Rider509: Two Thais & G13

The romans had the coliseum, the Egyptians had the pyramids... and we... we'll we have riders plants

Ya know, Rooster, I was thinking about my noobness and your post came to mind. If you're going to screw up, screw up big! :morenutes:
Pyramids definitely weren’t a screw up. To this day it’s the most complex structure in the engineering world
Dude, you're getting way too serious in here. Go roast a bowl or something. :winkyface:
Pyramids definitely weren’t a screw up. To this day it’s the most complex structure in the engineering world

I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that the International Space Station trumps the pyramid as a complex engineering structure.:high-five:
I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that the International Space Station trumps the pyramid as a complex engineering structure.:high-five:

Although I would agree with you... a lot of architects wouldn't believe it or not.

The great pyramid is only of of true north by 3 arc minutes. The sides span a 1/4 mike and are only off of true alignment by approximately 1/4"
In today's architectural field they would be thrilled to hit an alignment off by 6" at a distance of a 1/4 mike.

The blocks are cut so precisely that they fit together with less than 1/1000 of an inch. Not even big enough to get a razor blade or sheet of paper between them. And on top of the the final capstone weighs in excess of 80 tons and it's hoisted 481 feet above the ground. The smallest stones in the pyramid weigh more than 2.5 tons and there is roughly 2 million of such blocks.

One last note I'll mention is the foundation. The foundation of the White House which has been around for 200 years roughly has sank 2" in that time. The great pyramid which has existed for a minimum of 5,000 years has receded into the ground less than 1/2"

It really is an amazing marvel. Far ahead of its time. The best contractors and engineers of the world speak often about how in today's technology we absolutely could not recreate the great pyramid to the specifications it was created. It's merely perfect.

:) if you can't tell I like history lol and the great pyramid blows my fucking mind
I hope to be able to try shit like this come next fall. I've got a 22 x 10' section my garage i'm willing to allocate now that i sold my truck and don't need so much room to get it inside. Then maybe i'll get you to show me how to build those strips Rider.
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