RockGrower's Soil Grow 4 Kinds of Kush!

Looking great. Nice setup, very clean. If you don't need that light for heat, you can totally turn it off until they show themselves. Save some electricity that way.
I kind of need the light for heat I turned the light off last night and the temp in the tent dropped to 17.5c and 17 in the room.
You should get yourself a little space heater. It will come in handy. Until then I would just run the light 24 hours to keep the temp over 20C (23C) is perfect.
Thanks for the feed back dude, I decided to save myself on electricity like u mentioned so I turned everythig off and turned the temp up in the room where the tent is.
Well so far 3 of the ladies have sprouted and Im still waiting on the Afghan to sprout. Its been 3 days since the last one sprouted and Afhan hasent so Im wondering about that one. Here are a few more pictures. They are bigger so I will try and get a few more up later. The typoon fan I got is a little louder than I was hoping anyone got tips how to make it a little more silent?


UPDATE 02/16/2010
Woke up this morning and check the ladies they are looking wonderful but Afghan still hasent sprouted so I think I got a dud there. Lifting up the pots I noticed that the roots are starting to grow out of the bottom, should I transplant these now into bigger containers or wait till the baby leaves fall of before tranplanting? Here are a few pics.


Hey RG,

I have been lurking around, and subscribed to your grow. I would recommend transplanting now. If you have some roots coming out already, do it now, because waiting can cause more stress issues for the plant.

Once the seed germs, and the sprout is up, that first week is all about getting the roots built for uptake, and stability. That is the plants mission, IMO!

The pre leaves don't always fall off that fast. I've had them stay 3 weeks before having to pull them off (plants were already 8" tall).
When you pull these little ones out, you will be amazed at the root structure after 3-5 days of sprout.

Cheers! :goodluck:
Hey RG,

I have been lurking around, and subscribed to your grow. I would recommend transplanting now. If you have some roots coming out already, do it now, because waiting can cause more stress issues for the plant.

Once the seed germs, and the sprout is up, that first week is all about getting the roots built for uptake, and stability. That is the plants mission, IMO!

The pre leaves don't always fall off that fast. I've had them stay 3 weeks before having to pull them off (plants were already 8" tall).
When you pull these little ones out, you will be amazed at the root structure after 3-5 days of sprout.

Cheers! :goodluck:

Personally i wait till i see roots poking out from the water drains at the bottom of the container before i transplant. That way it ensures lots of root development and makes the transplant very easy.

Thanks for the input guys I really appriciate it. Xbox the roots are already dropping out of the pot even after I water them, the soil was really really dry so I water the plants again. Once they dry alittle I will transplant them to the final containers for the grow. I wanted 4 plants to grow but the Afghan still never sprouted so I will take a few clones for the next grow and just go with 3 for this one I think.
:hmmmm:UPDATE 02/17/2011
So I just noticed on my last update I put the year as was I ever stoned lololol. Well today I transplanted the ladies into their final containers. Afghan still never sprouted so I skimmed thru the soil in the pot after I transplanted the others and found the seed :hmmmm: It was soft and soaked but after not sprouting for 7 days Im guessing it was a dud so I cracked it open and it looked as if the inside was rotted :whoa: A loss there but it worked out cause after my soil settled in the 4 gallon containers I needed a little more to bring the ladies to the leveled height I wanted. I will either punch a couple holes in the containers to have something to tie the braches to for some LST!

Question? I added 2 tsp of Root66 to 2 liters of water after I tranplanted to help with the roots. Thats what it said on the container, so after I went to the website and found a feeding schedual that I will follow and that schedual asked for 2tsp per 4 liters :smokin: I hope this doesnt cause any problems with nut burn if it do I will just flush a few days with frsh water. So here are a few pics of the ladies as of today :slide:





Its great to see the progress with the plants so far, as an earlier poster mentioned I will see how much the roots have advanced. I didnt think to take a pic of those but the roots were already circling the pot. Excited to se more.
Got some issues Im needing help with :helpsmilie: Temps are getting upto 27c in the tent during the day so I leave the zippered door a little open to get some cool air from a air exchanger vent to seep into the tent bringing the tent temp to about 25.1-26c will that cause much harm to the ladies? I was thinking of getting a hose to bring that air exchanger air into the tent from one of the supplied holes but then Im worried about temps at night which can drop too 17.5c cause the light is off and I usually turn the fan off as well cause Im not worried about the smell at the moment. ALSO at night with everything off and the tent sealed should I worry about stale air where there is no circulation during night? Thinking of adding 2 liter homemade C02 bottles for that purpose! Any help with that as well? So MANY questions Im just wanting a quality product :tokin:
The 27c which I translated to f is 80 degrees and that not really bad at all for day time temps, just keep it under 85 degress. The 17.5c 63 degrees is too cold for night time temp thou. Have you thought about adding a small heater. You still need proper ventilation and circulation at night.
Those nutes are fine dude, I dont know if anyone answered you yet or not I didnt end up reading the whole thread but they are decent. That kit has anything and everything you could possibly need for more than likely your whole grow. I bought the same one and thought I needed to switch to something else, one of those impulse things, something else, anything else....just something else to waist money on. I ended up going with Fox farms, and believe it or not, that little recipe for success thing has saved my ass more than once.
The 27c which I translated to f is 80 degrees and that not really bad at all for day time temps, just keep it under 85 degress. The 17.5c 63 degrees is too cold for night time temp thou. Have you thought about adding a small heater. You still need proper ventilation and circulation at night.

Thanks for the feedback the temps at night are upto 19.5c-20c now so thats awesome. When the plants start smelling I will leave the fan on at all hours anyway so I think I will need to put a small heater of some sort in there for the night time temps. I will hook a dry hose from the ceiling where the air exchanger air comes into the room and have that flowing into the tent some great fresh air for the babies. Maybe I can put in a small camping propane heater that way the plants will get some CO2 as well.

Those nutes are fine dude, I dont know if anyone answered you yet or not I didnt end up reading the whole thread but they are decent. That kit has anything and everything you could possibly need for more than likely your whole grow. I bought the same one and thought I needed to switch to something else, one of those impulse things, something else, anything else....just something else to waist money on. I ended up going with Fox farms, and believe it or not, that little recipe for success thing has saved my ass more than once.

Thanks for your feedback as well, the recipe for success is what Im going to start using starting the next feed.
UPDATE 02/22/2011
Well I deffinatly thought by reading this site for the last 7 years that alot more people would be commenting on your thread adding a few hints or tips but that dont seem to be the case I guess most only like seeing the massive grows with "PERFECT TECHNIQUES" lol. Im now debating on doing the LST cause I slipped this weekend on ice and smashed my face and jacked my hand! Im no hospital bitch so its healing on its own but Im sure I got a broken finger and fractured orbital bone hahaha. Things are going well with the ladies and they are getting bigger everyday. Here are the pictures.

Group Shot

Burmese Kush

Violator Kush

Vanilla Kush

Thats it again for now no problems and if no replies no worries Im going to keep this journal anyway!
Dude you definitely should LST, it will increase your yield tremendously!

For example, look at how it turns out:



As you can see, much more branches and tops coming out. And with proper FIMming and Topping, you can easily yield a huge amount with the proper lighting. :slide:

Also them lil babies are looking mighty fine there, off to a great start, with leaves angled to the light and no burns. w00t ! :goodluck:

Following you Rock. Nice setup! I have been researching for awhile now and haven't had a first grow yet. I got my order all lined up and think I will order tomorrow. I am doing a very similar setup with DR150, Burmese Kush and Vanilla Kush. Not exactly sure what grow method or nutrients I am going to use yet.
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