Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Holy mackerel Lester. I bet you are a happy man. Getting home with everything looking fantastic and flowers galore. Happy Weedsday my friend. :high-five::volcano-smiley: Welcome home.
Aloha Brotha happy Thurweed day for tomorrow :high-five:
it is isn't it lol? Have a Great Day
Another, shorter, music video I slapped together. Pack a fatty and enjoy! :) :volcano-smiley:


Hello shanti Baba
I loved the video you really put it together bro :thanks: and :thanks: of course to the cat:ganjamon: my feelings on this are
we need to see more videos Loved it Les:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
The Colas are gonna be INSANE broda :yummy::yummy::yummy:

Nice Update :thumb:

Haha, well, I hope I can pull a fair amount at the end, I knew it would be nearly impossible to replicate last years ridiculous bounty. In general, the weather last year was much better. But, I have came to terms that each year is different and we make due :) Thanks for the kind words brotha :volcano-smiley:

Proffeser Lester. Love the pics bro. Can't wait till I get there. One day I'll be able to say grab some buds on your way out and thanks for coming. Love it bro.
Hi dunc, thank you! We will get you there slow and steady ;) Be Patient :Namaste:

Ugg. I guess I'll collect pollen if mine turns out to be a boy.
It's definitely possible that it's a male! Remember folks as I have illustrated before blanket statements regarding genetics in advertisements are misleading because it's all a probability function! :cheer:

Ahh, the reunion! All looks great, Nature Girl is looking magnificent. :circle-of-love:
Yeah I'd have to say that I happy with things, again, I've had to come to terms LONG ago that this year would NOT be as good as last year, but may be it's good in its own way. :surf: With all that said, I am still content with it all :Namaste: She absolutely LOVED her foliar spray yesterday, the tent is sealed up and there is no Sun, we are completely sacked in with overcast/fog. It's in the 60's probably, definitely high humidity (which has been the normal all year), anyway my KC-45 seems to love these conditions :surf: She's in the tent completely perked up and looking incredible in there. Probably going to start her tea to brew this afternoon and serve it tomorrow. I know she's gonna LOVE it, so I'm excited :surf:

Holy mackerel Lester. I bet you are a happy man. Getting home with everything looking fantastic and flowers galore. Happy Weedsday my friend. :high-five::volcano-smiley: Welcome home.
LOL I loved your comment Bee! :circle-of-love: :thanks: Yes I am definitely content with things. It sure was nice to come home to a bunch of healthy budding plants and some jars full of some nice herb :yummy: Thanks for the big welcome buddy! :Namaste: So nice to be back in the garden :ciao:

Looking good lester :volcano-smiley::thumb:

Thank you kindly! :)

You're gonna have some good size buds! Nice job as usual.
Let me know when she's cured, I'll stay away from the contests.
Hey cajuncelt, thanks for clicking through and for the kind words ;) Hope all is well in your world, my friend! :hug:

Aloha Brotha happy Thurweed day for tomorrow :high-five:
it is isn't it lol? Have a Great Day

Hey Brotha from Anotha Motha! :ciao: Happy Thurweed Day indeed :cheer: Have a Good One :volcano-smiley:

Hello shanti Baba
I loved the video you really put it together bro :thanks: and :thanks: of course to the cat:ganjamon: my feelings on this are
we need to see more videos Loved it Les:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

HI Jaga! :ciao: :Namaste:

Thank you so much for the feed back and kind words! I loved your bump. I am so happy you guys liked the video, I will definitely aim to put some more together. It's crazy going thru hundreds if not thousands of photos looking for the good ones, gonna start saving the new ones in a certain folder so I don't have to hunt them down and I can make new fresh ones :Namaste: :circle-of-love:

Hope all is well, Jaga buddy:circle-of-love: Stay Shanti :volcano-smiley: :circle-of-love:
Some pictures from yesterday evening, got a few good angles to help illustrate these smaller plants. Gonna try and get some good pictures of the natural KC-45 when the Sun's angles are right.

right on, garden looks great and the vid was badass Lester!!!:)

i agree with everyone that kc-45 is gonna have some nice colas on her!!!:cheer:

Im about to start some tea brewing my self again. used to be the main thing i would do and i miss it:)

Whats your recipe? if you dont mind me asking?!?!?!:)
Nice lester, just poped a mystery seed from nirvana along side a venus flytrap.

