
Julie have talked about smoking a lot of times. She's not going to quit, and I have to respect that. So be it. We both decided not to smoke upstairs (living space), and it was okay to smoke down stairs (cellar) when the weather is cold (like now). What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander. Besides, I need the exercise going up and down stairs, lol. Small price to pay to get high.
Wow!!! Really looking fantastic Sauga!! :bravo::welldone:
Wow!!! Really looking fantastic Sauga!! :bravo::welldone:
It's interesting to say the least. The ones up front don't really know what to do. The back right one was the prize...but now the back left has really taken off and building some nice colas. It's soooo messed up but still beautiful.

I hope all is well with you. I haven't seen an update lately bro, so get busy!
It's interesting to say the least. The ones up front don't really know what to do. The back right one was the prize...but now the back left has really taken off and building some nice colas. It's soooo messed up but still beautiful.

I hope all is well with you. I haven't seen an update lately bro, so get busy!

Sorry for the lack of updates but I haven’t bothered since Thursday because I don’t have any questions or problems and things really haven’t changed that much in appearance since then. The girls are sleeping and I don’t like to bother them during their slumber so I will post some pics tomorrow.

It is interesting your plants look and are acting so different. Your one looks like a completely different variety but I have the same thing with my Northern Lights photos in that they are from the same company and the same strain and the two look completely different. The one that was smaller and lagging seems to be a bigger and sturdier plant now so things may change with yours also. I still don’t see any pistols on the one which is my best plant and I am just praying it is a female just a late bloomer, literally, lol.

I ordered that fertilizer you suggested November 21 and according to the tracking site it was still in California on November 27 and I haven’t had an update yet. Hopefully it is getting close to the Canadian border but it’s okay because using more of my natural fertilizer solved my brown leaf issue but I’m still looking forward to trying your stuff.

And yes I agree your plants are beautiful and nice to know someone is still checking on my thread!
Your garden is beautiful Mr Sauga :circle-of-love:
Like it would be something other than that?!?
Actually, you are doing a good fight for not smoking.:welldone:
That was always my main problem, hubby continued when I quit.
I tried 2016,and last year bout the same time as now.
Ciggies do really bother me after a while.
Here ya go Birdie... does this mean snow lantern? Snölykta
Just thought you might know.
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You got the idea and the translation too..
No place to stick a kid in now eh... :laugh::rofl::laugh:
I see what you mean about autos not flowering. Assuming they are autos, they'll pack on the buds with all those potential colas once they start!
You got the idea and the translation too..
No place to stick a kid in now eh... :laugh::rofl::laugh:
So I found the pic online, and the image had "Snölykta " in it's name. They must be popular in your country Birdie. It would be neat to see a colored lamp in there, like one of those changing LED bulbs that have several colors.
Your garden is beautiful Mr Sauga :circle-of-love:
Like it would be something other than that?!?
Thanks Birdie! Well my first grow had issues, or at least I thought it was an issue. Turned out to be a genetic thing but I worried all through the grow.
Other than my screw up with the topping, this has been a very boring grow. I'm seriously thinking of throwing some mites and ladybugs in there and watch the carnage I create. :cool:
Actually, you are doing a good fight for not smoking.:welldone:
That was always my main problem, hubby continued when I quit.
I tried 2016,and last year bout the same time as now.
Ciggies do really bother me after a while.
They never bothered me. I enjoyed smoking. I loved the smell, and the taste. I quit because my wife wanted to quit, and she knew if I still smoked it would be hard for her. So we tried together and she struggled more than me. But shortly after that I realized I quit for myself and not so much for her as it was starting to eat at me. Was I ready to quit at the time? No, but I don't regret it.
I had more will power than my wife to quit and I was able to cope with daily stress better. It's tough for her and I get that. She'll quit when she's ready.


I see what you mean about autos not flowering. Assuming they are autos, they'll pack on the buds with all those potential colas once they start!
True enough...if I don't see something soon I will be flipping this weekend. They just keep stretching like they are in flower.
I ordered that fertilizer you suggested November 21 and according to the tracking site it was still in California on November 27 and I haven’t had an update yet. Hopefully it is getting close to the Canadian border but it’s okay because using more of my natural fertilizer solved my brown leaf issue but I’m still looking forward to trying your stuff.

And yes I agree your plants are beautiful and nice to know someone is still checking on my thread!

Well it could be a while... this was a snippet I took off Canada Post's website. My seeds are held up there in a trailer somewhere.

