Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I got an old phone I was thinking of trying to do same thing by mounting it in tent permanent just for pics. Very cool them time lapse video's always liked seeing them.
I got an old phone I was thinking of trying to do same thing by mounting it in tent permanent just for pics. Very cool them time lapse video's always liked seeing them.
Do it! It's cool to see the changes and that even when it's not apparent, they're still growing.
Not the biggest, just the easiest to photograph. They are coming along nicely.


The conversation always goes to penis up in here lately :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I hate it when women stare. It's like, "My eyes are up here, ladies!" It's so demeaning.
But yeah... who the hell started the penis stuff in my journal? Oh wait... ROOOOOOSTER! I hope you're happy with yourself. LOL.
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Had to flush the system. Both pH and EC started to rise and I couldn't get control of it. I suspected acid rain. Drained the system and replaced with 30 gallons of pHed water and Fox Farms Sledgehammer. Ran that for a couple of hours and then drained the system again and refilled with plain pHed water to flush the flush. Then another 30 gallons of nutes to fill the system and ANOTHER 30 gallons of nutes in the reserve reservoir. 120 fricking gallons to do a res change! And that was just on the big system. Tomorrow I have the pleasure of a res change for the Thaibodian Skunk.
O joy! Rapture!
Wow, and I thought mine was going to go through a lot of water. You could sure tell from their growth that something was wrong, shit they did not grow a foot in 24 hours. Did you remember to add the growth isotopes?
Why do you keep your growth isotopes stored in a lead container? Lol, theres a misprint on the isotope container. Instead of saying shelf life, it said half life. I'm sure that was a mistake.
I think it's unfair to assume that I'm using radioactive isotopes in my grow just because I live near a nuclear plant and have experienced massive growth and my plants glow in the dark. Bit of a stretch, don't you think?

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