Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Wow. The roots on that guy are next level though.... I would have probably cried having to kill such a beautiful specimen. Great looking stud .
They don't call it Bangcock for nuttin ...
I've explored from one end of that country to the other as a student. A few years back I took my wife for an extended vacation and we ended up unknowingly at a ladyboy bar in Hua Hin. We got the hell out. Swear to god you can't tell the difference unless you check under the hood.
Wow. The roots on that guy are next level though.... I would have probably cried having to kill such a beautiful specimen. Great looking stud .

Def don't need a stud impregnating the girls! It's crazy how fast it went to full blown balls. It fooled me with its crossed stipules.
Dude seriously too funny. You have lived to tell some hilarious stories bud. I'm still over here chuckling.... ladyboy bar .
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Sure that isn't just a transgender plant waiting to transition? How dare you identify her.

Also my first ever plant did the same exact thing. Went from showing female preflowers, and even some nodes had pistils, then I checked the whole lower canopy... nuts danglin.
By the look of the growth above the net pots I wasn't surprised at the growth below. To bad about the Mack but the other three are sure looking good.
The available root space dictates the limit of vegetative growth. I'd love to grow in a greenhouse with supplemental lighting and tall ceilings and 30gal totes. Imagine having to bud-tend on a ladder!
The total cost to create this space was under $125. They practically give those styrofoam panels away. Still lots of work to be done before I can call it complete but I'm pretty happy with how it's coming together. Enjoy.


Digging the conduit. Genius rider genius.

I don't even have words at this point rider.... we're not worrrrthyyyyy
I'd rather be lucky than good. And I've been very lucky! Give 'em a little light and love and they've done the rest. I just hope the luck continues through to harvest.

note to self: need more light
I'd rather be lucky than good. And I've been very lucky! Give 'em a little light and love and they've done the rest. I just hope the luck continues through to harvest.

note to self: need more light

So give them lots of light and love then .
The available root space dictates the limit of vegetative growth. I'd love to grow in a greenhouse with supplemental lighting and tall ceilings and 30gal totes. Imagine having to bud-tend on a ladder!

Mack not done yet, ladder may work. From the looks I would be lining up a tree trimming service with a high lift.

This is just a stellar grow you got going. With having to adjust on the fly at mach 10 you are hitting all the marks. Kudos
Mack not done yet, ladder may work. From the looks I would be lining up a tree trimming service with a high lift.

This is just a stellar grow you got going. With having to adjust on the fly at mach 10 you are hitting all the marks. Kudos

Thanks, JM. It's funny that you say that because I recently drew an analogy to being a fighter pilot flying a sortie. We crawl in the cockpit and set a course. Once we engage we can push our birds to the limit or throttle them back but it has to be done with a balance of all systems involved. And while we may be in the pilot's seat we're mostly relegated to systems overwatch and responding to external stimuli all while keeping the target objective in focus. Until our mission is complete we don't get the luxury of autopilot.

Wow... incredible

Very curious, my first stop here

How long did she veg for ?
How tall is she now?

Stunning girls indeed, nice job my friend
I think a small chopper may be better. Tend crops, and then when the time is right drop elevation and prop chop...

Or buy tunkers a bigger drone and let em go at it .
Wow... incredible

Very curious, my first stop here

How long did she veg for ?
How tall is she now?

Stunning girls indeed, nice job my friend

Hey Chris, welcome! They vegged for about 30 days. With this grow I've been lucky to able to control the environment so precisely, and the plants responded better than expected. The tops are at eye level but they look taller than they are because the net pots are a foot and a half off the floor. So just over four foot tall as of yesterday. I have to raise the lights every day still. The damned things better stop stretching or I'll have to raise the roof!
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