Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Well, that is the most vulnerable time! Just one more part of the process. I appreciate all aspects of the cannabis growing stages, however the budding stage can be particularly enjoyable if the worms/rot don't get to ya!-

Couldnt agree more! Veg is where your grow is made! im an indoor guy so ive never had to deal with them!
Hey Lester starting my next journal tomorrow if you want to come by.
morning Les

never been in here before, WOW , nice journal and pics. will sub to it so I can watch and learn, this place is fuckin great for knowledge

I see u have a ''swiss-cheese'' growing, have u ever had this strain before, or even smoked it ?? just wondering I have one growing also and it's doing great, it too is outside and doing well. it should be done sometime around end of sept. or 1st wk in oct.
anyway, best of luck with ur girls and let me know if anyone has tried the ''swiss-cheese'' it too came from nirvania.

be well and regards

Couldnt agree more! Veg is where your grow is made! im an indoor guy so ive never had to deal with them!


Hey Lester starting my next journal tomorrow if you want to come by.

I'm there brotha :thumb:

Wow! Mr. Lester! :goodjob:

Aloha Dear OMM! :ciao: Thanks for cruising through buddy :surf: :volcano-smiley:

I think I just want to move into your back yard and live happily ever after.

LOL :rofl: :circle-of-love:

morning Les

never been in here before, WOW , nice journal and pics. will sub to it so I can watch and learn, this place is fuckin great for knowledge

I see u have a ''swiss-cheese'' growing, have u ever had this strain before, or even smoked it ?? just wondering I have one growing also and it's doing great, it too is outside and doing well. it should be done sometime around end of sept. or 1st wk in oct.
anyway, best of luck with ur girls and let me know if anyone has tried the ''swiss-cheese'' it too came from nirvania.

be well and regards


Hi fringe50, first of all Welcome to 420 Magazine! Thank you for clicking through my grow journal and for the kind words. To jump directly into your inquiry, this is the first time I am growing the Swiss Cheese by Nirvana. It appealed to me for several reasons. For one I always had a really deep appreciation of properly grown outdoor Cheese. Secondly, it was affordable and contains some land-race genetics that are said to be somewhat mold resistant. A lot of my little runty plants were stunted from a soil infestation so they are super duper small, but I will get samples from them none-the-less.

So, Yes I do have 2 female Swiss Cheese plants growing currently (they're each only about a foot tall). Swiss Cheese is indica dominant and should finish quicker than your longer flowering sativas (another reason I chose it). Hope this helps. Feel free to shout if you have any more questions or concerns. This is a big journal and there is hours of material in here to explore. :surf:

Whoa. Invasion of the body snatchers.
Beautiful plant! Very well done. You make it look so easy.

Thank you so much! It has its setbacks though. Mother Nature has a way of working wonders sometimes :)

Feed Me Seemore. Your plant is gonna be eatin you lol
Good job Lester outdoor grows are so awesome, can't beat the Sun for massive growth!:peace::bravo::high-five::circle-of-love:

Indeed, and I just finished serving a magnificent Dr. Earth tea. :yummy: :morenutes:
General Thought section

Good Morning Guys and Gals.

So yesterday Plantzilla (easier to type than big natural KC-45 everytime) was given her tea, she loved it and is doing great.

Last night she was sprayed with an Azamax solution due to caterpillar indications given by "worm holes" on the foliage.

This morning I inspected thoroughly and found 2 very small caterpillar culprits, one of them jettisoned his silk weave and got away from me, the other one I snatched right out of the air. So hopefully the Azamax kills whatever is left behind. I will be doing another treatment in a week. Those damn caterpillar infestations are THE WORST, a big part of it is that I grow/live in a butterfly preserve, that combined with the high humidity from the crashing surf of the ocean can make it one hell of a tricky growing environment. Definitely worth it if everything comes in clean though :surf:

Smaller plants doing great, I think the new KC-45 clones are just about rooted and almost ready for some direct Sun, I put those 3 tiny runt seedlings under CFLs (only 3 now cause one of them Criticals was a boy). So there is 2 BB x SM and 1 Critical under CFL's, but I put them in the Sun during the day for extra supplementation ( I wouldn't do that kind of jazz for flowering, but for vegetation won't negatively affect it). So far they're showing very positive results, hopefully I can get some nice plants vegetated during the Fall and have them ready for the winter.

