Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Thanks, G-pa, that pretty much confirms it for me. I guess the rule of thumb would be that if we can see it so do the plants. I'd already covered the light with tape but noticed a glow in the room one night and followed it back to that heater. I'll replace it with a ceramic heater just to be safe.

And Carl isn't dead yet! Remember the rotary job that overflew Rick a couple of episodes back?

I heard you say that you used to fly military equipment with the twisty bit on top. One of the Iroquois variants or something else? I've flown (ground to ground) much of the Cessna line, the Beech 99, Twin Otter, the Beech 18 tail dragger, and allllllmost got to fly a Pitts SB-1 stunt plane before the owner came to his senses. I've even got a fair bit of IFR time under my belt. I'm not nor have ever been licensed, although local ground and tower knew me and assumed I was. LOL. I've always wanted to learn to fly rotary but that's about as likely as fulfilling my desire to make wild, mad, passionate love to Goldie Hawn. *sigh*

I'm jealous you got to fly all those! My buddy finally just got his instruments license and was looking at a Cessna but it fell through. Awesome plane I love the Cessna. My dream plane would be a p51 though I'm in love with them. And the tomcat. But I like prop motors better.
I can hear them on the bullhorn.... "SIR.... ER.... MR. TOKIN. PLEASE LAND YOUR COUCH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, AND SLOWLY..... EXIT.... THE....EH... FLYING COUCH."

Grandpa stoned and confused chimes in as if if in the opening scene of super troopers, "I'm already pulled over. I CAN'T PULL OVER ANY FURTHER, IM ALREADY PULLED OVER!!"

Scrog and rider in the "back seat" of the flying couch, " pull over further!!

You just wake up bro? Lol
On a side note I got pulled over one night drunk as shit and I basically thought I was on a flying couch. My buddy was driving thank god but he was just as fucking drunk as I was lol we were 17 and at a college party all night. We both left for Paris island on Monday morning. It was Friday night lol

Needless to say the trooper was my old little league coach and my best friend just graduated with his son. Lol

He made it verrrrry clear that we were not to exceed 30 miles per hour and he followed us home for the next 6 miles. Walked us to the door took our keys woke up my friends parents and told them not to let us leave.....

They left and we all laughed like a fucker and got fucked up for the remained of the weekend. His parents didn't give a shittttt lol

Bet you can't get away with that now days lol and I'm not even that old I was born in the 80s lol

I hear my family tell stories from the 70s and I can't help but wonder why my generation sucks and why everyone's a bunch of pussies now days......
Tunkers, if I could gift you these plants I'd do it in a heartbeat just so I don't have to deal with them for the next three or four monnnnnnnths. Gaaah! When Scrogdawg sent me these seeds I'm sure he was laughing while he was licking the envelope. I can only hope he got a paper cut on his tongue.

Just kidding, SD. They were, and are, very much appreciated and it's my own damned fault that I vegged them too long.

Wonder why things that are licked get bigger.....

I think GT is getting close to absolute 0.... Look at the frost on them buds, dam.
You just wake up bro? Lol
Me? what? na been up for hours...

I was recreating the visual in my head of Grandpa t, and his buddies flying his couch around town....
DAY 44
Words can't convey the level of fukt I'm feeling. It's like the Little Shop of Horrors. The plants range from 28 to 33 inches now and they keep getting BIGGER. Had to raise the lights again. I'm beginning to suspect that this is a sativa/kudzu cross. These beasts dwarf my Gold Leaf grow. Regardless, we soldier on.

I drained the res and did a flush with Fox Farms Sledgehammer and 30gals for an hour, then drained and refilled with 40gal of fresh water. Flying Skull nutes will be used for the duration of this grow. My water is 260ppm out of the tap. The residual in the system brought it up to 360ppm, and after Flying Skull nutes, Z7, and MammothP it's sitting at 1040ppm/5.7pH/64F. Annnnd, I just realized I forgot Cal-Mag. Brilliant.


The clones are fat and happy and ready for new homes. I have no use for them so they'll likely end up in the round file.

Girls are looking fantastic!!!

So I have to say that you all inspired me and I went out and bought myself a little dwc single bucket system...... and that's not to say that I am going to throw all of my ingredients for my LOS in the garbage LOL.. I'm not totally positive on what I'm doing but, learning curve.....and another big one lol. I've got my little White Cookies set up in her new home. I chose her because she was the smallest and after seeing your monsters earlier this week, I like to try one of those LOL.

because you are the one who inspired me Rider, I am going to explain my set up here quickly and then never again.....hope that's cool..looking for a few beginner tips.

I have a 50 gallon pond style pump recirculating water, at this point I didn't add anything other than a little bit of root enhancer to the water (ph 5.7, which rested for 24h). Then I have my net pot, which is a six inch lid combination just barely sitting in the res water (1/4") just so my Hydroton doesn't dry up. I grew my white cookies from seed so she had a small Taproot about 2 inches long, which I carefully placed down through the hydroton as I slowly backfilled with the Pebbles. The water out of my wall is 150 PPM, then I had a little bit of root enhancer which brought the PPM value up to 200 +/-.

How does this sound?
That sounds good Guy, but you'll need to have an airstone in your res water. As soon as the roots touch the water drop the water level to 1" below the net pot. PH and PPM's are good right now.
That sounds good Guy, but you'll need to have an airstone in your res water. As soon as the roots touch the water drop the water level to 1" below the net pot. PH and PPM's are good right now.
Ok wicked.....thanks Scrog! I'll do just that. ...pretty stoked about this little one.
Yesterday I made 18 trips carrying 5gal of water each time from the hose to the reservoir. Can someone come over and help me out of bed? Also, I need a small Japanese woman to walk on my back so if you could bring one with you, that'd be great.
Sounds like you did your research, Guy. That's perfect, with the addition of SD's recs. The airstone is critical.

Just listening to the masses, thanks for having such good advice..... Both you and Scrog have helped me a lot since the beginning. If I can navigate this snow storm alright on the way home from work, I'll be stopping in for a small air stone.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

One more quick thing, since my seedling is so tiny and the roots are really nowhere near the reservoir yet, how do I keep her moist enough so that the stones don't dry out during the day when I can't watch her? Will she be okay for the 8 or 10 hours a day that I would be gone? the light would be off all day.
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