Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Man them PLANTS look crazy fantastic!! Love the setup and like ROOSTER said u are doing big things!! Love the RWDWC system wit da veg LEDs. Jus great work!! Gonna chill in this BRIGHT ass corner u got over here to try to learn everything available!!
Gonna chill in this BRIGHT ass corner u got over here to try to learn everything available!!

Pino, we're gonna learn together then because this grow wasn't by design. It got crazy outta control and I'm just trying to keep my head above water and make it to shore. Or harvest, as the case may be. LOL
That radioactive waste you are feeding them is sure working, they look awesome.
And they say living downstream of a nuclear power plant is bad. Ha!
Hey... have I shown you how they glow in the dark?
Let it be known that I hate the search engine for this forum. One of you esteemed gentlemen or ladies has a reference in your journal from another member to a way to use Adobe Lightroom to color correct for photos taken under HPS or LEDs. I've searched ad infinitum to no avail. Can someone puhleeeeze point me to the thread that explainiates the aforementioned process. I don't have time to figure it out on my own.
That might get me there but I'm so lazy! I need to be spoon fed! The post referenced using an 18% grey card to set white balance. It seemed so easy the way she explained it. Sometimes I wish I had total recall, but as a professional piercer I thank my lucky stars that I don't. I've had to boldly go where no man has gone before. Def don't need to remember those times in vivid detail.
When we're all hanging at MadDabs we're going to need stories...

My therapist would love to have new clients. Just know that electroshock memory erasure hurts like stink!
Busy fucking day today. Who are all these people who want holes in their bodies! I appreciate them, but damn, I didn't even have time to eat, drink, or take a dump. Yep, I worked pinchy butt all day.

Mixed another 30 gallons of nutes tonight. I'm digging the Flying Skull products. Add the Mammoth P, Z7, and Flying Skull Flora extract, stir it up and give the extract time to disperse. Then add Micro to raise the PPMs by 400, add Grow to raise it another 100ppm, and then add the Bloom to raise it 200ppms. OK, that's a simplification because there is some math involved when adding water to existing nutes and bringing the nute concentrations to desired levels, but it isn't difficult. Hell, I was able to do it after my brain was fragged by dealing with countless clients. I never even made it into the grow room to look at the plants. My time was spent in the wet room and now I don't even have to drive out to the grow for another four or five days. The stretch is slowing down considerably. There's still some stretch happening but not like before, thankfully. I'm into the maintenance stage. Not a bad place to be.
So nice to be able to monitor the grow remotely!

Seems like light overkill, right? But it's only 35.5W per square foot. The plant's canopy covers roughly a 5'x9' space, or 45ft^2. 1600W/45ft^2= 35.5W/ft^2. I think they're digging it.
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