Well, I can say for certainty that it smells heavily of a mixture of "doo-doo" coming from the tea, and Azamax in the tent :rofl:

Not too pleasant, but hopefully I get those worms dead, I kind of have all my eggs in one basket with Plantzilla, I normally like to have 3-4 larger plants so that if 1-2 of them get it bad, there still enough to make up for it. In this case, I am very vulnerable.

So all I can do is hope the Azamax works. :Namaste:

Oh and for the Pine Spice KC-45 pheno I decided to let it live and see if it re vegetates for next year, I just threw it out back on the hill and forgot about it. Took all of the buds off it for the second little harvest, wasn't too much, maybe a half O of popcorn that I can turn into really high quality shatter hash.

Blueberry flowers currently are looking phenomenal, albeit small, they smell incredible.

And it's good that I've used the SNS-209 properly (over 2 weeks of persistent use to build it up) if the Azamax doesn't kill them there's an off chance that it will not like the taste of the plant and just decide to take its chances looking for something else... (doubtable but a person can dream can't they?)

Oh and these were not your regular loopers, these were darker specimens, if these ones get big its gonna be gross to have to pick 'em out (not like it hasn't happened before, just apart of the job). Though it really makes a persons heart sink...:circle-of-love:

Must stay positive :Namaste:

End of general thought section
Hi Lester! :ciao:
Enough said Lol. Happy shatterday! :hug::volcano-smiley:
Edit: Ok it wasn't enough said... I'm sure you'll keep those 'pillars at bay with some vigilance and super sandals :) and OMG Plantzilla is a fitting name, she's a hulking beast! Not long now 'til you have arm sized nuggets on her! Bye friend!

Good Mornings Herb Bee, I'm up early today worm hunting; Found one. But an event has occurred. Yesterday I got the bright idea to eradicate a white fly infestation that is on our hibiscus tree probably about <50 feet from my plants. Well, the flies are now looking for a new home and when I woke up this morning I found my tent had a dozen white flies flying around.

On top of that, last night I spotted multiple moths flying around inside the tent, that really ticked me off. I try to have the sides clipped open for airflow as much as possible, and sometimes I like to keep the tent off completely. So it's a complete give and take between pure Sun and air to combat mold, or keep her tented so she isn't fully exposed/vulnerable. So last night Azamax was sprayed again (finished the alottment). Now I will wait until Thurs/Fri to spray again.

So I killed about 7 white flies by hand by snatching them out of the air, I hope that was it for them. And any worms who took a munch last night or this morning should die theoretically.

So now I know I should not have disturbed the white fly nest that was on the habiscus (we've had this white fly problem on that plant for a long time, it's clearly the favored host, the nest makes the white beard like fungus which is also terrible). And I'm fresh out of SNS-203 so will have to play things by ear.

All in all, aside these minor set backs the Plantzilla is looking great. A new garden routine will be enacted where instead of leaving the sides clipped open, I'm gonna completely seal it up hours before sunset, and only clip it open after breakfast. The tent does transmit 90% of the light and most of the air, but I like to take advantage of pure full Sun and airflow when I can.

Ok, I just wrote a little update in response to your vapey post :rofl: :volcano-smiley:

Hi Lester! :ciao:
Enough said Lol. Happy shatterday! :hug::volcano-smiley:
Edit: Ok it wasn't enough said... I'm sure you'll keep those 'pillars at bay with some vigilance and super sandals :) and OMG Plantzilla is a fitting name, she's a hulking beast! Not long now 'til you have arm sized nuggets on her! Bye friend!

