Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Well you guys, I guess I'm just a Barbarian because I just can't seem to let the joints go...
Super duper old school!

Haha You are a Barbarian! :rofl:

Sounds delicious, I've been smoking for a while and have really started to favor taste and finish over length of the high. I'm hoping to learn how to maximize flavor and quality of the buds versus quantity of yeild. However I've never used a vaporizer. What is the difference of vaporizing versus smoking buds via joint or water pipe??

Hi raisingcain :ciao: Hopefully this answers your question for the most part :Namaste:

A hot air vaporizer , or herbal aromatherapy machine is a safe,smart,and sound alternative to plant combustion. Hot air extraction, like steam extractions, which have been done for thousands of years, have proven to be a superior method of extracting essential plant oils. The boiling point of THC being about ~315 F, and other cannabinoids a little higher at ~ 350 F, which is about ~160 C and ~ 210 C respectively. By heating the plant material above 200 C , it is possible to extract unwanted carcinogenic organic compounds such as benzene, and toulene related analogues (hence smoking isn't good for you). The act of distilling a plant, and separating compounds based off different boiling points, and using its psychoactive ingredient has been done for thousands of years, the combustion temperature is somewhere between 450-700 Celcius; This is a very large difference which obviously leads to the breakdown of many other cancer causing agents.

I use a vaporizer called The Extreme-Q by Arizer. If you are interested in safer and more sound alternatives to ingest the therapeutic medicine in cannabis through inhalation then consider the EQ, it's is a very solid and sound device that I and many people agree is one of the best vaporizers on the market and is basically one of the best units for its functionality that money can buy. Just some food for thought :) :hookah:

We need a vaporizer emoticon, the hookah one doesn't cut it :surf:
I'm hoping I can get a EQ arizer soon, but probably not gonna happen for a while..just emptied out the bank for my MII1600.. :circle-of-love: oh well. My neighbor and I used to have a digital Volcano vape, very expensive, but Really great quality. We each paid for half of it... oh wait, I think I just gave him an oz or 2 and he covered the whole thing.... same difference. Unfortunately, he took it to his dorm one weekend, left it there while he went to work, and his room mate passed out with it on its highest setting, blowing air... something went wrong internally and its useless now. UGH. Whatever, joints and bongs will do for me in a cinch, but I do miss that fresh flavor from your first hit in a vape... and how it wouldn't make me cough really. Ok vape rant over.... lol sorry.

I'm so happy for you that your purple pheno is a girl Lester! :cheer: geesh if I keep reading your praises of the KC-45 I might have to order some soon here! Brazillian Haze is a flavor I couldn't possibly forget if its anywhere near that.. (that's kind of how I imagine your buds tasting and smelling, but a bit more citrusy/maybe minty) and to finish up my meandering ramblings, wait you just fertilized your last force flower before harvest? I thought that was a no-no :scratchinghead: I guess since it's organic it probably shouldn't effect the taste of your harvest in the end, or are you going to do a fast flush pre-harvest?
SoilGirl I'm talking about the plant I haven't harvested yet.

The most recent picture (repost)

And yes indeed, with the complete organic regiment I can fertilize all the way up until harvest. But with this particular specimen, I did use a bit of D&S so I will likely employ the Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients.

This is the last of the 3 force flowering KC-45s that was put into flower a couple weeks after the 2 initial specimens that I just harvested. She's really starting to put some weight and frost on her buds. Though there is some leaf tip necrosis here and there.

PS Don't have to apologize for your rants! They are loved and encouraged :hug: :circle-of-love:
SoilGirl I'm talking about the plant I haven't harvested yet.

The most recent picture (repost)

And yes indeed, with the complete organic regiment I can fertilize all the way up until harvest. But with this particular specimen, I did use a bit of D&S so I will likely employ the Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients.

This is the last of the 3 force flowering KC-45s that was put into flower a couple weeks after the 2 initial specimens that I just harvested. She's really starting to put some weight and frost on her buds. Though there is some leaf tip necrosis here and there.

PS Don't have to apologize for your rants! They are loved and encouraged :hug: :circle-of-love:
Ah, I see. ;) I've never doubted your methods, just was wondering. I've read somewhere recently :scratchinghead: that even organic nutes can leave a bad taste in the buds if not flushed before harvested, and I tend to jump the gun when it comes to even the slightest possibility of a hurt harvest, but I also took it with a grain of salt. Thank you for clarifying!
I hope everything is worry free (especially 'pillar-free) on the Cali Coast my friend, beautiful day out here, the sun has been shining all day and I can tell my plants are loving every second! :slide::hug:
Yassus RL! Always love your 'General Thoughts'. My ears prick up every time I see the title. (Forgive mixed metaphor). And they always spark an intelligent conversation. (You may or may not know it, but you're employing Socratic dialogue. You old philosopher, you). :cheesygrinsmiley:
Ah, I see. ;) I've never doubted your methods, just was wondering. I've read somewhere recently :scratchinghead: that even organic nutes can leave a bad taste in the buds if not flushed before harvested, and I tend to jump the gun when it comes to even the slightest possibility of a hurt harvest, but I also took it with a grain of salt. Thank you for clarifying!

