Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Yeah, it really is. Very anxious to chop a plant and start vaporizing some KC-45 :)

Oh baby Oh baby the frost is on the cola. :thumb: Looking so good Lester

Oh yea Lester you were SO RIGHT. I finally got out of the chair about an hour ago. That's using about 2 of the creamer thingies you get at the cafe per cup. Wasn't excepting that much but it was a nice high. :yummy:
Nice! A retired man can do that :) I remember there was someone on here who had a really good milk recipe for fan leaves, forgot who it was. Either way sounds like you got something nice figured out ;) Thanks Bee :circle-of-love:

That 45 girl that is just starting to flower is going to a beauty, you have her very well groomed :goodjob:

Looking forward to seeing some 3 foot cola buds :bravo:
Groomed and sculpted :)

Loooking superb Brudda! I love that rich green you got going on with those larger plants :thumb:
Show those runts the love lol
My runts sprung up!:rofl::morenutes::green_heart::surf:

Yeah, I hope my runts spring up! :surf: :ciao: Thanks Swanga :Namaste:

Dude your garden looks sweeeeeeet :surf:

Looks really fresh bro, nice work!


I am content with things right now. :Namaste: Glad you're enjoying it! :)

ALoha Brotha Have a Great Thurweed day :thumb:
And the garden looks great :high-five:

Aloha and Mahalo Brotha for coming by. I like it when you drop a line. It reminds me of the old days here on 420 :) Hope you and the fam are doing well, can't wait to see you grow some more top shelf now that your tents are all cleaned up. :smokin:

:thumb: a beautiful green garden Lester, from veg to flower! :Namaste:

Thanks a bunch for coming in and taking peek :hug: Have a seat, pack a bowl and enjoy the ride :surf: :ciao:
beemer, I'm intrieged by your recipe re: canamilk. how long your let it simmer?

Jaamzhow I simmered it for at least 3 hours. Plus by mistake I boiled it for about an hour and half. Total time in pot was about 4.5 hours. I was very pleasantly surprised with the results. Only thing is I made to much. I will not be able to use all of it before it goes bad. Way to strong for everyday use. I made some a couple of weeks ago with just fan leaves and about a gram of bud and I was able to drink a glass of it and be blissful for about 4 hours. Not knock down just feeling good. If I would have only put in 5 grams this time it would be easier to use up.
Canna-milk Ice cubes to preserve it?

That will be happening almost immediately. :thanks: I never gave that a thought. Thanks Spimp and a happy Thurweed day to yea.
Force Flowers are doing fantastic, they love coming out of the chamber to pure sunshine and a cool breeze. Boy are they making progress during their 16 hour darkness period. Buds are filling in really nice. Gonna check out the trichomes today and take some more macro shots this afternoon for you guys. Planning on harvesting the first, most mature plant, anytime depending on my mood, but I'm trying to give it justt a few more days to completely finish swelling up since I just juiced them up big time. And yes, the soil mix is sitting right there. I get it at Home Depot for $5.97 a bag for 11.2 gallons of soil. OMRI certified organic soil called Patio Plus by Kelloggs that I find the best possible soil for the lowest price without having to go out of my way. Since I grow more than just a few plants, you can see how I have to make all of this worth it. It wouldn't be worth it for me to go out and concoct "High Brix Super Kits", imagine how much that would cost me for all my plants, it would almost defeat the purpose of growing it all myself. After all I have to rely on the spring and summer to get all my meds without spending my life savings at the club. So it is also about quantity and getting the best quality that I can with what I got. It sure grows good enough pot for me + my special 420 amendments. So, let it be known! In the beginning I didn't announce the soil because this is the first time I ever used it, but I really like it and it obviously produces some dank and tasty pot as seen with my previously harvested Blackberry plants.

The point is, I'm a happy camper :)

Oh here are the mushrooms that grew out of the drainage hole overnight on one of my force flower containers, pretty cool, every morning it's interesting to see what new mushrooms popped up

Hello RLester. A friend who's one the best growers I personally know uses Patio Plus exclusively for all his outdoor plants (and he grows them big). He told me it's supplied by Sanctuary whose line you're probably familiar with. He was most knowledgeable guy at hydro store I used to go to before the owner sold it. I recommended it to someone here asking for inexpensive organic soil, but I have little/no cred. With your reputation and endorsement, Kellogg will be a happy soil company.
Any time beemerbill. :high-five: Your very welcome sir.

Relaxed Lester those bud's are looking very nice! I can't wait to see the outdoor girl in full bloom! But I have a feeling you may be even more excited than me. :rofl:
Cool mushrooms. I love how you get down RL. Patio plus is working out good for ya it looks like. Three bags for the price of one at the hydro.

