Rider509: Two Thais & G13


Nice hygrometers! Did you test any? 77% does seem pretty high and those buds packed pretty tight. Good idea to air them out a while.
Random Ramblings

First a couple of product reviews. The SensorPush bluetooth temp/humidity device kicks ass. It samples data way more frequently than necessary and logs it all for up to twenty days in the device, then dumps it to your iPhone or Android when you are in range. It's calibration enabled through the software, though I'm running it as it came because it's close fricking enough. The first data screen (shown) is a summary, but the next screen plots temp and rH over selectable time intervals, as well a min/max ranges for both. It has alarm functions for both which can be set to alarm when a reading drops below or rises above user defined settings. It's a pretty cool tool as is, but if you're REALLY anal retentive and can't wait to know what's going on there's a bluetooth to wifi converter box available that allows you to port the signal to a router, which you can then Port Forward.

But the real stars of the show are the tiny temp/humidity meters that InTheShed turned me on to. Inexpensive, accurate, and small enough to easily fit in even the pint sized canning jars. They saved this first lot from certain bud rot. Bounce back a couple of pages because I can't remember what they're called, or better yet, PM Shed because I'm sure he'd appreciate a couple of hundred PMs asking the same question. :)


Somebody care to 'splainiate how my water could go from hard as hell 300ppm to beautifully soft 80ppm in one week? And yes, my unit is calibrated as often as you might suspect a control freak would do it. I'm not complaining! I'll take 80ppm forever!


I'm having to really learn about drying this time around because the buds are so much bigger than my previous grow. Even these underbuds dwarf my previous attempts. I'll be reaching out for help when the truly big buds are in the drying room.

Big and small I love them all. Haha.

The Thaibodian Skunk from my other grow puts a smile on my face. I want the MTPC gone yesterday so I can move these girls under the twin suns.
Thanks Rider but no smoke test from me. I work on flight hardware and get drug tested so I'm just the gardener for my daughter. I use to be a big stoner in the day and got to tell ya I don't know how I've gotten this far without trying out my girls. Some stinky, sticky, girls I've grown. (Hairs on arms standing up right now just talking about them)
Yeah, I know! That was why the cheesy grin at the end. We grow killer plants and don't even partake. And we're not alone. I've spoken to others here on 420Mags that are in the same boat.
I've spoken to others here on 420Mags that are in the same boat.

Like me.

But the real stars of the show are the tiny temp/humidity meters that InTheShed turned me on to. Inexpensive, accurate, and small enough to easily fit in even the pint sized canning jars. They saved this first lot from certain bud rot. Bounce back a couple of pages because I can't remember what they're called, or better yet, PM Shed because I'm sure he'd appreciate a couple of hundred PMs asking the same question. :)

Here FFS!
SUKRAGRAHA Mini Digital Temperature Humidity Meter Gauge Thermometer Hygrometer LCD Degree Fahrenheit

The Vac bag is how I am going to do it. You can just chew up a little..... Some of the events in that thread are nuts.

You need to start another Journal for that. It is going to a process on its own... LOL

JustMeds, it'd be cool to do a serious joint journal on Malawi cobs and try to get something definitive on the process. I've read quite a few pages on it and there seems to be no solid evidence of what works and what doesn't. I'm going to keep digging. I'm wondering if doing an H2O2 wash might stave off any chance of bud rot, or if it would kill off naturally occurring bacteria that is crucial to the process. So much to learn!

And you KNOW you're going to be doing the smoke report! Not sure where you live but I'll find a way to get it to you.
Like me.

Here FFS!
SUKRAGRAHA Mini Digital Temperature Humidity Meter Gauge Thermometer Hygrometer LCD Degree Fahrenheit

LMAO! I knew you'd come through! Thanks Shed. :Namaste:
From the pictures of the finished cobs I think they're supposed to rot. The corn husks must play some roll in curing the rot. Either that or they're just plain rotten and thats why the dude passes out for 15 minutes after he smokes it.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

That thought crossed my mind too, Derbs. But then I tried shaking them out of a jar. Damned sticky things have fused into a solid mass. I'm off to WallyWorld to see if I can find those narrow wooden tongs to pull them out with.

I normally don't fill my jars all the way up so I can shake them around real good so the bottoms don't start getting to humid and clumping everything together to bad. Up until after the first week I just keep them 50% full give or take. After that I fill the jars up and still do a burp I just go from two burps the first week to one burp the second week then after that I just air out the jar for a few minutes a day and check the bottom bugs every couple of days until humidity quits changing.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I normally don't fill my jars all the way up so I can shake them around real good so the bottoms don't start getting to humid and clumping everything together to bad. Up until after the first week I just keep them 50% full give or take. After that I fill the jars up and still do a burp I just go from two burps the first week to one burp the second week then after that I just air out the jar for a few minutes a day and check the bottom bugs every couple of days until humidity quits changing.
Just ordered eight 1gal widemouth glass jars. Several of the colas won't fit in a quart jar, and the extra room will only benefit the overall cause. I'm going to have to let everything hang in the drying room until stems snap and just trust that the buds retain enough moisture for a successful cure. Too dry is better than too wet given that the bulk of this grow will be decarbed and extracted. But I'd still like to ensure that its properly cured and able to withstand long term storage. The next stage of this adventure is about to begin in earnest. If I make it through drying and curing then I get to figure out the extraction bit. I'm already looking at building a still to recapture the 200 proof alcohol. Maybe moonshine is in my future. Since I did a couple of years as the head brewer for a local micro I've got that end of things down pat.
You already have a load of coils floating around no? Even if they're not copper, they're still pretty still-like.
I'd considered that coil but it's a 100' double wrap of 3/8" and a 20' single wrap of 5/16". The double wrap won't work because it won't gravity flow the condensed distillate. Derbs, will the 20' single coil in an ice water bath work to condense the distillate? It's stainless steel so the thermal transfer coefficient isn't as good as copper but maybe?

edit: Oh hell, just remembered that a friend went from a 5gal to a 50gal distillery system. I'd bet I could pick up his 5 for a song.
JustMeds, it'd be cool to do a serious joint journal on Malawi cobs and try to get something definitive on the process. I've read quite a few pages on it and there seems to be no solid evidence of what works and what doesn't. I'm going to keep digging. I'm wondering if doing an H2O2 wash might stave off any chance of bud rot, or if it would kill off naturally occurring bacteria that is crucial to the process. So much to learn!

And you KNOW you're going to be doing the smoke report! Not sure where you live but I'll find a way to get it to you.
You got the goods, I had idea.... Why is SD running for the door..
Dam , you are a man of many dances.
My dad once told me that I was too arrogant and cocksure because I approached everything with "I got this." I've crammed a lot of life into 60 years by believing I can do anything I set my mind to and being an obsessive learner. Wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe that first marriage.

My intro to the forums last January. My dad was right. I'm an arrogant prick! But I have fun with it. :)
Rider509 - Certified Fricking Genius & Master Of Everything
Have you considered food saver bags? I mean my 3 footers wouldn't cut it for you but maybe 5 footers? I obviously don't suck any air out, but so far they are doing great for me!
My dad once told me that I was too arrogant and cocksure because I approached everything with "I got this." I've crammed a lot of life into 60 years by believing I can do anything I set my mind to and being an obsessive learner. Wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe that first marriage.

My intro to the forums last January. My dad was right. I'm an arrogant prick! But I have fun with it. :)
Rider509 - Certified Fricking Genius & Master Of Everything
You may think arrogant prick. I think someone who has alot of experience to back up the thoughts. If I ever get chance to meet your smart ass in person I will shake your hand.
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