Rider509: Two Thais & G13

On another note I had to increase my nute strength. When I left the tent open to dissipate the excess humidity today they drank quite a bit more and sucked the nutes down like $5 streetwalkers. I'm running at 860ppm now, up from 820. In eight hours they took it from 820 down to 780! They're getting so big I'm going to have to start the transition to flip very soon.
Hey JustMeds! I think the whole Rolling Boil Deep Water Culture thing was good for them! It's crazy how white the roots were after the parboil flush. I figured they were dead when I saw them like that. But the next day they were toasty brown from the nutes and looking no worse for the experience. I don't think I'll press my luck again though. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey JustMeds! I think the whole Rolling Boil Deep Water Culture thing was good for them! It's crazy how white the roots were after the parboil flush. I figured they were dead when I saw them like that. But the next day they were toasty brown from the nutes and looking no worse for the experience. I don't think I'll press my luck again though. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I started reading that thinking you were going to make it a thing! Glad you did a course-correction by the end...
I actually wondered if I couldn't have it drain back into the reservoir. It seems that I'd still have a net loss of water because some is being exhausted out of the tent when it hits 82 degrees. Is that a stupid idea?

I think I can answer my own question. Bad idea. First, I wouldn't be able to accurately judge how much they drink without knowing how much water was being recycled back into the res. And second, I'd have no idea how much they were eating because the res would be diluted by untreated water.
I think I can answer my own question. Bad idea. First, I wouldn't be able to accurately judge how much they drink without knowing how much water was being recycled back into the res. And second, I'd have no idea how much they were eating because the res would be diluted by untreated water.

Best to keep it separate. That being said, I'd test it after out of curiosity and see what the readings are. I wonder? Hmm
On another note I had to increase my nute strength. When I left the tent open to dissipate the excess humidity today they drank quite a bit more and sucked the nutes down like $5 streetwalkers. I'm running at 860ppm now, up from 820. In eight hours they took it from 820 down to 780! They're getting so big I'm going to have to start the transition to flip very soon.
Yep. Done told ya!
Best to keep it separate. That being said, I’d test it after out of curiosity and see what the readings are. I wonder? Hmm

I'd make a guess at very low to zero ppm in the dehumidifier runoff but I'm curious to know myself. Run a test and post your results cause if there is a way to recover good water it could serve purpose. Cloner water or if it's distilled good base water. I'm high and probably way off base but the edible the wife brought me actually kicked my ass, I woke up at 3 laying on the ground with my dogs.
Grandpa’s here...finally.

I’d like to watch, if you don’t mind. I won’t say much, cause I’m shy and usually pretty quiet. I can be LOUD if need be, but normally I’m quiet and demure. I just want to learn this rdwc stuff, so I’ll just watch and won’t talk...much. I know when to shut the hell up and mind my P’s and Q’s. I’m not one of those old dudes who rambles on about nothing. If I’m told to be quiet then I just stop talking. You don’t have to tell me twice...I know when to keep it closed and when it’s appropriate for me to speak. I’ve been around long enough to know that.

I have a sense of humor too—something sorely lacking in this journal—so please don’t be offended if I crack a small joke or poke fun at someone like Scrogdawg. Naturally, if you tell me to stop joking around and get serious then I’d conform and do as you say. I’m not one of those guys who keeps sarcasm alive when everyone else is crying...nooooo, not me!

So, whata ya say? Can I join in the party?

PS. I love your style Rider.
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Grandpa's here...finally.

I'd like to watch, if you don't mind. I won't say much, cause I'm shy and usually pretty quiet.


Welcome aboard the crazy train, G-Pa. We're going nowhere fast. :)
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Score! I was gifted some goodies this morning by my grow shop. Life is good. .

The clones are still looking happy but no roots yet. I'm in no hurry but I'd have had roots by now if I'd cloned into Rapid Rooters.
Are those clones in water with an airstone or aeroponic like the mothers? I'm thinking of building a DIY clone bucket sometime in the future and not sure which way to go. I'm leaning aeroponic with a submersible pump.

It's just water pHed to 5.6 with a 4" flat bubble disk and a propagation mat under it all. I used Clonex but that was probably futile given the bubble wash. I won't be heartbroken if they don't root because I still plan to take more clones once the parents show sex. But I'll def clone into the Rapid Rooters or Ready Rooters rather than this bubble beast.
Thats a nice haul, and say lots about your grow shop. Theres enough Z7 there to do 4-5 grows.

I know, right? Unbelievably generous and great people to deal with. I'm still on Cloud 9.
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