Rider509: Two Thais & G13

The other half see's me LMAO on the couch, guys show up with this really nice jacket with lots a buckles and long sleeves..... I mentioned ice worms and they let me go. Said I was experiencing hypothermia from being in garden to long.
GAAAAAH! Disaster in the making! I visited the grow thinking I had it dialed in pretty close but, NOOOOOOO. Not even. The room was 94F/25rH, and the res was at 84F. Break out the chiller, STAT, we have a Code Blue in the Green Room! Damn it, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a horticulturalist! Oh wait, I am a Doctor... of the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

edit: After some consideration I believe this is the work of the Daleks.
Stress for both grower and plants there. Get that chiller hooked up for the plants, get one of them cold barley pops out of the mini fridge ( You did stock fridge with grower nutes?). Turn off fan till humidity is back in a good range.
Stress for both grower and plants there. Get that chiller hooked up for the plants, get one of them cold barley pops out of the mini fridge ( You did stock fridge with grower nutes?). Turn off fan till humidity is back in a good range.
Disaster averted. Got the place cooled down and installed the chiller. The res temp had dropped to 69F when I left and the chiller is set to 67 so all is good there. The heater needs a PhD to operate evidently. I thought the temp was set but it helps to actually read the fricking instructions. Go figure. :)
Made a bubble cloner so I could use the tops I cut off. Should know in a week or so if it does the trick.

Right now I'm running 77F and 70%rH but can't crank the light up until I get the seedlings into their new home. This weekend for sure!

The (clipped :) )clones and the donors.

Just a recap for my own records. The main system is a 40gal RDWC with a 1/4hp chiller to keep res temps at 68F. There are two cylindrical 5" air stones in the res and 4" flat round air stones in each of six totes driven by an Air Force Pro 60 pump. The totes are 7.5gal capacity holding approx 5gal each. The res has a capacity of 25gal holding approx 10gal. A 650gph pump circulates the water. Nutrient/temp monitoring is done with a Grow Boss. I'm using a whole-home humidifier set to maintain 70-75% rH. A small ceramic heater is set to maintain lights off temps above 72F. A thermostat controls the exhaust fan and exhausts excess heat through a charcoal filter to maintain temps at 78-80F. Main air movement is via a ceiling mounted fan. Co2 is metered from tanks by a Co2 monitor and is introduced and dispersed through a floor mounted fan. I'm running two sets of Samsung F Gen3 double row strip leds comprised of four FB24Bs each and two sets of Cree COBs comprised of four 3590s each. All lights are 3500K. Total wattage capability is a conservative 1800W. At present the lights are producing 350umol but will be slowly ramped up with the addition of CO2 to approx 1200umol.

The small tent, intended for veg and overflow, will come online this weekend. It is a four 5gal bucket RDWC that will be fed from the main res. Lighting is a Samsung H Gen3 system comprised of eight HB22D strips at 5000K. Primary air circulation is a ceiling mounted fan. At present there are no environmental controls.

The small tent, in progress:

I had killer results running about 1200ppfd and 80 degrees with CO2 on the Gold Leaf grow.
How to Size a Chiller

Hello Rider,

Been following your lights for the past month. It's some great information to learn and gather for my future lights. Thanks for all the great share of knowledge and being very details sharing.

I'm a new grower and trying to learn how to use my lights the right way. As I have been stressing the hell out of my girl on my 1st run at 1200 ppfd with no Co2. So, I'm adding co2 into this 2nd round.

-Can you please tell what ppfd did you use for early Veg, mid and late Veg? Also how many weeks do you Veg?
-What ppfd did you use for early Flowers, mid and late Flowers?

Thank you for your time and share of knowledge.

Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

It's just seat of the pants stuff, not science! I start my seeds/clones under 6500K 65W CFLs at about 8" which gives me about 250umol. As they get older and stable they go into the RDWC and I harden them to more light slowly. I'm what, four weeks in and they're up to 850umol for the four bigger plants and 550 for the four seedlings. I'll move the seedlings to the other tent this weekend and flip the big ones to flower. I'm shooting for a DLI of about 50 mol during flower.
Caraaaap! The heater didn't heat during lights off which let the tent drop to 66F. That caused the humidity to condense on the tent walls. I came in to a frigging dripping jungle. Open the doors, crank the fans.
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