Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Things are looking incredible, Lester! Those buds look mouth-watering. :) Rather, dry mouth-ing? lol. /me runs back to his own plant, talking kindly to it, suggesting to hurry up and finish!

Try some Soothing, Relaxing music.
MarijuanaMusic » How Music Can Help Plants Grow
Good Vibrations anyone?

Not tried it yet but it wouldn't be hard to do. My office PC has some boom boxes attached and my grown room is right inside my office. Open Door > Music > Profit!
:yummy:so frosty looking I know you wanted cooler temps but man. Beautiful Lester. Happy Days.
Haha Yeah I thought I might have got a purple pheno on one of those, didn't happen. Hoping for a particular Blueberry x SM seed to give me some purple flowers :yummy: Happy Days Brother :ciao:
Okay, I'm sold on this strain... Which seed store did you get from?
Haha, I am too. Absolutely. I vaporized the phenotype #2 (as shown above) this morning and oh my god :adore: The flavor of this pot is so hard to describe. I'm gonna pinpoint it. I think there is a candy product that tastes exactly like it. I wish you could all try this pot. Again I'll put a more in depth review later, but this phenotype is so special to me that in a sense it is almost too special to vaporize. The flavor and potency are just ridiculous. Now, not the most uniform buds, but in the structural department is heavily made up for by flavor/potency. Gooped/sapped with resin on the sugar leaves. The flavor is like a really intricate candy, much like phenotype #1, but atleast that phenotype's flavor was remotely describable! This one is mind bogglingly amazing. I would say, through all the phenotypes I've had of KC-45, this is probably the most sought after one. I'm blown away :adore:

Oh sorry to answer your question, I got the 10 regular seeds from Herbies. It is the KC-45 by KC Brains. 6/10 in total were female. It ran me ~25$ including shipping total. Absolutely amazing genetics for dirt cheap. If they're still in stock I'd be inclined to swoop then up asap. But I got some clones and am thinking about a CS project, but seriously to get your hands on some serious F1 seeds with all the different phenotypes, that is true jackpot status. I will have to swoop some more up. KC Brains :tokin:
Glory! Geeze I should of kept that kc45 as a mother plant! Nice job Lester. Lester I seek your help I done screwed up tried to fight it on my own and doubled down in false hope now my grow is on shaky ground. I put trouble in paradise photos up in my gallery, would you be so kind as to take this impromptu thread hijacking not too hard and set me straight? I've never screwed up so bad lol honest. Thank you sir.
Oh man, I'm so in love with this phenotype I just vaporized. Unbelievable flavors, so stoked :surf: KC-45 has continued to amaze me, time and time again. My Natural Bush of Love is looking great too :circle-of-love: I will make your way to your thread asap :)

:surf: :ciao:
Things are looking incredible, Lester! Those buds look mouth-watering. :) Rather, dry mouth-ing? lol. /me runs back to his own plant, talking kindly to it, suggesting to hurry up and finish!
Oh thank you! :drool: Well, I'll have to say I didn't think my photos did them nugs justice but I'm happy you liked it. I can say for certainty that it tastes/blazes better than it looks. Now I have not seen many people grow the KC-45, I had to go off-site to see a few and they were not really up to par. People try to grow them in their basement or dining room thinking its a small auto plant. Wrong! Totally ment to be grown outside and in an environment similar to the tropics of Brazil. Apparently it loved the humidity and warm nights. And the slight drying and totally clear Sunshine throughout the daytime with high ocean UV kind of simulated those conditions. Again, we aren't exactly at sea level, I don't want to be too descriptive of my area for security purposes, but we are elevated a few hundred feet so we are either on the dry slope or the moist slope...just some background info on why I think my KC-45 has grown to nearly optimal ability.

Thanks for clicking through and the kind words :ciao:

Here's the link to help out Yogi folks.

Thanks I'll pop by :popcorn:

Try some Soothing, Relaxing music.
MarijuanaMusic » How Music Can Help Plants Grow
Good Vibrations anyone?

