Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Just goes to show that it's better to be lucky than good. It's been a wild ride for sure!

I'm taking the rest of the MTPC down tomorrow morning. Then I can move the Thaibodian Skunk into the big room and shut down the lighting and RDWC in the 4x4.
This has been so enjoyable to follow along with. You surely are related to the Hulk. That is one green thumb you have there. I will never reach that level of grow as I am scared of heights and there is no way I am going up the ladder that far. You sir are the reason the ball game is over, You hit the dam thing clean out of the park.
It almost looks like an abattoir and you are slaughtering small furry animals..

And that trunk could be Home Tree for an Avatar sequel..
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Sorry I meant señor!!!! Damn autocorrect

Edit bow that I think about it I think that's happened to shed too where it was supposed to be señor shed and I typed senior shed .. Ok I'm total idiot and everyone probably thinks I'm trying to call them old..... whoops!
Has your voice changed due to too much pressure around vocal chords with the newly enlarged head circumference?

Makes sense...
You'd be the expert on enlarged heads pressing on vocal cords! bwahahahahaha
That MTTS looks massive next to the MTPC.
It's even more obvious how big the MTTS is now that it's standing next to a lone MTPC. The thing is a BEAST! But unlike the MTPC it isn't producing the massive underbuds. Much more normal popcorn going on under the canopy.

I've been letting the nighttime temps drop down to the low 60s for a while now while keeping daytime temps down around 75F. The thought is to force them to put full effort into flower maturation and trichome production. They started getting noticeably frostier after I dropped temps. Coincidence or effect? I don't know. Just felt like the right thing to do. The plants had stopped growing completely and started pulling nutes from the leaves. The transpiration rate dropped like crazy. They'd been producing 3gal in the dehumidifier every day and now it's barely a trickle. The roots are still at 69F so I'm not putting them into hibernation.

edit: I also reduced light intensity to not stress them into doing weird things like herm or foxtail. Humidity is down to a steady 35ish percent.
Your attention to environment is incredible. Your plants are off the chain.....congratulations!
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