Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Sorry, Scrogdawg. They are now political refugees due to Bill C-16. They no longer want to live where it's a crime to use pronouns to refer to someone based on their apparent gender if it runs counter to a desired gender identity. They said, and I quote, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but wants to be called a goose... it must be Canadian."

I don't even have a witty retort for that folks. He speaks the truth, absurd as it sounds.
I don't even have a witty retort for that folks. He speaks the truth, absurd as it sounds.

No....Wait.....I take that back. You fuckers let Bruce Jenner win Woman of the Year. Bahahahahahhaaa.............
No....Wait.....I take that back. You fuckers let Bruce Jenner win Woman of the Year. Bahahahahahhaaa.............
You mean that wasn't just a Facebook joke? Did that shit really happen?
I so badly want to change my screen name to Jeff Sessions on this forum.

Oh my god hahahahahahahhaa

Members would ban you.

On a more serious note this measure is more less to indict people on large scale trafficking operations operating out of legal states under the protection of Obama era legislation.
I don't think he's worried st all about the home grows but we shall see.
I think trump would fire him if he went after the legal citizen grows and consumption as 56% of his fan base does support legalization.

Guess we will see how this one plays out.
Vermont legalized today. Takes effect July first
On a more serious note this measure is more less to indict people on large scale trafficking operations operating out of legal states under the protection of Obama era legislation.
I don’t think he’s worried st all about the home grows but we shall see.
I think trump would fire him if he went after the legal citizen grows and consumption as 56% of his fan base does support legalization.

I agree Rooster. It would be pretty hard to put the genie back in the bottle now.
I voted for Trump, but only because I wanted to see the status quo shaken to its foundation. Let's not forget that the man is a fucking idiot. Successful, but an idiot nonetheless. I don't expect rational thought from him. That's one of the things that I banked on! LOL.
Oh my god hahahahahahahhaa

Members would ban you.

On a more serious note this measure is more less to indict people on large scale trafficking operations operating out of legal states under the protection of Obama era legislation.
I don’t think he’s worried st all about the home grows but we shall see.
I think trump would fire him if he went after the legal citizen grows and consumption as 56% of his fan base does support legalization.

Guess we will see how this one plays out.
Vermont legalized today. Takes effect July first

I think that you are right. This is mre to keep from people operating in legal states and shipping it across borders. It would have to be big enough to get the feds involved. The smaller local grows like you have on here would still fall under local jurisdiction. I do think that this is a POS move though when more and more states are legalizing it. Everyone I talk to looks at this as a huge step backwards.
I think that you are right. This is mre to keep from people operating in legal states and shipping it across borders. It would have to be big enough to get the feds involved. The smaller local grows like you have on here would still fall under local jurisdiction. I do think that this is a POS move though when more and more states are legalizing it. Everyone I talk to looks at this as a huge step backwards.

Agreed. But I think eventually enough states will jump on board if not for the logical reasons than for the money train, once enough states have done it then maybe we will see this reversed and acknowledged on the federal level.

Or I hope
That is where my head is as well. It's too far down the rabbit hole. The majority of the people want it legal and there is the all mighty dollar at stake. Too much money to be made from it. Question is will they go overboard and restrict it to dispensaries only, no growing or will they use CO and CA as models.
LOL. I just had a vision of the Gmen storming Riders grow with trench coats, fedoras and Tommy guns then destroying the grow with pick axes and sledge hammers like the prohibition days.

I see in Riders state the attorney general on the west side of the hills has said nothing will change for her on the enforcement side, but the attorney general on the east side is reserving judgement. I wonder how it would look if half the state was legal and half wasn't.
You have to know that this is all heading towards govt/big money controlling production, processing, and distribution.

Bill-174 in ontario You mean? The government monopolization of an enterprise. The witch in power here needs her hand in every cookie jar and she's scared she won't be able to spend her way to reelection. The funny thing is everyone I know will continue to buy from the sources they use now. So this is a huge waste of tax dollars setting up yet another fat bureaucracy where oversight and control will far out strip any tax earnings they receive. Proven models of store front operations paying the taxes into the government are working and showing its the right way to go. You collect the taxes the licensing, force the industry to form control measures and the individual who wants to take part in the industry from the ground up would be able to do so. Under these laws its basically still illegal unless you grow your own or buy it from the government. I know lots of ppl who would pay excellent money for the stuff were able to produce here and its a shame if I wanted to be rewarded for my efforts I'd be in the same boat as 10 years ago. So I grow for me and small group of friends who will be donating peripherals like pumps and butes for free smoke. Anyway I'm high and ful of tacos and that makes me rambly.
I agree, Gpa. This journal is beyond redemption now and should be erased from the archives!
But before it goes away, here's a shot of some pretty flowers to soothe your jangled nerves.
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