Not tried it yet but it wouldn't be hard to do. My office PC has some boom boxes attached and my grown room is right inside my office. Open Door > Music > Profit!

Neat! Ill check it out. I am always listening to music while I click around. Music and self-expression through words go hand in hand :high-five: :surf:

Good morning herb my fellow sun shine grower. Looks to be cooling off a little. Lows in the 60s at night and high 70s for the day with clouds. We'll see how it goes. Happy Tokerday Lester

Somehow I missed this. Good Mornings Herb my friend :hug: It is a great day! Actually your description of the weather sounds exactly like it is out there today. My plants are in love, with the Sun :circle-of-love:

And so are Yours! :thumb: :cheer:

Have a good One Pal :ciao:

Oh and I figured out how to get the pictures off my phone, I had to delete 600 pictures from cannabis updates so there was room to upload them to my desktop. I figured to hell with it. I need to make room for the new updates :rofl: :surf: :ciao:
A lizard came by on a hunt into the tent and was trying to decide whether he wanted to go onto the plant, he decided to stay quiet in his little concrete caverns as I walked by. I love lizards, I encourage him to take up residency. Anything I can do to accommodate him. He won't do any damage. If only I could get him to hang out in the plant canopy. So I put a saucer of water just incase he was thirsty. Really cool animal. He was quietly passing through, slowly calculating the next best move, looking for bugs to eat.

Alright and I will take some pics of small plants today and have those uploaded later on :surf: :ciao:

I have been way overdue for a catch up on this journal.. and catch up it was haha. Awesome work there Lester. I am a big fan of lizards myself. In the tropics of Australia where I grew up we had an abundance of all types of lizards. I used to make homes and leave food and water out for them around my guerilla grows. I felt like they protected them in a way as silly as it sounds. Used to tell my mates. Don't go looking for my crops they are protected by crocs hehe.
Always a joy to catch up with your journal last thing before turning in. A glass of (good - yes, it exists) Greek wine and RL's writings and pics and friends. Soon I'll be able to do it with a :joint:
Good afternoon weed Lester. I know it may be to soon to name your new friend but if you did have to name it because he took up housekeeping I think he's a Larry, "Relaxed Larry " Just a thought. :)
Good afternoon weed Lester. I know it may be to soon to name your new friend but if you did have to name it because he took up housekeeping I think he's a Larry, "Relaxed Larry " Just a thought. :)

Or Officer I mean HardASS....wait no it's LardASS.
From Cheech and Chong.
I have been way overdue for a catch up on this journal.. and catch up it was haha. Awesome work there Lester. I am a big fan of lizards myself. In the tropics of Australia where I grew up we had an abundance of all types of lizards. I used to make homes and leave food and water out for them around my guerilla grows. I felt like they protected them in a way as silly as it sounds. Used to tell my mates. Don't go looking for my crops they are protected by crocs hehe.

Thank you so much for catching up and being apart of the journal :Namaste: I was happy to read about you Aussie story. Any pictures of your Australian guerrilla grows? They surely would be welcomed here :)

Always a joy to catch up with your journal last thing before turning in. A glass of (good - yes, it exists) Greek wine and RL's writings and pics and friends. Soon I'll be able to do it with a :joint:
Hey Ted thank you! I am flattered by your comment :passitleft: Soon enough my friend.... soon enough... :hug:

Good afternoon weed Lester. I know it may be to soon to name your new friend but if you did have to name it because he took up housekeeping I think he's a Larry, "Relaxed Larry " Just a thought. :)

Haha yeah it may be too soon, I believe he was just a passerby. I saw a different lizard in the same area not too long ago. I wish they would stay. Lizards are very special to me. When I was 4 years old I did my first reptile dissection. I used a broken piece of glass from the street and inspected the inerds of such a creature. At an early age I understood the inner workings of such an animal. And Somehow I put batteries together and got a spark :idea::idea::idea:

