Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I didn't know that tagging people here was a thing! Does it work?

Good question. I've wondered that too. Not sure where the notification would show up.
No problem, Rooster! There's always room for one more!
Tired girls. They're all droopy.
I think I've finally got this new room dialed in. What a battle trying to control airflow, temps, and humidity in a bigger space. I'm holding 80F/55%rH during the day and 70F/35%rH at night. Now I'm going to start playing with the CO2 and when I get that stabilized I'll switch to 11/13. Although I think I could use a couple more of the Growmau5 far red pucks to make sure the phytochrome response is triggered.

Oh rider I feel for you........ those girls look like they still have 6" left to go at the very least! Lol let's hope stretch stops.
Looks pretty close to stopping but those monsters look like they could hold the shocker gene where you think they are done growing and you open up the tent one day and whoa shocker they grew 4" overnight in the middle of bud lol.

Good luck man those things look better everyday. Can't wait to see a proper co2 setup running with all this power backing it up to show us the potential of both worlds being combined in a perfect harmony of lushy greenness
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

"Helm. Engage cloaking. Set course one four zero by two niner at three degrees below the ecliptic. Full military power. Now."

"Aye aye, Sir. Cloaks engaged, course set, throttles to full military power."

"Dispatch sub-quantum burst to Command that there is a Rooster in this quadrant and that we are taking evasive maneuvers. Prepare to engage VPN via asynchronous transfer mode on my mark."

"Aye, Captain. Message sent. Engaging VPN on your mark."

"Now let's see if we can confound this crazy Rooster. Mark!"
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

This is weird. Six hours after lights out and they've perked up? I need to set the camera and do a time lapse video.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Stealth mode......who knows what they get up to at night lol.

Merry Christmas brother.......
Merry Christmas have a great day.

There's always room for one more!

You may as well put your Vacancy sign up for sale on Craigslist. That tent going to have little room for antimatter soon.
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