do you think you are in flower? Early, mid, late? Unless in the late stage I would stick with the early flower stage for the first feedings.
Just went back to the beginning to see what nutes youre using.... which one in your opinion is doing better??
Good catch on that. I had to ditch the AN nutes when I switched mediums from ProMix HP to FFOF. So, they all have MegaCrop. The ones in the foreground, the runts, had their growth stunted from stress and transplant. The other two in the back, the real healthy looking ones, are in a secret organic mix that I will divulge at the end. It's a store bought product and is really blowing the FFOF away and is cheaper.
Yes they have all kinds of contests... 420 Contests
Check them out and make sure you vote!

No problem in CalMag and MC..they work great together. At what stage do you think you are in flower? Early, mid, late? Unless in the late stage I would stick with the early flower stage for the first feedings.

Yes, I will definitely check out the contests. I just assumed the editors chose the winners so it makes it a lot more fun to be able to vote and meaningful if you win.

I am at day 16 of flower so I used the mid-dosage because they called early week one and two but I think you are right better to start off low so on my next plants, as I only did one, I will use the early dosage.
You'll be fine either way Homer...it's a very forgiving nute. If you use tap water it may bring your pH right in check...I don't know since I collect rain water and use it and have to adjust mine up.

I never thought about it changing my pH. I adjusted my pH down to the 6 to 6.5 range and then added the Megagrow. Oops, I will add it first and then adjust my pH from now on.

I am interested in your cheap soil experiment because I find coco pretty expensive. Looking forward to the big reveal at the end. So did you just use your cheaper mystery soil without any additives like worm castings or Perlite? If so that would be a lot cheaper than how I went.
Thanks Ase... I was hoping mine would look more like Magoo's as his are a perfect rep of what you started. He's got it mastered. I screwed up on the topping and basically only had one good quad, but the one that only had the one set of legs has skyrocketed and it may give me some ideas with autos depending on the yield compared to others.
Sometimes a mistake could be a blessing.

What did you find may be an advantage for autos in the future? Just taking notes haha!

OK things are moving along nicely. One plant is way ahead of the others as far as flowering goes but it looks like the rest are starting to make a move now. Good girls!

The girls all look amazing sauga! For my peace of mind when did you start seeing preflowers on these PE? I know yours are form fast buds and Preston’s are from Barney’s wanted to see if they are comparible with flower starting times or if they are much different !

Thanks brother hope your well
I never thought about it changing my pH. I adjusted my pH down to the 6 to 6.5 range and then added the Megagrow. Oops, I will add it first and then adjust my pH from now on.
Yes sir, always add your nutes and stuff then adjust your pH. You probably ended up with a mixture of 5.5 or less... hopefully the one feed wont lock anything out.

What did you find may be an advantage for autos in the future? Just taking notes haha!
When you top for a quad you end up with four legs. I topped to early and ended up with two legs. The stalks are super thick and the plant has really taken off. It may give the best colas out of the lot.

The girls all look amazing sauga! For my peace of mind when did you start seeing preflowers on these PE? I know yours are form fast buds and Preston’s are from Barney’s wanted to see if they are comparible with flower starting times or if they are much different !
Ya the first was day 31 above soil, and the second a couple of days after. The latest ones were about day 38.
When you top for a quad you end up with four legs. I topped to early and ended up with two legs. The stalks are super thick and the plant has really taken off. It may give the best colas out of the lot.

Ya the first was day 31 above soil, and the second a couple of days after. The latest ones were about day 38.

Hmm that’s interesting! So a standard topping then but removal of lower nodes.

31 to 38 seems a little on the late side but hey a bit of s longer veg is always great! I belive Preston’s went 28 or 30 days I’ll have to check my notes!
Hmm that’s interesting! So a standard topping then but removal of lower nodes.
Sorry Dutchie, let me clarify as I was pretty vague looking back now.

Quads you top after the sixth node, down to the fourth and verything below the third. When I topped mine I hit the nodes coming out at the fourth level, so I topped down to the third really and nothing grew above that. So that's how I ended up with two legs and not four. If the fourth node grew, then I would have had the four legs.
Two legs are making it real beefy.
Sorry Dutchie, let me clarify as I was pretty vague looking back now.

Quads you top after the sixth node, down to the fourth and verything below the third. When I topped mine I hit the nodes coming out at the fourth level, so I topped down to the third really and nothing grew above that. So that's how I ended up with two legs and not four. If the fourth node grew, then I would have had the four legs.
Two legs are making it real beefy.

Thanks for the clarification! Interested to see her grow out then and compare her vrs the quadline
Hi Mr. Sauga :ciao:
I was wondering about how you collect your rain water? Do you do anything to it, or just use it like out of the tap? That’s really interesting, I’d imagine it’s a lot more pure. :thanks:
Good morning Birdie,
yes I have the downspout from my eaves going into the top of the rain barrell purchased at the local big box store. The rain barrell has a wire mesh screen so mosquitos can't lay eggs. The drain in the barrell is about 1/2 meter from the bottom so the sediment doesn't come out when I fill my 5gal buckets. The water is really cold right now, so there's less chance of algae building up. I store about 5 pails at a time since the winter can be longer before a melt.
We have rain forecast for next Friday, which works out perfect as I am down to two pails now. Below pic is off website and not very clear.

View media item 1631359
:hug: And a great big Hi to you as well. I am so sorry about the small setback you have to deal with. You know what you have to do to be safe until things work out, which they will. :love: We're always thinking about you here Birdie and are always around to listen and help when we can.
Have a great weekend!
Quads you top after the sixth node, down to the fourth and verything below the third. When I topped mine I hit the nodes coming out at the fourth level, so I topped down to the third really and nothing grew above that. So that's how I ended up with two legs and not four. If the fourth node grew, then I would have had the four legs.
Two legs are making it real beefy.

Duh.... I finally figured out what you mean by quading. It certainly took me long enough but I guess basically you just have 4 main branches and remove all the rest. Mystery solved, lol... I think I will try that in my next grow.
Duh.... I finally figured out what you mean by quading. It certainly took me long enough but I guess basically you just have 4 main branches and remove all the rest. Mystery solved, lol... I think I will try that in my next grow.
Yup, exactly...here's a pic from one of @Mr. Magoo 's plants, top down. You can see the main branches in the center. He's a master and if you notice he's taken his legs all the way to the outside of the pot and then lets them go vertical. You can see the sea of colas about to develop. This one is his best so far.

You can also visit Ase's journal as he is the originator of the quadline method. Very friendly and very helpful.
Ase's Multi-Strain Quadlining In Coco
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