  • for International parcels: Delays are likely to stretch into March of 2019. International items will require screening by the Canada Border Services Agency. We are working in partnership with them to manage the significant existing backlog.
These are looking great to me! Your training is very well done.
Thanks Ase... I was hoping mine would look more like Magoo's as his are a perfect rep of what you started. He's got it mastered. I screwed up on the topping and basically only had one good quad, but the one that only had the one set of legs has skyrocketed and it may give me some ideas with autos depending on the yield compared to others.
Sometimes a mistake could be a blessing.
How are ya @Bode?
so the longer I was off the smokes the more the smell was bothering me. I was OK at first, but then I would get home from work and really notice it, to the point it became bothersome. Hard to believe for me since smoking had been such a big part of my life.
Now this is the first winter for me not smoking, and the furnace kicks in and takes the smell from the 'smoking room' and distributes it back through the house. So I had to tape up the return duct in that room only and it made a big difference.
I can't complain...I can't make my wife quit and slowly I am starting to not let it bother me. There was a transition period there where I wanted her to stop only since she was the one who got me on the idea of quitting. Now I am slowly realizing that I quit for my own reasons and I was ready, where she still needs time.
So the plan is, if she can't quit by January 1, then she'll smoke outdoors only.
So right now I smoke weed anywhere my legs take me in the house. It's different imho, and it doesn't bother me. But is that the same as when I smoked and it never bothered me? Maybe if I quit weed I wouldn't like the smell either?
My wife smokes weed but not to the extent I do, and she has commented on 'why can you smoke weed and I can't smoke cigs' in the house and it becomes a valid argument... but it's just not the same, lol.

Thanks for sharing your story!

I’m the same way. I quit 8yrs ago and my fiancé was a smoker when we first started seeing each other. I didn’t like that she smoked the smell is what bothered me the most but she was wanting to quit and with my support she was able to kick it and has been smoke free for going on 3+yrs now!!

I still find the smell of cigarettes to be gross but I do smoke weed everywhere I am. The fiancé doesn’t say anything about my smoking even though she doesn’t smoke. I’m sure it bothers her sometimes but she’s an amazing woman and let’s me do me!

Even taking over our bedroom with growing lol

Day 40 above soil
Quick photo dump...for autos they don't seem to eager to really flower

Dam sauga! Those girls are oooking great! Awesome job on the training so far and once they kick into full flower mode I’m sure you will get excited !

I love the carnage battles of ladybugs lol!
Git r done!!

Hope your well brother
It sounds like you hit a gold mine with your girl Dutchie...don't ever let her down! The fact she supports you and doesn't smoke herself says millions about you as a person. You're a good man!

So I went over to @SeedsMan to see their policy on the Canada Postal strike re shipping to Canada, and in fact they have one.
Normally from what I understand is if the package has not arrived after 25 days and you paid for stealth they will reship your order. However, the short term policy overrides this and they will not reship, and if you don't receive your order you may be SOL.
I can understand the policy as people like to run a scam when they can, and if Seedsman reshipped everone's oder then eventually most people will have gotten double orders. I don't blame them, I just hope they get through customs.
Royal Mail updated their site to say it was handed of to their partner, Canada Post, so that's a positive sign. And of course with Canada Post saying the backlog could go until March there's a good chance they will get lost.
I have faith in the Canadian postal system, just not much at the moment.
Hey Sauga, I got my Mega Crop today!! Pretty happy about that since it was only 15 days from California with the backlog from the strike. I was afraid it might be much longer. Anyway, happy to get that and with my Calmag I should be all set for bloom. Thanks for telling me about the Mega Crop. :ciao:
It sounds like you hit a gold mine with your girl Dutchie...don't ever let her down! The fact she supports you and doesn't smoke herself says millions about you as a person. You're a good man!

So I went over to @SeedsMan to see their policy on the Canada Postal strike re shipping to Canada, and in fact they have one.
Normally from what I understand is if the package has not arrived after 25 days and you paid for stealth they will reship your order. However, the short term policy overrides this and they will not reship, and if you don't receive your order you may be SOL.
I can understand the policy as people like to run a scam when they can, and if Seedsman reshipped everone's oder then eventually most people will have gotten double orders. I don't blame them, I just hope they get through customs.
Royal Mail updated their site to say it was handed of to their partner, Canada Post, so that's a positive sign. And of course with Canada Post saying the backlog could go until March there's a good chance they will get lost.
I have faith in the Canadian postal system, just not much at the moment.

Thanks sauga!

I feel the same way why I’m marrying her haha! She’s an amazing woman and I couldn’t see myself with out her.

Cheers brother
Hey Sauga, I got my Mega Crop today!! Pretty happy about that since it was only 15 days from California with the backlog from the strike. I was afraid it might be much longer. Anyway, happy to get that and with my Calmag I should be all set for bloom. Thanks for telling me about the Mega Crop. :ciao:
Hey Homer, glad to hear that. Good things happen to good people. That might explain why my seeds are still amiss.
Stick with their feeding schedule on the website( I use grams) and you can adjust accordingly. You wont need to go otherwords, no quarter or half nutes with this stuff. Go full strength. Eventually you can increase the gram weight by 10% after a week if things look good.
Congrats Happy... my wife was the one who wanted to quit. She mentioned vaping. I'm the type of guy to go all in or don't go at all, so I went full blown into vaping. It didn't work for my wife...she still smokes, but I have to tell you I am the worst non smoker out there. I didn't realize how crappy it smells now that I don't smoke.
I never noticed it but my house smells like a motel room. It's getting better now that we have a smoking room for her but I am glad I kicked the habit.
Thats awesome news man!!! Im at 0ml of nic so i just vap for flavour and motion i guess you could say.
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