Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Thank you Josh. :thanks:

Good Morning SG! :volcano-smiley: :)

Actually I was considering letting her live and see if she will revegetate for next years Spring crop. Would be nice to be one step ahead already. If I do that I would repot it into a larger pot with D&S Step 1. In fact, the Pine Spice phenotype has (I believe) started putting out some revegetated shoots and tissues. If anything it will keep my mind at peace during the winter knowing her stump is out there. :Namaste:

:good job: Great update Lester, all amazing looking plants :good job:

I'm really looking forward to see the re vegetated KC-45 :yummy:

I thought weed plants didn't re-veg outdoors because of the winter months. 420 is a non-stop learning machine...

What's up My man Lester?

Thanks for that link! Stellar read and awesome share. Loved it. :Namaste:


Aloha Brotha Great Thurweed day to ya :high-five:
Hey Crondog thanks for dropping through. Have a good one brother :ciao:

Good morning herb Lester. Autos kind of do there own thing in the outdoors. Out of the 7 I had growing this year the last one I chopped was at 120 days and the first one was at around 90 days. True I did take the first two a little early in it's development but it was still late as far as the breeder goes. These are 60 to70 to 80 days. Then there is the one that was suppose to be a bubblelicious and I have no idea what it is. It started flowering about 2 weeks ago and is growing buds. Oh well. There wasn't much of a difference between the greenhouse and the outside. The last Northern Lights that was outside was the best one. It is really nice to harvest in the summer and not fight the finish in the fall.

Thanks for writing this info, I like to see you write a lot. :high-five: I got one of the KC-45 clones, it's a newer one, it is tiny. It is flowering and it's about 2 inches tall. I put it under the CFL's with the other ones. I also came across a KC-45 (first batch) clone that I believe has contracted a virus/pathogenic disease. Interesting, I quarantined it and will see what the hell happens with that and the revegger. :surf:

Whom is the breeder of your Blue Berry?

HI Josh, I got the seeds from a friend and it's supposed to be Blueberry x Santa Maria, I don't think it's something you could buy, I think Santa Maria is clone only and they crossed DJ Shorts BB with it and somehow I ended up with the seeds.

My friend who grew them entered his gigantic BB x SM plant into a contest and barely got 1 vote, he was an avid poster here at 420 but since retired for personal reasons. I hope you come back OG1969! :cheer:

I think the seeds I have are actually off of this plant, I'm not sure, but it's definitely the same strain and I AM IMPRESSED :adore:

Santa Maria x Blueberry

Title of a blues song comes to mind called luscious lovley.

Oh thank you :) :circle-of-love:

:good job: Great update Lester, all amazing looking plants :good job:

I'm really looking forward to see the re vegetated KC-45 :yummy:


Mahalo Danish, I am also looking forward to seeing what the plant will do. I think there is some possibility it will try to flower again soon, but I would rather it vegetate for many months :surf:

I thought weed plants didn't re-veg outdoors because of the winter months. 420 is a non-stop learning machine...

What's up My man Lester?

HI BAR! :ciao:

Well, this is a crazy strain of cannabis, that's for sure. Ancient and unique, masterful of the environment. I knew, when I first got it, that it would be an essential part of my garden, as important as other crops such as fruits and vegetables. It is but one among the masses of plants, the KC-45, that is. She just fits right in as a "regular". Anything else is a blessing :adore:

Well BAR, you should be reminded that my force flowered specimens were exposed to about 16.5 hours of darkness per day for months on end. The change to regular daylight schedule (even though diminishing towards fall), is more than enough light for their cells to calculate "there is more light than before, therefore it is time to vegetate my cells so I have a chance at reproducing again", so it does some basic math and starts expanding it's cells and growing, we are looking at a suppression of female flowering hormones. What happens in the coming months is beyond me! Will she put out the minimal amount of vegetation she can and flower AGAIN before the winter? Or will she just continue to vegetate all the way until next year? My guess is that she will put out minimal revegetation and she will try to flower again this year. We will see though! ;)

A few extra pics of Maui Waui and Blueberry x Santa Maria (small plants :rofl:)

