Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Of course you had to snag those lights... I see something I like and its in your grow room the next week . Do you have to have all the cool toys? Don't answer that....

If your lights aren't as far up as they get here by next weekend we will consider this grow botched
I don't think there's any question that this grow is botched. I should have flipped about twenty days into veg.
Well when you asked I'm pretty sure I said the sooner the better.... but it was already probably a week late by then even
Shit you still have plenty of room, they better get to growing or they may not be botched after all
They all look great. The amount of light is amazing in there. I have no doubt you'll pull it off, but the last 6 weeks is going to be twisted hell for you.

Any sex yet? I mean the plants, not you.
No sign of se... umm... gender yet. The damned things are still growing new leaves. They missed the memo that they should be flowering now. I sure hope I get at least one female from each strain. What an expensive boondoggle if I get all males.
These take a while to show gender, right?
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