Thanks Bee23! I like those pictures too, very pretty looking buds for sure.
Hey Sportsman... you are gonna be in for a real treat with this. I couldn't help myself and tried another small piece and this is gonna be the shit for sure! This is the stickiest I have handled, I ripped off a small piece and my fingers were sticking together just from the slight touch.
Anyway... I was surprised how different the 3 plants were. All were 12/12 schedule from seed and the tallest ended up being 47 inches and the other two were about 32 inches I think, I don't remember exactly on them. You may want to try LST (lots of people doing that here so there are plenty of examples) or top the plants (which I may do in my next grow with these) I am not how tall they would get if there were to veg but I would probably not let them veg past 12 inches if height is an issue.
CFLs should be ok too they just may stretch a little on ya since mine had mainly CFLs on them for the first about 2 months I think. Then I got another MH ballast for them.
You are going to need a carbon filter or some kind of odor control with this breed, they STINK (but in a good way ;-) ) Also, like I said, the yield is not that great from going 12/12 from start but the quality is totally top-notch. Good luck with your grow, I'll watch for your journal.