(BB x SM #1)

(Maui Waui)

(BB x SM #2)
Good evening herb Lester. Here's the back side of the Chernobyl :high-five:

Weekly Update

KC-45 Skunk Phenotype "Work of Art" (1 plant - some branches are larger than some entire plants )

Yeah, tell me about it, Lester. :rofl:

Beautiful photos. :thanks: And am enjoying and learning from the re-veg discussion. When you over-winter, do you do that indoors or in a cold frame or greenhouse? Beemerbill's comment on auto times was interesting. My eldest little auto is 97 days (outside of course) and the supplier says 70-80. Still not done yet but I think I'm going to harvest her this weekend. The tasters we've already had have done Mrs Teddy so much good for her back pain. It's the reason I'm growing anyway. (Well, let's be honest, one of the reasons :laughtwo:)

Have a fabulous Friday, RL. I'm off for an early morning swim. Always good to beat the German tourists to the beach. :circle-of-love:
Been awhile Lester. My pc kind of took a crap and I've been alittle lazy. But looks like I timed it right for the update. That 45 sure works into a monster. I see your trying the cover. Hopefully it will help with problems. I understand you can't use it but that Captin Jacks stuff works great. I know I'm going to give mine a dose couple weeks before harvest. Girls are looking great Keepem Green
Good mornings weed Lester! everything is looking fantastic for you, no surprise there! :cheer:
I'm very interested in watching your pine spice reveg. WOW that BB x SM grown by OG, what a monster, and your BBxSM#2 looks truly picturesque. If I were you, I'd be out there pretty much staring at my plants half the day every day LOL.

You're so relaxed... I feel like I'm getting less relaxed as time goes on... I'm just about to germinate a Blue Blood for my indoor grow, haven't even started it yet, and I'm already frustrated that its Not a 4 foot ready-to-harvest beauty -.- I think I need some KC 45, :passitleft:
my plants may need a force field to protect them from me now that they've started to smell nice and show some trichomes.... :laughtwo:
Good evening herb Lester. Here's the back side of the Chernobyl :high-five:


You know I'd be in there with a sleeping bag! I love that Chernobyl hedge that you have created. Therefore, I will bump this photo to page 135. :surf: :ciao: Good Days' Weed brother! :ciao:

Yeah, tell me about it, Lester. :rofl:

Beautiful photos. :thanks: And am enjoying and learning from the re-veg discussion. When you over-winter, do you do that indoors or in a cold frame or greenhouse? Beemerbill's comment on auto times was interesting. My eldest little auto is 97 days (outside of course) and the supplier says 70-80. Still not done yet but I think I'm going to harvest her this weekend. The tasters we've already had have done Mrs Teddy so much good for her back pain. It's the reason I'm growing anyway. (Well, let's be honest, one of the reasons :laughtwo:)

Have a fabulous Friday, RL. I'm off for an early morning swim. Always good to beat the German tourists to the beach. :circle-of-love:

Hi Teddy my friend! :hug: Hope your morning swim was a good one. Ok for my winter plants, they are going to be grown just fully exposed outside, but in a different area of the yard. It never freezes here, I don't think it ever has in recorded history. It's because we are so close to the ocean and it has a really nice insulating effect (cooler in summer days, warmer in winter days - relatively speaking). So for my particular winter situation, I have to put the plants on my elevated back deck so they have a chance at getting some direct Sunlight, they'll probably get about 4 hours of direct sun during the winter. It'll be a big experiment to see what I can do. I can't have them in the tent during the winter because there is literally 0 hours of direct Sun because during the winter our house blocks and shades it all. So I will be using CFL's to supplement the vegetation process to get them "hardened up" and ready to be "let loose" into the "wild", so to speak. It will be tough to grow quality buds in the winter, but I'm going to give it a good try. We have a climate that is interesting, I have a lot of veggie plants that live on through the winter and revegetate, I've had tiny little seedlings just sit out there all winter, and went onto grow big the following year (tomatoes)... I have not done much winter growing because the sun angles suck, but I'm gonna see what I can do. :Namaste:

