Ya they didn't look good at all. Eight hours is all it takes from looking good to looking sad. Love the night goggles idea, but then I would never leave the tent. Not that it's a bad thing, just not good for the marriage.
The two thirtiest got a liter of rain water each so I didn't have to play around with pH.
Better that way, watering now.
Get wife into growing too, she can have her plant..
And goggles... Nice idea :)
Naw, in fact she was against it at first. She smokes, but not nearly as much as me. When the WW came down and during that grow, her attitude changed and now she has no problem in me growing. The savings are now starting to show and by my third grow I will probably have paid off all my expenses with the initial set-up.
But she doesn't want to grow, just leaves it to me.
Well I don't have any kids Birdie... so I did take your advice and go outside and make a snowman. It may explain though why I have no kids. I posted a pic below of my finished product. You're right, it was a lot of fun.

Epic snowman!!!
BOOM!!!! your plants blew up and its looking amazing! Great job man
Thanks Happy, and ya they sure did. The forefront ones won't amount to much but I couldn't cull 'em. The back left has had some issues with topping and the last one is my prize baby, the one I am pampering the most right now ;)
Thanks Happy, and ya they sure did. The forefront ones won't amount to much but I couldn't cull 'em. The back left has had some issues with topping and the last one is my prize baby, the one I am pampering the most right now ;)
Keep it up! Pumped to see some big nugz!!
I have no idea what a snow lantern is but it sounds dangerous, especially since snowmen don't like heat!

Sunday so good so far. The girls inside perked up a bit after feeding yesterday, yet today they looked kinda sad again this morning. I gave them more water as I don't think they are overwatered and I'll check on them again at lights on.
I'm not sure if it's root bound in those 5gal fab pots but I wouldn't think so. They are autos and to me haven't really gotten big enough to worry about that.
RH is around 50% and temps no higher than 79.

As for the smoking, I have been off them for just under a year. It will be a year in March. Over 30 years, a pack a day. But, I switched to vaping. I make my own juice and build my own decks so it keeps my hands busy. I make some neat flavors for my own liking but it's better than smoking IMHO.
I wish you great luck and success Birdie. It's not easy as we know but persistence and determination will get you there.
I have no idea what a snow lantern is but it sounds dangerous, especially since snowmen don't like heat!

Sunday so good so far. The girls inside perked up a bit after feeding yesterday, yet today they looked kinda sad again this morning. I gave them more water as I don't think they are overwatered and I'll check on them again at lights on.
I'm not sure if it's root bound in those 5gal fab pots but I wouldn't think so. They are autos and to me haven't really gotten big enough to worry about that.
RH is around 50% and temps no higher than 79.

As for the smoking, I have been off them for just under a year. It will be a year in March. Over 30 years, a pack a day. But, I switched to vaping. I make my own juice and build my own decks so it keeps my hands busy. I make some neat flavors for my own liking but it's better than smoking IMHO.
I wish you great luck and success Birdie. It's not easy as we know but persistence and determination will get you there.
First off congrats!!! I feel like i just read something i wrote.... i quit smoke jan 16th 2017 and started vaping as well! And me and a friend have been making vape juice also haha im sure theres alot of people out there doing the same but it helps knowing im not the only one quiting. I smoked a pack a day and now im "saving" roughly 300$ a month and i can taste things now!!! Congrats to us!!! Cheers man
Congrats Happy... my wife was the one who wanted to quit. She mentioned vaping. I'm the type of guy to go all in or don't go at all, so I went full blown into vaping. It didn't work for my wife...she still smokes, but I have to tell you I am the worst non smoker out there. I didn't realize how crappy it smells now that I don't smoke.
I never noticed it but my house smells like a motel room. It's getting better now that we have a smoking room for her but I am glad I kicked the habit.
Hiya Mr Sauga,

I know what you mean with my wife still smoking. I quit almost 2 years ago. She smokes in the cellar in the winter, and I smoke cannabis with her. My smeller is reasonably good now, and I was surprised how much it affected me. But, of course, I had to be the bigger person and leave it be. Now I'm used to it, so I dismiss it as soon as the thought pops up. Only thing, when we're on the ft. porch, I can't sit in a stream of cigarette smoke. Never will. Oh, well.

Birdie - fascinating about the snow lantern. Thanks for that.:hug::hug::hug:
How are ya @Bode?
so the longer I was off the smokes the more the smell was bothering me. I was OK at first, but then I would get home from work and really notice it, to the point it became bothersome. Hard to believe for me since smoking had been such a big part of my life.
Now this is the first winter for me not smoking, and the furnace kicks in and takes the smell from the 'smoking room' and distributes it back through the house. So I had to tape up the return duct in that room only and it made a big difference.
I can't complain...I can't make my wife quit and slowly I am starting to not let it bother me. There was a transition period there where I wanted her to stop only since she was the one who got me on the idea of quitting. Now I am slowly realizing that I quit for my own reasons and I was ready, where she still needs time.
So the plan is, if she can't quit by January 1, then she'll smoke outdoors only.
So right now I smoke weed anywhere my legs take me in the house. It's different imho, and it doesn't bother me. But is that the same as when I smoked and it never bothered me? Maybe if I quit weed I wouldn't like the smell either?
My wife smokes weed but not to the extent I do, and she has commented on 'why can you smoke weed and I can't smoke cigs' in the house and it becomes a valid argument... but it's just not the same, lol.

Thanks for sharing your story!
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