Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I dodged the bullet, I think. The roots look good. Just a few leaves affected. Time will tell.
Mack #1

Mack #2

The Mama Thai/Pineapple Chunk doesn't seem to have suffered.
If you're squeamish or have a weak stomach you may not want to read this.

I got the old RDWC up and running with a separate reservoir and transferred the littles into that tent. Then I drained and flushed the big system. With hot water. Scalding hot. Steam and everything. If stupid was painful I'd be in agony. No, it wasn't on purpose. I feel horrible for my babies. I feel like some shitty tweaker mom who burned her child while she did tweaker stuff. I rectified it as quickly as possible but the damage is visible and obvious. I'm afraid for what I might find in the tent tomorrow. So sad.

Oh no!

I've backed away from the razor's edge to a more sedate growing pace. Keeping the room at 72F and humidity at 60 and no additional CO2. At least until I know everything is stable.
If'n yer gunna be stoopid yer plants gotta be tuff.
I've taken steps to ensure that never happens again. A simple oversight almost cost me everything. I now have a 50gal res to hold plain water so I can bring it up to temp and bubble the chlorine out of it before it goes into the RDWC for res changes.
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Moved the Macks to the outside totes and played with the lights. I'm using the cobs as a kind of side fill. I worried about spontaneous combustion so I dialed the intensity back a bit. .



a rare view of a mack from my grow that i was able to remove from the screen without cutting it up

I remember this pic from when you first posted it. I hope mine grow big beautiful buds like those! I just gotta try to not kill them between now and then. :)
That water still looked a little warm under the roots in the video, and the new Rolling Boil Deep Water Culture is born (RBDWC). A little Aloe in the water may be good for the burn. :thumb:

They look no worse for wear, don't look like you done to much harm.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Moved the Macks to the outside totes and played with the lights. I’m using the cobs as a kind of side fill. I worried about spontaneous combustion so I dialed the intensity back a bit. .



That is the finest lighting system I have ever seen,, just marvelous. I am so impressed. I know where to seek lighting information should I ever seek to replace my cfl panel

I feel so old school, tho I do use led as well, old school led tho, sheesh

Btw, I did not mention about the hermie tendencies because while dawger was growing his Mack, he never mentioned about seeing any male flowers, and he went longer than I ever have, so i thot the issue is only me, but perhaps not.

So, keep an eye out for male flowers around week eleven or so. I am currently growing two new macks from two new seeds to see iffin one of em might not hermie, one is at 73 days now and huge, for me, other is two weeks behind. Fingers and toes are crossed, indeed

Cheers fer now

Btw agin,, must give credit to, Weaselcracker, he may return one day,, he is the breeder of the Mack, and he is generous beyond compare,, cheers weaseley,, miss ya friend
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Btw agin,, must give credit to, Weaselcracker, he may return one day,, he is the breeder of the Mack, and he is generous beyond compare,, cheers weaseley,, miss ya friend

True words for sure nivek.
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

...keep an eye out for male flowers around week eleven or so. I am currently growing two new macks from two new seeds to see iffin one of em might not hermie, one is at 73 days now and huge, for me, other is two weeks behind. Fingers and toes are crossed, indeed

Thank you for the kind words, Nivek. The Samsung led strips were a fun research project for sure. When I first started looking at them using them to grow with never crossed my mind. I just wanted to replace my antique (almost as old as me) T-12 bulbs in my shop. I saw their potential and thought I was on to something new. Not! Turns out the folks at the Horticultural Lighting Group were already using those same led chips in their Quantum Boards. Who knows, maybe someday I'll have an original thought, but I won't hold my breath.

If I get a male, or preferably a herm, I'll make sure to play Cupid with a few branches so we can keep Weasel's Mack lineage going. I wonder where he got off to?
Re: Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Thank you for the kind words, Nivek. The Samsung led strips were a fun research project for sure. When I first started looking at them using them to grow with never crossed my mind. I just wanted to replace my antique (almost as old as me) T-12 bulbs in my shop. I saw their potential and thought I was on to something new. Not! Turns out the folks at the Horticultural Lighting Group were already using those same led chips in their Quantum Boards. Who knows, maybe someday I'll have an original thought, but I won't hold my breath.

If I get a male, or preferably a herm, I'll make sure to play Cupid with a few branches so we can keep Weasel's Mack lineage going. I wonder where he got off to?

I wish had as much mechanical inclination as you have in your pinky finger Rider. Hell I can't even get glue to set properly the first go round'.
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