Have a good weekend, Happy Harvesting and I'm glad the Wifey is seeing therapeutic effect! Keep up the good work over in that wonderful land you are in. :surf:

Been awhile Lester. My pc kind of took a crap and I've been alittle lazy. But looks like I timed it right for the update. That 45 sure works into a monster. I see your trying the cover. Hopefully it will help with problems. I understand you can't use it but that Captin Jacks stuff works great. I know I'm going to give mine a dose couple weeks before harvest. Girls are looking great Keepem Green

Aloha Sir Sprout, it has been a good minute. Thanks for coming in, at the perfect time to take a peek. Yeah, I've been using the cover for awhile, it is a nice physical barrier. I could use Captain Jack's or a liquid spray in the early flowering phase, actually I have been using Azamax with really good results so far (as per OMM's recommendation), and so far so good. Had a couple worms but haven't found any yet. Battling this burned leaf tip issue at the moment, gonna have to give her only water for a good while and break down the last tea I gave her. Anyway, Aloha brother! :ciao:

I, of course, like the Maui Waui


Hey there you are! :surf: Perfect statement to make lol, I dunno if it's the authentic stuff, I'm sure you would know if we could sit down for a session with it :volcano-smiley: It's not super fruity, but a little bit, got some kind of "island spice" in there? Not sure. It just makes sense to try growing some Maui Waui, there is nothing like peering out to the endless Ocean, and glancing down to a Maui Waui plant, it just seems to fit right in :) It has that Hawaiian look compared some of the other plants :)

Aloha OMM! :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:

Good mornings weed Lester! everything is looking fantastic for you, no surprise there! :cheer:
I'm very interested in watching your pine spice reveg. WOW that BB x SM grown by OG, what a monster, and your BBxSM#2 looks truly picturesque. If I were you, I'd be out there pretty much staring at my plants half the day every day LOL.

You're so relaxed... I feel like I'm getting less relaxed as time goes on... I'm just about to germinate a Blue Blood for my indoor grow, haven't even started it yet, and I'm already frustrated that its Not a 4 foot ready-to-harvest beauty -.- I think I need some KC 45, :passitleft:
my plants may need a force field to protect them from me now that they've started to smell nice and show some trichomes.... :laughtwo:

Good Afternoon's Weed my friend from CO. Hope the mountains are treating you and your ladies right. Haha, yeah it is hard not to sit out there and just stare. I think that's a big problem for a lot us growers, we may spend to much time just "watching the grass grow", but I really find it relaxing and enjoyable to keep taking garden walks every hour or so, and just look at each organism, these beautiful plants that have become an integral part of our lives on this Planet, to know they evolved from photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) is perplexing. :Namaste:

Stay Relaxed Sister :circle-of-love: :volcano-smiley:

like the train on bb x sm #2

Thank you kindly Smoker Joe! :thanks:
Some fun pictures of some minimally trimmed bud and the veggers under the CFLs and whatnot :volcano-smiley:

My extreme-q which looks like a UFO :rofl: :volcano-smiley:

Some of that pine spice KC-45

The fall crop getting going


Blueberry x Santa Maria

KC-45 clone which I hope vegetates... will be interesting to see if it keeps flowering or not

:volcano-smiley: :surf:
:thanks: for the detailed reply on winter vegging, RL. You say it might be tough, but I have a feeling that if anyone can do it....well, I know who can. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And :thanks: for that update. Great to see the start and the end together in the same photo.

Happy Daze to you. :circle-of-love:
This bud sure looks tasty :)
Good morning herb Lester The future sure looks good. The babies are looking really happy. :thumb: I wish I could smell that pine kc. I love the smell of pine. that's a good looking bud my friend. :volcano-smiley: The space ship is lite up. :high-five:
:thanks: for the detailed reply on winter vegging, RL. You say it might be tough, but I have a feeling that if anyone can do it....well, I know who can. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And :thanks: for that update. Great to see the start and the end together in the same photo.