Nice brotha :thumb:

right on, garden looks great and the vid was badass Lester!!!:)

i agree with everyone that kc-45 is gonna have some nice colas on her!!!:cheer:

Im about to start some tea brewing my self again. used to be the main thing i would do and i miss it:)

Whats your recipe? if you dont mind me asking?!?!?!:)

Thank you kindly! :) I don't make my own teas, I just use "ready-bake" products. The next tea I'm going to use is the Organic 4 by Dr. Earth (4-5-4) I've been using this for a couple years as an early-mid flowering nutrient. I absolutely love it, and Dr. Earth products in general.
Here is a synopsis of the product and composition. :)

Organic 4™ fertilizer produces remarkable results because nutrients are released quickly, yet continue to feed for several months. Ultra-premium scientific formula provides optimum levels of primary essential plant nutrients, including micronutrients and multi-minerals. Infused with ProBiotic®—consisting of “Seven Champion Strains” of beneficial soil microbes and eight select strains of ecto and endo mycorrhizae—which contributes to drought tolerance, enhanced nutrient availability, and increased plant performance. The Dr.Earth® probiotics are a complete “broad-spectrum” bio-active package designed to work synergistically with the raw organic nutrients that make up the Organic 4™ formula. This spectacular blend builds soil health, promotes superior bushes and flowers with larger and more abundant colorful blooms.. Primary & secondary nutrients derived from: Cottonseed meal, fish bone meal, alfalfa meal, feather meal, mined potassium sulfate, kelp meal and seaweed extract
Continuation - Glory Shots

Enjoy! :volcano-smiley:

Enjoy? As James Brown said to Mrs. Teddy when she asked if she could shake his hand, "Ain't nothing difficult".
Hot diggitty dog that there lemon thingy is a looker Lester. :cheesygrinsmiley: She has to about 8' across. She really pushed so you would be pleased when you got home. Very nice my friend. :goodjob::love::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::love::goodjob:
Enjoy? As James Brown said to Mrs. Teddy when she asked if she could shake his hand, "Ain't nothing difficult".
LOL :rofl: :volcano-smiley:

Looking good professor. I think it's amazing how well groomed your plants are. But hey that's years of experience showing. That's why your the professor. I need more popcorn. Love it bro. Sweet goodness there.

Got some updates professor. You should check them out.

Hey dunc, I love that word "groom" especially when talking about cannabis. So much grooming to be done with vigorous specimens. What a joy it has been. You can see through my photos how I use the bricks to put force on the strings that are anchored to most of the main branches to weigh them down. There has been a lot of grooming :)

Hot diggitty dog that there lemon thingy is a looker Lester. :cheesygrinsmiley: She has to about 8' across. She really pushed so you would be pleased when you got home. Very nice my friend. :goodjob::love::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::love::goodjob:

Hot Diggity Damn! That Lemony looking thing Lester! :rofl: LOL yeah :surf: Gotta be about 8 feet across. was trying to get her to fill up the entire planter bed, but this is as close as I could get it this year :rofl: :surf: Tonight I sprayed SNS-244 fungicide on the entire plant, interspersed with SNS-604B foliar (which is plant extract and sea kelp based), so it was a combination foliar night. Hopefully the pistils don't burn. This plant has been through a lot of foliars. Azamax is on deck for this weekend. I gotta keep putting up defenses per week to make sure nothing takes bites out of my stash. So far rot hasn't been a problem. The tiniest bit of PM, but no bud rot whatsoever this year. Next year is a different story though :volcano-smiley:

yeah.... that plant might start training you - if it gets any bigger.

juss saying... :rofl::thedoubletake:

LOL yeah, maybe. I think this plant has taught me a lot. I like to think that a lot of my plants teach me about life. Knowing what size pot this plant is in now, less than 5 gals prolly (we will check for sure after the season), imagine what would become of such a plant if transplanted directly into the ground. Godly things would happen. Sungodly.... :adore: just saying :)

Can't wait to see those colas get nice and plump! :cheer:

Well, that is the most vulnerable time! Just one more part of the process. I appreciate all aspects of the cannabis growing stages, however the budding stage can be particularly enjoyable if the worms/rot don't get to ya! :Namaste:

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Nice Photos Lester and amazing :yummy: looking :yummy: monster!!

:goodjob: :thumb:

Hey thank you kindly danish! :passitleft:

Very nice!

Mahalo brother Josh :thanks:
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