Cant beat that.
Thanks shotta! :allgood: Couldn't of said it better myself :) And congrats on your well-deserved NoTM win! You truly deserve the title after how much hard work you put into your nugs :bravo:

Hello RLester. A friend who's one the best growers I personally know uses Patio Plus exclusively for all his outdoor plants (and he grows them big). He told me it's supplied by Sanctuary whose line you're probably familiar with. He was most knowledgeable guy at hydro store I used to go to before the owner sold it. I recommended it to someone here asking for inexpensive organic soil, but I have little/no cred. With your reputation and endorsement, Kellogg will be a happy soil company.

Loved your comments! Glad to hear about that. Thanks for sharing it with me. I do love my Patio Plus. Gave you a boat load of reps, so spread the love for me! :) :circle-of-love:

Any time beemerbill. :high-five: Your very welcome sir.

Relaxed Lester those bud's are looking very nice! I can't wait to see the outdoor girl in full bloom! But I have a feeling you may be even more excited than me. :rofl:
I think you might be right! :) I love looking at and being with the plant. I have definitely grown attached to her in a deep, intimate way. At the beginning of the season I was a little worried with how it was going to turn out. This one plant has made up for all the slack on my other plants. I am so happy how this plant has taken shape since the beginning. :adore:

Wow, I've never seen mushrooms that look quite like those in these parts. The caps are intriguing-almost inverted looking with the structure.
Haha, yeah, they're pretty straightforward Inky Cap mushrooms which are very common on lawns around the U.S I hear. As Bee even said before he had a friend who eats them. They are in fact edible but have to be picked before they bloom (liquify their spores). They can really take over a lawn if let gone wild, I usually have to pick a big cluster from a container or two every morning. There was probably some spores that came in the potting mix from where/when it was made and bagged - plus fungus being everywhere in the air anyway. Kinda unavoidable for a natural product like this. Besides attracting the bugs I like to find them growing and they do help breakdown some of the particulate organic matter in the topsoil so it can be more easily absorbed to the plant in the next watering. Ehh, kind of a novelty thing but it's so cool knowing that fungus and plants have been living together for so many millions of years. :surf:
The KC-45 Force Flowers Photo Shoot.


The largest specimen happens to be the least mature, at this current point in time. Will have some kind of small harvest update sometime this weekend. :ciao:
Ok guys it appears I may be harvesting a plant sooner than I thought. Looked at the trichomes and found quite a few ambers and a tiny bit of PM. Been 70+ RH and 80 degrees F lately so not super surprising. I want to conserve my Bubba Kush and get some gardening weed so pretty much time to do some chopping. Will keep you guys posted with a harvest date later.

Have a good day.
Decided to go ahead and harvest a plant. Smells so good. Can't wait to try it out.


Lots of small nugs and popcorn that wasn't worth showing, over all I'm happy with what I made out of that plant. :yummy:
I can smell it from here. Nice harvest Lester.
Lester I have a question on Bat Guana. How much to you use per gallon of water and how much do you feed each plant. I make a tea from other Dr products but I have the bat poop so I need to try it. the PGG could use something different.
Lester I have a question on Bat Guana. How much to you use per gallon of water and how much do you feed each plant. I make a tea from other Dr products but I have the bat poop so I need to try it. the PGG could use something different.

Depends, do you mean the 10-3-1 for vegetation? If so, I usually don't use as much as they are saying cause I make it in 2.5 gallon bucket batches. I don't really measure the veg one cause I'm undercutting it, I like to let them brew for 24 hours and get a nice soup going.

I suppose that's Dr. Earth's only bat guano product I have cause their 4-5-4 which is the meal based one (for acid lovers) doesn't have bat guano in it but that is my special tea that I will be using soon. The other bat guano I use is the one by Earth Juice but its solution grade so it means you dont have to brew it.
That was a quick decision my cyber friend. Congrats...

Maybe you can help me with a few defol pointers.
@ Bee, my bad I misread your question. I'm really baked right now so forgive me. For the Earth Juice 0-8-1 solution grade bat guano I use no more than 1 tsp per gallon which is full strength.

For the 10-3-1 bat guano, I don't really measure I just dump a bit in to brew, I don't like to make it too muddy.

Same for the 4-5-4 but thats not bat guano

That was a quick decision my cyber friend. Congrats...

Maybe you can help me with a few defol pointers.

Thanks BAR, I had to do it :) It's gonna be a nice treat of a plant. Small nugs but they are really frosty! What are these defol pointers you speak of?

My favorite bud shot of the specimen I just chopped
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion those leaves were left intentionally... :)

Awesome Harvest Relaxed Lester!
I know it's a small plant for you, but it's a monster to me sir! and a frosty looking lady. :yummy:
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