Happy Daze to you. :circle-of-love:

No problem brother Ted! Thanks for the kind words :) Glad you liked the "birth and death" analogy given by these beautiful organisms. :yummy: Much like our "shadow shots" :surf:

Nice start on the little ones. The media they're in looks awesome. What is it?

Hello cajun, that would be the Patio Plus by Kelloggs which is the OMRI certified potting soil that I use. I get about 11.2 gallons of high quality organic potting soil for 5.97$... next year I may consider mixing it up with the Promix or something like that. It's the soil I've been using all year, I wrote a post a while back on why it works for me. I have also seen growers grow massive plants that yield absolutely dank and yummy bud with it, even though its a cheap "off-shelf soil". It is good soil that produces me the medicine I need for the price that is right. The "high brix" people wouldn't touch my weed from a mile away, they would probably rather smoke dirt or nothing at all from the sounds of it. If it isn't high brix bud grown with his special kit, AND bud washed, than it's worthless pot (which is kind of the attitude I pick up on) but doesn't matter to me really, my pot is good enough for me and I'm the only person I grow for.

I don't know what got this little rant started, GT, if you are reading this. Tell me how many gallons of soil I can amend with one of those kits? I probably go through ~80 gallons of soil during the entire growing season on estimate...

Forgive me ventilation guys :volcano-smiley:

This bud sure looks tasty :)

Thank you so much brother conrad :thanks:

Good morning herb Lester The future sure looks good. The babies are looking really happy. :thumb: I wish I could smell that pine kc. I love the smell of pine. that's a good looking bud my friend. :volcano-smiley: The space ship is lite up. :high-five:

HI and good morning Bee! The pine spice pheno doesn't have much fruit so it's definitely a little bit more of a "linear" flavor profile. Seems to be great weed in general but not the most amazing stuff.. It's potent, and well, it's KC-45 so that's nice. I can say for certainty my 25$ for 10 seeds was well spent on this KC. Time to grow some new strains :surf: Oh and glad you liked the UFO pic, I think you had to be really high to see it :volcano-smiley:
Hello cajun, that would be the Patio Plus by Kelloggs which is the OMRI certified potting soil that I use. I get about 11.2 gallons of high quality organic potting soil for 5.97$... next year I may consider mixing it up with the Promix or something like that. It's the soil I've been using all year, I wrote a post a while back on why it works for me. I have also seen growers grow massive plants that yield absolutely dank and yummy bud with it, even though its a cheap "off-shelf soil". It is good soil that produces me the medicine I need for the price that is right. The "high brix" people wouldn't touch my weed from a mile away, they would probably rather smoke dirt or nothing at all from the sounds of it. If it isn't high brix bud grown with his special kit, AND bud washed, than it's worthless pot (which is kind of the attitude I pick up on) but doesn't matter to me really, my pot is good enough for me and I'm the only person I grow for.

I don't know what got this little rant started, GT, if you are reading this. Tell me how many gallons of soil I can amend with one of those kits? I probably go through ~80 gallons of soil during the entire growing season on estimate...

Forgive me ventilation guys :volcano-smiley:

Thank you so much brother conrad :thanks:

LOL, yeah the brixsters are a pretty smug bunch I spose. :laughtwo:

We're honestly just supporting each other and giving ourselves high-fives, but it's all public, so I guess it gets kinda annoying. And it's not that there's just this one way to grow the best cannabis, it's just that we know we can start out with "perfect" soil (*rolleyes*). We don't have to try various soil brands and additives before we find something that works for us, but heck, the principles are universal. PeeJay is a learned horticulturist, for instance, and nailed high brix without the kit on his first try - brix readings in the high teens.

Sorry about the obnoxious public 'tude! :cheesygrinsmiley:

The kit is used with the large size bale of ProMix HP, which amounts to about 40-50 gallons when you unpack it. Add 30 lbs of EWC and the kit and you get about 60 gallons. The kit is under $100 and the resulting soil mix can be used at least twice. In fact, the second run has been better for all of us. Restock of individual drenches and sprays as you run out is like $10-20 a pop. And the bulk price is shockingly cheap.
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