Or Officer I mean HardASS....wait no it's LardASS.
From Cheech and Chong.
LOL Nice one :thumb:

Ok Guys time for a small update on the little plants. Forgive me for my lack of writing at the current time as I seem to be extra medicated off my stash. On one hand its too bad these plants didnt grow more, but on the other hand I didn't have a ton of room for big plants so small plants will fit right in. And perhaps I will have some left overs for the Winter Grow :surf: Gonna keep this short, fertilized the final KC-45 force flower today. Might have to harvest the top flowers off it as soon as Tuesday of next week. Gonna be away from my garden for approximately 7 days. Going to a Paul McCartney concert with the Madre and so my mate will take over the garden for a week. Hopefully all hell doesn't break loose while I'm gone. I'll give a natural KC-45 update tomorrow, I'm still undecided, but there might not be a FRONTAL SHOT for awhile because I don't really feel like dismantling the tent at this current time, so the shots of it might be from the sides this week. Anyway here are the little veggers and little flowers pictures. Be well Magaziners :surf:

Thank you so much for catching up and being apart of the journal :Namaste: I was happy to read about you Aussie story. Any pictures of your guerrilla grows? They surely would be welcomed here :)

You're very welcome my friend :welcome::Namaste: I'm glad you got something out of my stories from Australia. They were some pretty wild times. The bush had more dangers than being caught by the cops. I truly do miss it though. The only photo I have of my grows in Australia is the one in my avatar. It was hidden deep in the rainforest in super rich natural soil. Didn't have to do much to it to be honest and things grew like mad. I even would take the soil from the ground and put it in pots to help with moving the plants when needed.

This was a Strain I was gifted by a close friend that I grew up with from the age of 10 yrs old. His father was the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea by the time we were 13 yrs old and at the age of 14 years old he gave me a bag of seeds from a strain in the north highlands of PNG called PNG Gold. The are it comes from is where most of the still aggressive tribes live. To go there is a death wish unless you are one of these tribes. The strain is Sativa Dominant. I never tested it but it is hands down the strongest flower I've ever smoked :adore:. I don't have the genetics with me in the United States but I have them in Australia. They will come to the Pacific North West And hopefully to every corner of MMJ here in the U.S. one day and hopefully soon.
Awesome share! :thumb:

I am amazed by your picture and story of your Sativa! :adore: I love the idea of growing such cannabis in the tropics of Australia. What a mind boggler. :ganjamon:

Keep 'em green brother :allgood:
Wow Lester you have a lot of youngins. Looking nice like they always do. Time fill the vape and get ready to crash. Hope your day has been a good one. :high-five:
Isolated KC-45 Phenotype #2

Final KC-45 force flower specimen #3, turned the pot to get different angle


Excellent work my friend! Beautiful Buds on that Brazilian Beauty.
looks like i'm late to the party and have 100+ pages to catch up on lol! Buds are looking awesome! hope i can get some pointers to make my outdoor buds half as sticky and tasty as those look!! and sooo jealous u got buds already october harvest over here seems so far away
looks like i'm late to the party and have 100+ pages to catch up on lol! Buds are looking awesome! hope i can get some pointers to make my outdoor buds half as sticky and tasty as those look!! and sooo jealous u got buds already october harvest over here seems so far away

I know a whole bunch of people who have had their outdoor gardens come into flower in July this year. Some claim planetary alignment but I have no clue. Also after trying some TGA strains and really liking their genetics it led me to the Owners youtube page called Subcool420 where he has a thing he calls Weednerd Episodes. On their most current or maybe it was their 200th episode he was talking about how all his outdoor girls have come into flower over a month early. Pretty trippy
It's possible that your plants will flower in July, although you need to grow photoperiod-sensitive strain to experience that. There are some indicas around which finish flowering in August actually, but I also heard about flowering occasionally triggered by long periods of cloudy/rainy weather. Hmm, mine do not usually flower before 1st/2nd week of August, but I'm at 45°N, and then it really depends on the strain.

