Flower day 10
Water/Feed day
So for some reason, the plants went about 6 days before a water/feed. Maybe the cooler temps are slowing down the soil dry out? Either way, there was no issue. They looked thirsty this morning, especially GZ and BB.
CC still looked pretty good but I gave her a good water/feed anyways. I started to remove some fan leaves on her but I'm trying to wait about 10 more days to give them all a good defol. Some say do it twice in flower, once in the beginning of flip and once about 3 weeks in. Others defol throughout. I'm going with the former. It just seems that BB is really dense inside and probably covering up a lot of bud sites.
Here are the girls after a fresh water/feed this morning. Oh and I fed GZ and BB the regular 1.8g / 1.5L (4g/gal equivalent) and for CC, I fed her 2.0g/ 1.5L (4.5g/gal equivalent)
Oh and one more thing, I've rotated the plants again so now BB is under the P1000, CC is under the P600 and GZ is in the middle
C3 (PO) and GZ3 (I'm trying to go Bonsai with them and train them early. I think they are too far from the light and probably would do better under 18hr light rather than 12h, but oh well, it's just an experiment.