Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

I can NOT get my humidity under control!!! Gaaaaah! The plants are drinking like mad and all that moisture is making my life hell. The pH and EC are stable so I know they are happy and healthy. And I DON'T want to have to buy a dehumidifier. Damned things are expensive. .

Even with the exhaust fan running the humidity is up near 80%! And that's with just four plants in a 4x8. To keep my VPD in the sweet spot I'm forced to run temps up around 84-86. And I can't run CO2 when the exhaust fan is clearing the room every few minutes. So frustrating. I need an anti-perspirant for my plants.
Your tent is higher than the ambient RH? Or the ambient RH where you live is too high for veg?
Ambient is 66% rH right now. It's all a result of transpiration. I've got some sweaty Betties!
Ya, I had to bite the bullet with the tubs in the tent and get a dehumidifier. Some covers around the stems and over media will help keep evaporated water in totes instead of air, makes for a little less to deal with. Environment is critical.

VPD, I feel honored bud.

Also with high respiration watch for burn, may want to lower nutes down till you get it dialed in.
I've got the exhaust plugged into a temp control set to a two degree swing, so it runs only until the temp drops to my setting. I'm in an unheated space so if I ran it long enough to drop the humidity I'd have a very cold tent!
Yeah, it was making me crazy to not have control. Hmmm, a little window into my personality. .


Edit: tomorrow I'll rig a way to suspend it from the tent ceiling and run the drain line to an AC sump pump.
I've got two grow tents going so that's a possibility, but it was just waaaay easier to go buy a dehumidifier. :)
Wait did you just do something the easy way, and not the DIY way?

Are you feeling okay?
It was a stock left-over at Home Depot so I got a sweet deal on it. Too good to pass up!

It's not plumbed in right now but it will be tomorrow, Buds. I actually wondered if I couldn't have it drain back into the reservoir. It seems that I'd still have a net loss of water because some is being exhausted out of the tent when it hits 82 degrees. Is that a stupid idea?
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