Let me quote sth by the way:

"In general, the closer you are to the Equator, the less difference there is between the length of day on the Solstices(the longest and shortest days of the year. The further you are from the Equator, the more difference there is in length of day between the Solstices, making the Summer shorter and shorter, and the longest day of the year longer and longer the further you go from the eternal 12/12 of the Equator."

Have a green day guys :blunt:
Good morning weed Lester. It's Weedsday and it's 61 out there. Here's the conditions. Dam Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 4.0 miles Dew Point: 59° Pressure: 30.15 in. -
Wow Lester you have a lot of youngins. Looking nice like they always do. Time fill the vape and get ready to crash. Hope your day has been a good one. :high-five:
Thanks Bee, your words are truly appreciated :) Can't wait to vape some KC-45 when my lady comes out of the chamber :hookah:

Excellent work my friend! Beautiful Buds on that Brazilian Beauty.
Thank you so much! :circle-of-love:

looks like i'm late to the party and have 100+ pages to catch up on lol! Buds are looking awesome! hope i can get some pointers to make my outdoor buds half as sticky and tasty as those look!! and sooo jealous u got buds already october harvest over here seems so far away
Hi SmokingBowl. Thank you for boarding my journal :surf: I hope you enjoy clicking through as much as I enjoy growing. I'm going clarify something for you in a proceeding post. :surf:
I know a whole bunch of people who have had their outdoor gardens come into flower in July this year. Some claim planetary alignment but I have no clue. Also after trying some TGA strains and really liking their genetics it led me to the Owners youtube page called Subcool420 where he has a thing he calls Weednerd Episodes. On their most current or maybe it was their 200th episode he was talking about how all his outdoor girls have come into flower over a month early. Pretty trippy

I have been force flowering my plants by light deprivation throughout the Spring and Summer. My first harvest of the year was in May with the winter grown KC-45, my second set of harvests was in June for my Blackberry plants, and my third set of harvests is in August where I am harvesting 3 different KC-45 phenotypes. This technique has enabeled me to harvest buds essentially all season long instead of waiting for fall for one big harvest. Just to clarify for everyone, including SmokingBowl :Namaste:

Aloha everythings Looking good Brotha :high-five:
Aloha my Brotha from Anotha Motha. Hope you and the family are well. :surf::circle-of-love:

It's possible that your plants will flower in July, although you need to grow photoperiod-sensitive strain to experience that. There are some indicas around which finish flowering in August actually, but I also heard about flowering occasionally triggered by long periods of cloudy/rainy weather. Hmm, mine do not usually flower before 1st/2nd week of August, but I'm at 45°N, and then it really depends on the strain.

Let me quote sth by the way:

"In general, the closer you are to the Equator, the less difference there is between the length of day on the Solstices(the longest and shortest days of the year. The further you are from the Equator, the more difference there is in length of day between the Solstices, making the Summer shorter and shorter, and the longest day of the year longer and longer the further you go from the eternal 12/12 of the Equator."

Have a green day guys :blunt:

Indeed, surely it is based off genetics/environment/circumstances. I have had photo plants start flowering in late July and that's the normal for me. But not any sooner... about the earliest I have ever harvested my fall crops is September 15th.

Thanks for addressing his question brother Conrad :cheer:

Good morning weed Lester. It's Weedsday and it's 61 out there. Here's the conditions. Dam Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 4.0 miles Dew Point: 59° Pressure: 30.15 in. -

HI and Good Morning's Herb Bee. I am so happy its the morning. Conditions for us today is its 64 F out there right now and the high for the day is 68 F. Overcast and darn RH is at 85%. Oh well, just a normal day on the beach for us. Clouds should move to the side and clear up right when its time to take the final lady out of the chamber :)

Happy Days Bee...:surf:
Everything's looking good Lest & great share Growlow...
Thanxx for your comments on Outdoor flowering times Conradino. Eases my mind.
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