Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I had a good laugh this morning when I went to vote for MOTM. These are the criteria... and my shortcomings.

Greeting new members-----------fricking newbies!
Helping people with questions----Oh, you want to be spoonfed? Do I look like your mama?
Activism efforts--------------------Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
Promoting our sponsors-----------Blurples are bad, mmmkay?
Activity and content generation---Teddy deletes my best stuff!
Reporting violations----------------I AM the violation!

When does it close on all of them?
The voting? End of the month. Nominees are announced on the 15th and the winner on the 1st.

edit:Oh, you want to be spoonfed? Do I look like your mama?
bwahahahaha, I crack myself up.
Was not for sure with them starting on the 15th.

Nice of you to offer to feed me. I am getting closer to needing it in the future then I am looking back when I did.
LOL, I know what ya mean. Give it a few years and I'll be back in diapers. I wonder if they make Sponge Bob or SpiderMan Depends?
This is what I get for ignoring the Thaibodian Skunk. Poor neglected things. I see a res change and flush in their future. Frost is building nicely.
These pics were taken through Method Seven grow glasses to color correct for HPS. Not bad, right?

Mother nature will find a way to keep shit growing if even given half a chance. I sure don't think she was struggling to much in your room. Them look great.
The pH was much too high. It was sitting at pH6.4 for way too long which is enough to induce a copper deficiency. Did a res flush and change and brought the nutes in at 900ppm and pH5.8. Problem solved... I hope!
The pH was much too high. It was sitting at pH6.4 for way too long which is enough to induce a copper deficiency. Did a res flush and change and brought the nutes in at 900ppm and pH5.8. Problem solved... I hope!
Had the opposite mate. Veg / flower swinging both ways like JM said .

(queue SDs comment on swinging both ways lol)
I use this pump to degas silicone. It's a two-stage pump and can pull 30" Hg very quickly. Should do the trick for vacuum assisted evaporation of the alcohol. Now I need to rig up a recovery chiller.

I use this pump to degas silicone. It's a two-stage pump and can pull 30" Hg very quickly. Should do the trick for vacuum assisted evaporation of the alcohol. Now I need to rig up a recovery chiller.

What a great idea. That should go pretty quick. Never thought of that.
I use this pump to degas silicone. It's a two-stage pump and can pull 30" Hg very quickly. Should do the trick for vacuum assisted evaporation of the alcohol. Now I need to rig up a recovery chiller.

I’ve seen these! Where’d you get yours? I really want to get one.
The forums are back! Woohoo! I've missed you guys.

I got Monica on Amazon. It's a two stage pump which sucks harder than I need for degassing/ evaporating of extracts but my primary use is with platinum cure silicone that needs fast degassing. Did my research and it was a good price on a well reviewed product.
This is what I get for ignoring the Thaibodian Skunk. Poor neglected things. I see a res change and flush in their future. Frost is building nicely.
These pics were taken through Method Seven grow glasses to color correct for HPS. Not bad, right?


Nice pics!

(I only did that to show you that the day you've been hoping for and dreaming about appears to have arrived...)
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