Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Harvest of Force Flower KC-45 Plant (2/3) " The Cream Pheno "

Will give this plant a justified eye candy photo shoot after she dries up a bit. The nugs are small but the quality is just beautiful. I decided to chop her this evening after I determined that she had a bit too many amber trichomes for my liking, and she wasn't going to grow a ton more. Knew it would be small nugs, but I am really happy with how it looks and smells. Can't wait to try it. :circle-of-love:

Kali mera, RL Just caught up and looks like everything is rosy - and green - in you garden.

Thank you for the description of your smoke. It gave me a little contact-high. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Happy Daze to you.
:partyboy: amazing Les!

I am one happy camper right now :)

Thanks Bee! Good Mornings Herb to Ya! :passitleft:

Kali mera, RL Just caught up and looks like everything is rosy - and green - in you garden.

Thank you for the description of your smoke. It gave me a little contact-high. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Happy Daze to you.

I am glad you enjoyed the description! :Namaste:

That's what I'm talking About!:passitleft::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Congratulations on your harvest!

Thank you kindly John! :thanks:
Congrats Lester. Apparently this seems to be "The Week of the Harvest" here on 420.
Congrats on another harvest! :circle-of-love: those look very yummy :) I'd trade a big harvest of not-great-tasting buds for a smaller harvest of beautiful, strong, flavorful ones like yours any day. Wish I could smell them, my mom always says that weed smells bad.... I think it smells amazing, there should be different strains of scented candles or incense, I'd totally burn those...or preferably just have lots of great weed to smoke all the time :laughtwo:
Congrats on another harvest! :circle-of-love: those look very yummy :) I'd trade a big harvest of not-great-tasting buds for a smaller harvest of beautiful, strong, flavorful ones like yours any day. Wish I could smell them, my mom always says that weed smells bad.... I think it smells amazing, there should be different strains of scented candles or incense, I'd totally burn those...or preferably just have lots of great weed to smoke all the time :laughtwo:

Haha, well put my friend! :hug: I'm glad I got those 2 harvested and now I can put more energy into growing the big specimen which will yield as much of those 2 combined. Amazingly I have not seen a whole lot of bugs or flies near or on my plants. Usually I find flies and a few "passerby" insects as you so elegantly put it. None. Completely clean buds. :yummy: Must be the magic terpenes in the KC-45, gotta be able to fend off bugs in Brazil right? :surf:

Aloha Brotha and Gratz Great Shatterday to you :high-five:
Mahalo My Brotha thanks for stoppin' by. Aloha Shatterday to Ya! :Namaste:

Congrats on the harvest an lovely girls you have in your garden:geek::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Thanks so much man! :ciao: :circle-of-love: Hope all is well :Namaste:
Beautiful buddage brutha. I absolutely love my EQ; makes everything else totally crude and barbaric; don't you think?

Absolutely well said! :thumb:

Congrats broda looks trichomes-delicious

Keep'em coming


Thanks! Will do :)

Good Morning Guys 'N Gals.

General Thought Section

Well, rained steadily ALL night long. I have had the Agribon tent up, but with the sides open all night. The tent material is permeable to water, air, and light. So the rain just drips right through. I have had the sides to the tent clipped open for air flow. It was a hot and humid night, kind of reminded me of the Jungle in South America.

All my little veggers were plainly exposed to the rain, they weren't in the tent. Every plant in my garden thoroughly enjoyed the rain. Especially the Natural KC-45 in the tent. Though the clouds are heavy, everything is soaking wet. My KC-45 stands strong and tall. I would imagine these conditions are exactly what it's used to after evolving and adapting in such environments. It really enjoyed the rain. Everything looks so healthy and happy.

Some news though about the little veggers, it turns out a few of them plants are starting to flower when they're really small. Oh well, at least I will get a nice sample of the different buds. The Maui Waui and Blueberry x SM are flowering. Also that Purple Pheno with completely purple stems and purpling leaves is a female (SO HAPPY about that). Few other runty plants that I'm guessing will be apart of my winter grow. But then again our growing season down here is heavily extended so we'll see what happens with those little runts.

With the rain, I am sure my drying buds are gonna take longer to dry out now. The stuff that was almost dry and was to be put in jars today probably absorbed the ambient moisture. Will have to take a peek at them this morning.

It is just a beautiful sight to see my natural KC-45 so resilient, it's one of the reasons I chose to have it as being apart of my garden. Just PERFECT.

I did vaporize some more KC-45 yesterday, definitely a lot better than being quick-dried. All I gotta say is Wow at this flavor. Never had anything like it. Almost impossible to explain since there is nothing I can really relate the taste to.

Well we haven't had rain down here for a long long time. We are well below our yearly average. So everythning really enjoyed it. It was nice to be able to smell the ocean air in the rain coming down. I know my KC-45 is that much closer to her home in the Amazon :Namaste:

Oh one more thing to add .The final KC-45 force flower specimen was fertilized yesterday with a combination of 0-8-1 solution grade bat guano at 1 tbsp per gallon + a few good gluggs of the SNS-604B.

Now the 0-8-1 bat guano I use which is by Earth Juice is derived from "fossilized marinebird guano"

Doesn't that sound like the perfect thing to give a Brazilian strain? It just feels like all the cards fall together with this plant. Ancient fossilized marinebird guano being fed to my ancient Brazilian sativa on the beach. Add a little sea kelp and plant extracts to the mix and boy, this next harvest is gonna be good too :)

Anyway, that's my small morning rant. :surf:

Everyone have a wonderful Day :ciao:

End of thought section
Beautiful buddage brutha. I absolutely love my EQ; makes everything else totally crude and barbaric; don't you think?
Well you guys, I guess I'm just a Barbarian because I just can't seem to let the joints go...
Super duper old school!
Sounds delicious, I've been smoking for a while and have really started to favor taste and finish over length of the high. I'm hoping to learn how to maximize flavor and quality of the buds versus quantity of yeild. However I've never used a vaporizer. What is the difference of vaporizing versus smoking buds via joint or water pipe??
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