Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I don't think so Tim
Looking top notch! Well i guess my daughter is another that wants more holes in her. Taking her to get belly button pierced. Should b fun what every father likes to take his daughter to do. But she is a real gem straight honor classes and top of her class she gets what she wants LONG AS I APPROVE!! Looking great Rider!!
This post is only for messing around with ALT codes and html tags to try to get mathematical notations.
Maybe someone here already figured this out?

ALT codes don't work.

X<sup>x+1</sup> FAIL

Xx+1 SUCCESS! Uh oh, not quite success. LOL Xx+1 Second try. <----- BOOM! Got it. Bracket "[" the command sup and end bracket, then remove formatting on subsequent characters.

Xx+1 Subscript works also.

"bracket"sup"bracket" and "bracket"/sup"bracket works as does the sub command.

Now for my next trick. Let's give Unicode a try.

X² Cool. Unicode works and doesn't require removing formatting.

&lt; &gt; &plusmn; &divide; Well, that sucks balls. They don't all work.

½ Whoa. WTH? How did that get up here?
&-#189; &-#xBD;

2½ Annnd we have a winner. That's the & symbol in a contiguous string with frac12;. I wonder if it works with other fractions.

2¼ Yep.

OK, I'm done playing. We now return you to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

I lied.
1800&micro;S 1800&-#181;S 1800&-#xB5;
So, no micro mu symbol. Fuck it. I'll just use ppms. LOL.
OK, NOW I'm done.

1800µS Thank you, Scrogdawg. I didn't notice the error in noted in red. 1800&-#181;S
Things are starting to get frosty, and there's still so long to go. The stretch has slowed down considerably but not entirely. So many big colas. I'm hopeful that the harvest will make all the trouble these girls have put me through worth it.




The obligatory video. Apologies for it being shot vertically but it was the only way to get it all in.


Also, I updated the Thaibodian Skunk journal. Not for the faint of heart!
Damn son! Blonde hairs everywhere. Next few months will be fun!
Over the time left they'll grow a fair bit more yet. I had trouble with foxtailing later on in flower but by then there was nothing I could do about it. God they're healthy though. Theres going to be some huge colas on there.

Imagine one of those in your small tent.....that was me. lol.
The obligatory video. Apologies for it being shot vertically but it was the only way to get it all in.


Also, I updated the Thaibodian Skunk journal. Not for the faint of heart!

Thai stik? "it's that shit, it's tied to a stick!" Love me some old school pothead comedy:rofl:
Thai stik? "it's that shit, it's tied to a stick!" Love me some old school pothead comedy:rofl:

You nailed it OG. You tie it up wet, then dry it. Heres a few I tied up just for fun when I grew this plant last year. I used bamboo sticks and hemp twine and it was a pain in the ass to do.
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