Rider509: Two Thais & G13

...knowing they will quadruple in size over the next 100 and some days..
Thanks, JustMeds. That helped a lot. I'll just go take a long walk on a short pier now.


Geronimo (exclamation) - Wikipedia
It’s going to be awesome!
(said in my best Eugene from Walking Dead voice)
I'm glad you all are getting a chuckle out of my vegetative predicament but I'd like to assure you that everything is copacetic and that I have the situation well in hand, to wit, I have begun to implement Plan B as a measure of controlling and curtailing the growth of said vegetation by reducing the temperature of the reservoir to two hundred eighty nine point eight degrees Kelvin concurrent with reducing the environmental temperature and humidity to reduce slash retard growth thereby ensuring that the maturation will continue, albeit more slowly, but remain fully within the confines of the allotted space.
I'm not sure that's low enough but I'm ab-so-lute-ly sure that if you can get it down to minus 459.67°K you'll get growth to stop. Maybe even time.
(channeling Eugene again)
I believe that you are referencing absolute zero which is the point at which the fundamental particles of nature have minimal vibrational motion and nearly all molecular motion ceases, retaining only quantum mechanical zero-point energy-induced particle motion and ΔS = 0 for any adiabatic process where S is the entropy, i.e., negative 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees on the Kelvin scale. However I regret to inform you that despite the extreme cold time marches on as unstoppable as a column of Dorylus emeryi through the jungle in search of sustenance.
Tunkers, if I could gift you these plants I'd do it in a heartbeat just so I don't have to deal with them for the next three or four monnnnnnnths. Gaaah! When Scrogdawg sent me these seeds I'm sure he was laughing while he was licking the envelope. I can only hope he got a paper cut on his tongue.

Just kidding, SD. They were, and are, very much appreciated and it's my own damned fault that I vegged them too long.
Who knows about red lights and their affect on cannabis? I don't worry about the IR from the camera, but when the heater kicks on the coils glow visibly red. Is that something that'll screw up the transition into flower?

Note: Artistic license maaaay have been taken with this photo to more accurately depict glowing red coils.
(said in my best Eugene from Walking Dead voice)
I'm glad you all are getting a chuckle out of my vegetative predicament but I'd like to assure you that everything is copacetic and that I have the situation well in hand, to wit, I have begun to implement Plan B as a measure of controlling and curtailing the growth of said vegetation by reducing the temperature of the reservoir to two hundred eighty nine point eight degrees Kelvin concurrent with reducing the environmental temperature and humidity to reduce slash retard growth thereby ensuring that the maturation will continue, albeit more slowly, but remain fully within the confines of the allotted space.

Read that in his voice so easily as if it were him writing that. :rofl:
Who knows about red lights and their affect on cannabis? I don't worry about the IR from the camera, but when the heater kicks on the coils glow visibly red. Is that something that'll screw up the transition into flower?

Note: Artistic license maaaay have been taken with this photo to more accurately depict glowing red coils.

DIY build a deflector hood paint it black and fix it to fit over or to attach to the front.
Red is bad. I had two plants herm on me due to added heater. It also had a huge red light that came on every time the coils glowed. I know it was the heater because I had a grow before and after (without the heater) and had no herms.

Edit: Eugene writing is brilliant! Very well done. One of my favorite characters. In case you didn't watch...Carl dies. You're welcome. :love:
Red is bad. I had two plants herm on me due to added heater. It also had a huge red light that came on every time the coils glowed. I know it was the heater because I had a grow before and after (without the heater) and had no herms.

Edit: Eugene writing is brilliant! Very well done. One of my favorite characters. In case you didn't watch...Carl dies. You're welcome. :love:

Thanks, G-pa, that pretty much confirms it for me. I guess the rule of thumb would be that if we can see it so do the plants. I'd already covered the light with tape but noticed a glow in the room one night and followed it back to that heater. I'll replace it with a ceramic heater just to be safe.

And Carl isn't dead yet! Remember the rotary job that overflew Rick a couple of episodes back?

I heard you say that you used to fly military equipment with the twisty bit on top. One of the Iroquois variants or something else? I've flown (ground to ground) much of the Cessna line, the Beech 99, Twin Otter, the Beech 18 tail dragger, and allllllmost got to fly a Pitts SB-1 stunt plane before the owner came to his senses. I've even got a fair bit of IFR time under my belt. I'm not nor have ever been licensed, although local ground and tower knew me and assumed I was. LOL. I've always wanted to learn to fly rotary but that's about as likely as fulfilling my desire to make wild, mad, passionate love to Goldie Hawn. *sigh*
Thanks, G-pa, that pretty much confirms it for me. I guess the rule of thumb would be that if we can see it so do the plants. I'd already covered the light with tape but noticed a glow in the room one night and followed it back to that heater. I'll replace it with a ceramic heater just to be safe.

And Carl isn't dead yet! Remember the rotary job that overflew Rick a couple of episodes back?

I heard you say that you used to fly military equipment with the twisty bit on top. One of the Iroquois variants or something else? I've flown (ground to ground) much of the Cessna line, the Beech 99, Twin Otter, the Beech 18 tail dragger, and allllllmost got to fly a Pitts SB-1 stunt plane before the owner came to his senses. I've even got a fair bit of IFR time under my belt. I'm not nor have ever been licensed, although local ground and tower knew me and assumed I was. LOL. I've always wanted to learn to fly rotary but that's about as likely as fulfilling my desire to make wild, mad, passionate love to Goldie Hawn. *sigh*

Current Goldie Hawn, private Benjamin Goldie hawn, or over board Goldie hawn? Who am I kidding lol I'd take her anyway possible lol :rofl:
I was qualified in:
UH-1, OH-58 A/C, AH-1, and AH-64. Currently flying a couch...high. :tokin:
I can hear them on the bullhorn.... "SIR.... ER.... MR. TOKIN. PLEASE LAND YOUR COUCH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, AND SLOWLY..... EXIT.... THE....EH... FLYING COUCH."

Grandpa stoned and confused chimes in as if if in the opening scene of super troopers, "I'm already pulled over. I CAN'T PULL OVER ANY FURTHER, IM ALREADY PULLED OVER!!"

Scrog and rider in the "back seat" of the flying couch, " pull over further!!
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