Rider509: Two Thais & G13

TUNKERS! Scrogdawg is picking on me again!

So what I hear you saying, Scrogdawg, is that I'd better start boning up on supercropping? Or find a new co-op with 12' ceilings. That would be my first choice.
That's a super crop you got going there. I think the mix for a stihl is 30-1.

I think you are going to get more off one branch then I will get off my whole tent. Looks stellar.
Since this strain can grow to 10 feet outside, and since your growing it like it is outside with two suns you should be OK.

Come on Rider, you gotta admit that's pretty funny.

This will be epic. I just love looking at your tent. It's a perfect layout IMO. I can't wait to see the final stretch.
You might be right, Tunkers. What's kinda scary is that he tried to bend the Mack to his scroggy ways and it fought him 'till the end. I'll do my best to pull it off for my bro. Poor fucker is in a bad way and the chemo is just messing him up worse. Count your lucky charms folks cuz life can suck.
You might be right, Tunkers. What's kinda scary is that he tried to bend the Mack to his scroggy ways and it fought him 'till the end. I'll do my best to pull it off for my bro. Poor fucker is in a bad way and the chemo is just messing him up worse. Count your lucky charms folks cuz life can suck.
Sorry to here that Rider. It does suck and makes it even worse this time of year. He's in my thoughts and prayers
Yeah as much as we like to make fun of your problems and your poor judgement on flip times... you really are running my dream tent.... well, okay, maybe 2 dewey misters per tote short if my dream tent. BUT DAMNNNN.

Sorry to hear he's not doing well bud. The saying cancer sucks DOSENT quite do the c word justice....
Send him some love from your 420 family for us!
I took 1.48 pounds dry off of my one Thai, so you have potentially 6 pounds dry on your hands. The question is, how many quart sealers and Bovida packs do you have to buy?

Maybe I'll start a Go Fund Me page to collect enough sealers for you.
I took 1.48 pounds dry off of my one Thai, so you have potentially 6 pounds dry on your hands. The question is, how many quart sealers and Bovida packs do you have to buy?

Maybe I'll start a Go Fund Me page to collect enough sealers for you.

I'm thinking I need a good old-fashioned raise the roof party! I'll buy the pizza and beer and bring the "professional artistic expressionist dancers." :)
Good lord, a pound and a half off one plant? I'm laughing my ass off right now because my brother is sending me a Magical Butter machine and I'm beginning to realize that I'll be making oil and tincture concentrates nonstop for weeks! Max capacity is 5oz of product for tinctures and 2 1/2oz for oil. It just keeps getting better, folks!

I got this! :allgood:
I'm thinking I need a good old-fashioned raise the roof party! I'll buy the pizza and beer and bring the "professional artistic expressionist dancers." :)
Good lord, a pound and a half off one plant? I'm laughing my ass off right now because my brother is sending me a Magical Butter machine and I'm beginning to realize that I'll be making oil and tincture concentrates nonstop for weeks! Max capacity is 5oz of product for tinctures and 2 1/2oz for oil. It just keeps getting better, folks!
I got this! :allgood:

I have no doubt you could build an industrial-sized MB machine just from parts you have lying around.
Send him some love from your 420 family for us!

I thought about inviting him here to watch the grow but then I was like, "nahhhh, he'd have way too much fun giving his big brother shit." Besides, I really don't want him to know what it costs in time and money. He's got enough on his plate right now. But I'll def pass it on to him that he has a lot of good people pulling for him. I appreciate all of you more than you'll ever know.

Much love and respect.
I have no doubt you could build an industrial-sized MB machine just from parts you have lying around.

I don't want to be counting my chickens before they've hatched, but Shed, that's an idea. Pull the logic and feedback circuits out of the MB2 and scale up the reaction vessel. That would work.

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