Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Holy crap, that was just the lower third? Nice pan up for the reveal! Been watching HGTV?

I was channeling my inner Martha Stewart! I'm not sure how I'm going to address the mid and canopy. It needs to be thinned out or maybe just spread out. Gonna have to think on this.
Like he should with plants like that. Killing it Rider
Killing it is what I'm afraid of! There's a long way to go until harvest and so many things can go wrong. I'm surprised that I didn't get powdery mildew in there with how dense and wet it was. This should help keep the humidity down and slow their thirst. Three plants were going through eight gallons a day. Eight gallons! They were eating me out of house and home.
He did. I’m currently traveling to stalk him and beat his ass for it too. He shouldn’t hacked away his ceiling instead lol
Ha! I had to lay on my side on the floor and work under the branches. The tops are all still there in a tangled mass of green. Not sure what my next step is but it doesn't involve a scythe... yet.
Ha! I had to lay on my side on the floor and work under the branches. The tops are all still there in a tangled mass of green. Not sure what my next step is but it doesn't involve a scythe... yet.

I think you should feed them bleach to slow them down. Fuck it

Lol jk
Looks a lot easier to walk around in there now! Those things are going to look like gigantic bonsai trees afterwards!
Thats a pile of dead weight you've been feeding there. Looks like they'll enjoy the haircut. What a massive grow for indoors. I may consider an extradition notice just before harvest as they are running on Canadian passports.
Damn son. You cut off more than my whole tent even has in it!
That's crazy lol looked like you had cut two down hahaha
Thats a pile of dead weight you've been feeding there. Looks like they'll enjoy the haircut. What a massive grow for indoors. I may consider an extradition notice just before harvest as they are running on Canadian passports.
Sorry, Scrogdawg. They are now political refugees due to Bill C-16. They no longer want to live where it's a crime to use pronouns to refer to someone based on their apparent gender if it runs counter to a desired gender identity. They said, and I quote, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but wants to be called a goose... it must be Canadian."
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Damn! Look at the size of the root base on this beast. This is the male MTTS I cut down. The black stuff is what's left of the Ready Rooter.

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