Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I think it might be getting close to time to flip the bigs.
The bigs, the littles, and the clones.



Damn, I just checked and it's only been 28 days since the seeds broke out into the light. That seems to be a little early to be thinking about flipping, or am I wrong? Since these are all sativas I'm just concerned about height since I'm not going to be scrogging this time. I'm open to suggestions.
Damn, I just checked and it's only been 28 days since the seeds broke out into the light. That seems to be a little early to be thinking about flipping, or am I wrong? Since these are all sativas I'm just concerned about height since I'm not going to be scrogging this time. I'm open to suggestions.
I am scrogging but I just flipped mine at 28 days from then breaking surface, so the question is do you want to be in the same club as me :rofl:
Well hell, if I'd known then yeah, but tomorrow will be day 29 so I kinda blew it. LOL. I'm not sure what to think about these sativa strains. Without a scrog I might have to make my tent a convertible if I let them veg too long. I'm hoping someone who's BTDT will share their wisdom.
Damn, I just checked and it's only been 28 days since the seeds broke out into the light. That seems to be a little early to be thinking about flipping, or am I wrong? Since these are all sativas I'm just concerned about height since I'm not going to be scrogging this time. I'm open to suggestions.
I thought that for a second too but Hell look at em. Their beasts already! I wouldn't say more than another 7 days...
Other than having to move the whole shebang to a new location and the hiccup last night with the lights out heater it's been smooth sailing for me and the pirates. I'm up to a DLI of just over 50mol, temps are running around 84F and humidity is at 75ish. The CO2 kicks on at 1100ppm and off at 1200ppm but I'm pushing it hard and fast so it hits 1480 to 1500 after a few minutes of stabilizing and drops off very slowly. pH holds steady at 5.8 and the EC starts at 1200 and slowly drops. The plants are drinking but the res is so big I haven't had to top it up, and likely won't before my next res change. Thinking about going back to the Cutting Edge Solutions nutes just because I have a better feel for them than I do the GH.
Other than having to move the whole shebang to a new location and the hiccup last night with the lights out heater it's been smooth sailing for me and the pirates. I'm up to a DLI of just over 50mol, temps are running around 84F and humidity is at 75ish. The CO2 kicks on at 1100ppm and off at 1200ppm but I'm pushing it hard and fast so it hits 1480 to 1500 after a few minutes of stabilizing and drops off very slowly. pH holds steady at 5.8 and the EC starts at 1200 and slowly drops. The plants are drinking but the res is so big I haven't had to top it up, and likely won't before my next res change. Thinking about going back to the Cutting Edge Solutions nutes just because I have a better feel for them than I do the GH.

I'm Running the GH nutes on a simple chedule i pulled off GWE and i'll be damned if it hasn't made my girls rockstars.thats could be why we're in the 28/29 day club.:rollit:
I get the over on Awesome. Hydro grow vs. soil is showing at its best there.

I had good results with the Chem-Gro also check out the RAW products. I used them a little here and there, they are on point from my experience.
I'm with Derby...flip while there's room! Otherwise it's gonna be time for a bigger tent ;)

Flip why you still have the room. After 3 weeks of stretch you'll be pulling them out of the lights lol

heya rider,, cheers to ya friend,,

to start, without reading too far back , i will assume your lights are maxed out at height, that being the case , then, well

both the comments above are correct, least for the 'mack's.. (first two and last two letters of ,, MAma thai/thai stiCK,,this is the name i use these days,, just an fyi, thgo truth be told, in my calendar notes i call em 'mak', a whole messa useless dribble,, scuse me)

so, these sativas stretch, so iffin yer whole concern is room in the tent, then it will indeed be an issue, real soon too, man do these things stretch.

i have become very creative at bending and twisting the branches into the correct positions in the screen i use during flowering. they will easily double in height, then, when the buds start growing, and the stretch is over, the buds grow high, oh so high,, which is the joy of it all, near no leaves, just buds,, beautiful musky buds,,

and they will keep growing up for fourteen or fifteen weeks,, a long time

i have my biggest mack growing right now and it has three weeks to go,, i made some changes to my lighting, as in lowering my mars 300 50% closer, thus quadrupling the light intensity, and it is paying off, nicely

maybe i will try a pic with my fone and see iff i can upload a pic for ya

cheers to yer plant and karma sent to em all, and you friend,, cheers fer now
Thanks, Nivek! When the man who knows says you'd better flip, then you flip! I still have over 3 feet of headroom over the lights so I should be good for height. I guess I'd better get the other RDWC up and running pronto.
a q or two for you rider iffin i might, and maybe some clarification,, dern, sry for not clarifying, now this is clarification and i am the clarifier, clarifying

personally, i have read that female plants preflower to show sexual maturation, so, tho never always, i wait to flip my plants at 7 or 8 weeks from planting, and another point, that mack does not preflower for over fifty days,, 53 days exactly for me twice

your issues may possibly be having room width ways rather than height,, you have lots of hanging structure to support your up growing buds,, and they will absolutely need support, of some sort. mine is a screen, dawgers was two screens,,

btw,, reps for a beautiful setup,, well done,, bring it on eh??

oh, and you are still unsure of sex for the mack i must sermise


a rare view of a mack from my grow that i was able to remove from the screen without cutting it up
Thanks for the props, Nivek. It's nice to get this system set back up and be growing in it again.
Yeah, it's way too early to try to sex them. I can let them go a couple more weeks or more and train them into the middle of the tent since there will only be four plants in a 4x8 tent, and that's only if they are all females. This is going to be an interesting grow. I'm not sure growing regular seeds is the way to go for us limited production guys. The returns may be disappointing.
Just looked back in my notes. I culled the males on day 71 from breaking soil. I harvested on day 106 (15 weeks).

They're all looking so good right now Rider. I'd be inclined to let them go a bit more before flipping. Mine was 16" above the net pot when I flipped. Heed nivek, they will stretch big time. Mine more than doubled in height in the stretch.

One thing nivek didn't mention that he told me earlier was that his had a tendency to hermie at the end. The other day I was rolling a cone and found 2 seeds in the bud.
If you're squeamish or have a weak stomach you may not want to read this.

I got the old RDWC up and running with a separate reservoir and transferred the littles into that tent. Then I drained and flushed the big system. With hot water. Scalding hot. Steam and everything. If stupid was painful I'd be in agony. No, it wasn't on purpose. I feel horrible for my babies. I feel like some shitty tweaker mom who burned her child while she did tweaker stuff. I rectified it as quickly as possible but the damage is visible and obvious. I'm afraid for what I might find in the tent tomorrow. So sad.
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