Red Diesel 12/12

i thought i saw another tutorial, one with pics but i have yet to find that one. Best of luck, are you gunna try to make it??? I think i might if i get bored enough one day haha
I think i might try and make it once my plants get to the point where they there stinky. If you do end up making it if you wouldnt mind priv messaging me some advice that would be pretty sweeeeet. If not its all good haha, thanks for the help.
not trying to hijac the thread , I just figured he'd see this here :)
Respects :grinjoint:


Simple Carbon Scrubber

With a few pieces of screen cut to fit on both sides of where
the carbon is in the tube, I easily converted one like in the
video to an Inline scrubber :)

Peace RoorRip
Well thank you very much for posting this! But im a little confused. So i understand how to make it and that seems easy enough i could accomplish but how exactly does it work? Dont you need some sort of fan to be sucking the air through the carbon...? or does the air jsut flow through it or does the carbon just eliminate the smell or what? Sorry im not very knowledable on this subject... also in the video he doesnt cover the top so wouldnt carbon fall out...? i saw another video where the guy put a panty hose on the top and duct taped it to prevent the carbon from coming out....that seems like a good idea>?
Yeah, the smell will surprise you, it is pretty strong. Here is the link to making a cheap $25 carbon filter with pictures, you'll just need to get a cheap squirrel cage fan.
First grow{up coming soon}
Hmm i think im extremely stupid lol. So for my grow im doing it in a closet, but i dont really have a ventilation system. I was just planning on opening the closet door every once and a while to let fresh air in. I also will have a fan going on in there. Does that mean i cant use a carbon filter? or does anybody know what i could do?
IMO you should at least have an exhaust fan pumping your hot air out, and if you get an exhaust pump you can connect your carbon scrubber to the end of that so the air blowing out doesn't smell.
Hey Sportsman, you got your vent problem figured out, right?

Anyway... I couldn't resist and had to try another small bowl of this stuff...Damn....this is really really good! Only curing since 11/12 and it is better than all of the taste and effect. So, I am going to treat myself to one small bowl every Friday night to check the progress until the 4 month cure is complete. <This is an insert because I was just proof reading this and noticed that today is not Friday, LOL, I am really wasted> I'll start this Friday :cheesygrinsmiley:

There is a definite fuel smell to this with a very fragrant flowery smell and slight citrus grapefruit-like smell. It hits the lungs good and hard as soon as you take it in. Then when you exhale it hits your head and eyes then a few minutes later the body gets nice and relaxed. Right about now...maybe 10 more minutes into it I am pretty wasted and struggling to type this and remember what I am typing about...Too I can't tell you how long it is taking me to type this because this s fantastic stuff....HIGHLY recommended so far.....wait until the 4 month update...So far red diesel is:

denseness: 3
smell: intoxicating 10 ( l love it)
effect: 9 spacey and slightly heavy on body
strength: 8 - 9

Check out the pictures of a few of my buds in the nug-of-the-month contest, I'm on page 2 but there are a lot of nice looking pics in there: 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month Contest - November 2008

I just got finished proof reading this and now my head is relaxed too :thedoubletake: I'm goin' to bed....peace
Dam dude im soooooooooooooooooooooo pissed. That stuff sounds amazing but i dont know if im going to be able to continue my grow. I told my mom and she doesnt want me doing it for fear of it like burning down the house. Ugh shes so stupid. Im going to have to wait until i can afford my own apartment. I was thinking id try and make a stealth box to veg in until then. im so jelous of you and ur red diesel lol
Sorry to hear that Sportsman....that's a bummer! Did you show her that you are using cfls for light and they do not get hot at all? They also pull very little amps so the electricity bill will hardly go up at all.. Anyway, if you have to have to wait...When you do get a chance I think they are the bomb so far.
Ya man shes fucking stubborn. I explained everything to her but I think she really just didnt want me growing it even though it wasnt dangerous. I even calculated the cost per month and said i would cover it but she refused. I have them vegging in a stealth box right now with just 1 CFL. I couldnt bear to see my babies die. Hopefully i will be able to find a place to flower them in time
I have a spot!!!! you should'nt kill cannabis unless you have to bro!!! there's fields and stuff like that...give it a sporting chance!!! Plus a licensed electrician can tell your mom unless you seriously pulling more than 2000 watts from 1 single plug your cool!(if you are use multiple plugs) Unless it's a 220v - then pour the lights on!!!!
^^^ carpool!!!!
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