Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I would run the water into a 5 gallon bucket. You can use it where needed. Should be 0 ppm, its a low temp distilled fluid.

In the back of your head your going to be wondering what would happen if you par boil the roots every couple weeks on a plant, ain't ya?
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Score! I was gifted some goodies this morning by my grow shop. Life is good. .

Score! I ordered some Z7, paid for 2 day shipping...it's been 4 days. :clap:
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

It's worth the wait grandpa. I love the stuff. So little does so much.

Thanks. That’s what everyone has been telling me. I’m very anxious to try it. Especially since my chiller took a dump.
I put a new old toy in the tent so I could keep a remote eye on things. What I REEEEEALLY want is a fully automated system that I can control remotely. I want to be able to see tent and res temps, humidity, res pH, nutrient levels and CO2 levels. That's not too much to ask is it?

Woke up early to see morning temp and humidity and happened to record the transition to lights on. Temp was 70 and the humidity fluctuated between 65 and 77 percent over the course of about 15 minutes. When the dehumidifier kicks on it pulls it down fast. I can see that I need to set it a bit lower as I'd like to keep it more on the dry side.

Not bad growth for 34 days!

edit: that's transition from lights off to on, not to flower.
Cool video. Have you got the light mounted to the top of your fan?

Which light? The camera has a ring of IR leds around the lens. The tent windows were open so maybe you were seeing spill-over from the other tent and the cloner. But speaking of light I noticed that I have a red light on the new heat/cool relay that needs to be covered. I'm flipping the big tent today before they get any bigger. Damned things are out of control.

Did a res change this morning. They'd been holding steady at EC1640 and pH 5.8 and drinking heartily but over the last few days I was getting falling/falling/falling. I kicked the transition nutes up to EC2200 so I'll watch them closely in case I need to dilute down a bit.
Sorry, meant was the camera mounted to an oscillating fan.

You still using the GH nutes or did you switch back?

Ahhh, got it. No, it's a PTZ camera that I've got plugged into the net so I can check on the grow even from Tunker's place. And yes, I made the switch back to Cutting Edge Solutions just because I'm more comfortable with it. From Fox Farms to GH to CES, these plants are getting a little taste of everything. And I'm trying the Z7 for the first time. It should coexist with Great White, right? LOL, I didn't read about it at all. .
Ahhh, got it. No, it's a PTZ camera that I've got plugged into the net so I can check on the grow even from Tunker's place. And yes, I made the switch back to Cutting Edge Solutions just because I'm more comfortable with it. From Fox Farms to GH to CES, these plants are getting a little taste of everything. And I'm trying the Z7 for the first time. It should coexist with Great White, right? LOL, I didn't read about it at all. .
Yeh great white and z7 run great together. I switch to orca as its a liquid great white and mixes better in my rez. I keep the great white for transplanting. Dust the roots with it. Really good products
Time for a quick update. Flipped the big tent to flower today. My system is running at 1000ppfd, 80ish F, 70ish rH, 1200ppm CO2, and the res is at 68F, 1120ppm, and 5.8pH. The plants are drinking like bar flies and no sign of nute burn.
They went from this:

to this in 35 days.

The 4x4 is host to the freaky deeky BOEL skunk xCambodian Thai. Fricking things are weird looking.


And the clones are starting to show signs of roots. Here's my dorky DIY cloner thingy.

And what's this? An 11 leaf clone? Yeah, baby!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.
You know your getting old if you remember that old black and white test pattern. lol. Unfortunately, I do.

Both tents and the clones look fantastic Rider.

Not sure I'm on board with the lightmover. I think another bank of stationary strip lights up the center would be the ticket. Or even your old HPS fixtures if you're not using them.
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