Aloha Sista! :ciao:

I have a feeling she's gonna be a tough one to maintain, but luckily one of the best defenses against pests/fungus is just a healthy plant. She is healthy for the most part. I think I burned her leaf tips again by not watering with fresh water first before the tea, I don't know what's gotten into me. But she's looking good minus some of the burned leaf tips, minor discolorations, and yellowing leaves that are dying at interesting rates...she is her own organism and beast now. What happens is up to her. Time to grow, with the Azamax treatments, and new garden enactment, I think I should be able to get a handle on these damn bugs. :Namaste:

Thanks for dropping by! Vaped a bowl of GSC to virtually match you :volcano-smiley:

Good Mornings Herb Bee, I'm up early today worm hunting; Found one. But an event has occurred. Yesterday I got the bright idea to eradicate a white fly infestation that is on our hibiscus tree probably about <50 feet from my plants. Well, the flies are now looking for a new home and when I woke up this morning I found my tent had a dozen white flies flying around.

On top of that, last night I spotted multiple moths flying around inside the tent, that really ticked me off. I try to have the sides clipped open for airflow as much as possible, and sometimes I like to keep the tent off completely. So it's a complete give and take between pure Sun and air to combat mold, or keep her tented so she isn't fully exposed/vulnerable. So last night Azamax was sprayed again (finished the alottment). Now I will wait until Thurs/Fri to spray again.

So I killed about 7 white flies by hand by snatching them out of the air, I hope that was it for them. And any worms who took a munch last night or this morning should die theoretically.

So now I know I should not have disturbed the white fly nest that was on the habiscus (we've had this white fly problem on that plant for a long time, it's clearly the favored host, the nest makes the white beard like fungus which is also terrible). And I'm fresh out of SNS-203 so will have to play things by ear.

All in all, aside these minor set backs the Plantzilla is looking great. A new garden routine will be enacted where instead of leaving the sides clipped open, I'm gonna completely seal it up hours before sunset, and only clip it open after breakfast. The tent does transmit 90% of the light and most of the air, but I like to take advantage of pure full Sun and airflow when I can.

Ok, I just wrote a little update in response to your vapey post :rofl: :volcano-smiley:

Good Morning Weed Lester. BUGS I hate them. When you spray with azamax do you use the full rate. I have gone to the full rate when I use it. the lighter rates just don't seem to finish the job. Sucks finding worms and knowing there's a hard battle ahead. You do have a good handle on it plus you have a very healthy plant to fight off the enemy. :thanks: for the great update. It's Skunkday and I'm going to do as little as possible so join me and we will :high-five::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::high-five:
Good Morning Weed Lester. BUGS I hate them. When you spray with azamax do you use the full rate. I have gone to the full rate when I use it. the lighter rates just don't seem to finish the job. Sucks finding worms and knowing there's a hard battle ahead. You do have a good handle on it plus you have a very healthy plant to fight off the enemy. :thanks: for the great update. It's Skunkday and I'm going to do as little as possible so join me and we will :high-five::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::high-five:

Good Afternoon Bee. It was the first time I used it (Azamax), I eyeballed an amount into the 550 mL spray bottle, it was probably ~7ish mLs. It was definitely a concentrated solution, white and foamy in the bottle. You could even smell it pretty good emanating from the tent after I sprayed. Hopefully it helps get a decent handle on these flowers, going to spray again next week. Being in a butterfly preserve is perplexing :volcano-smiley:

Pic Update


Great update Lester. Your flowering is way ahead of mine. I looked today and the white rhino are flowering and the chernobyl is showing a little. Have a good evening. :volcano-smiley: Oh yea I have had good luck with the azamax. Kills them dead :partyboy:
looking sweet in here... man that crazy plant flowered FAST! :cheesygrinsmiley:
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