Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Having that nice of a handle on the environment is great. Someday I hope to. So what's the plan one bud to a bucket?
There's a hole in the bucket. But the 1gal jars will be here Friday. I've got a couple dozen quart jars from the last grow that most of it will go into. Tomorrow the 200 Proof ethyl will arrive. Woo Hoo! We should have a spodie. :) Also arriving tomorrow are four of the Caliber IV hygrometers so I don't screw the pooch during the end game. I want so badly for this once in a lifetime grow to finish well.
Congrats on your motm nomination my dear friend. Good luck mate .
Yeah... about that. My religion specifically prohibits participation in contests. I have tendered my withdrawal.
I'm so glad you understand, Scrogdawg. :)
But as in all religions there was a schism and I felt compelled to branch off from the teachings of the Church of the Holy Frisbee. I founded the Church of Nihilistic Vainglorious Bastards to more accurately reflect the narcissism, low standards, and questionable morals with which I feel most comfortable.

Are these giant bananas?
Funny how a little research can lead you full circle. Both the MamaThai Pineapple Chunk and the MamaThai ThaiStik come from Weaselcracker. And here is the answer to my question.
What to do about nanners?
Well I guess you could just cut them out then.... If that's what you really want... .
I've got nothing against hermies or nanners... just not my style. :)
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