Hi R. Lester & SoilGirl too. Enjoying your organics & flushing discussion. I always flush thinking even if I grow organic, maybe I can flush out extra & unused stuff/junk of of the root zone and just clean the environment up some. Use Humboldt's Royal Flush. Heard it's milder & friendlier to microbes? RL do you think feeds close/up to harvest affect taste?
Lots of good discussion here!! I think I'll crack a bottle of wine and relax while keeping up! We own a vape but it's not a very expensive one. Works really well and the flavor is so different than smoking. Very excited for your purple pheno being a lady! Even though some have started flowering, have you considered revegging a cutting to keep the pheno around?
Ah, I see. ;) I've never doubted your methods, just was wondering. I've read somewhere recently :scratchinghead: that even organic nutes can leave a bad taste in the buds if not flushed before harvested, and I tend to jump the gun when it comes to even the slightest possibility of a hurt harvest, but I also took it with a grain of salt. Thank you for clarifying!
I hope everything is worry free (especially 'pillar-free) on the Cali Coast my friend, beautiful day out here, the sun has been shining all day and I can tell my plants are loving every second! :slide::hug:

Well chemicals are chemicals whether that be organic or inorganic so yeah its definitely possible to over fertilize and have excess elements left over such as phosphorous from the blooming stage, which can cause the bud to be more "harsh" and make people cough more. :cough:

In my experience, flushing a completely organic crop makes little to no difference, and can lower final brix levels. I have fed my bat guano by Earth Juice all the way up to harvest quite a few times. I didn't have a problem with the buds and enjoyed them thoroughly. I also think vaporizing is a lot more forgiving to plants that haven't been flushed. If somebody had to do an "emergency harvest" for some reason, it would be harder to tell that the bud hasn't been flushed when vaping as compared to smoking. In general when I stick to all my organic nutrients and initial soil, I need not worry about flushing. But sometimes I pump a few extra gallons of water through them at the end. And if using an abundance of hard to flush granular/liquid concentrate fertilizers such as D&S and FoxFarms then I would use the flushing solution. Though, gotta love organic growing under the Sun right?, it produces some of the best tasting and natural medicine! :yummy:

Sorry for the previous blunt response :blunt: And thanks for the kind words! My cannabis has been totally pillar free and I am so happy! Haven't seen any fungus either so in my book everything is good as it could possibly be. The Sun came out today which the plants loved. Could get some more rain so we'll have to see :surf: Hope all is well in Southwest CO :Namaste: :ciao:

Aloha Brotha Happy Skunkday She Looks Lovely :high-five:

Hey Aloha my Brotha thanks :) I will get some updated pictures up here. Will get some general plant shots this week. :surf: Good Skunkday brother :thumb:

Yassus RL! Always love your 'General Thoughts'. My ears prick up every time I see the title. (Forgive mixed metaphor). And they always spark an intelligent conversation. (You may or may not know it, but you're employing Socratic dialogue. You old philosopher, you). :cheesygrinsmiley:
So happy to hear that Teddy! Loved your metaphor too :rofl: Your comment brought me a great grin :) Be Well Teddy :ciao:

Hi R. Lester & SoilGirl too. Enjoying your organics & flushing discussion. I always flush thinking even if I grow organic, maybe I can flush out extra & unused stuff/junk of of the root zone and just clean the environment up some. Use Humboldt's Royal Flush. Heard it's milder & friendlier to microbes? RL do you think feeds close/up to harvest affect taste?

Aloha brightlight. I don't think a little extra flushing ever hurts to be honest.The idea with those flushing solutions is that since it uses a "chelated magnesium solution" it signals to the plant to start breaking down it's own stored energy, rather than continue to leech the nutrients out of the soil. It accelerates the flushing process and helps make it so there isn't as much excess elements left over in the plant matter. I'm pretty sure most flushing solutions use some kind of chelated solution, haven't seen the one your using though.
About your question, I'd say when I use healthy doses of my 0-8-1 bat guano by Earth Juice 1-2 weeks before harvest I see a more uniform nitrogen depletion in the leaves (exactly what we seek), the buds bulk up very nicely, and the essential oils really get the flavors going. I see no direct negative effects from feeding very close to the harvest date when I use my fossilized marinebird guano. Just my two cents, to each to his own! :hug:

Lots of good discussion here!! I think I'll crack a bottle of wine and relax while keeping up! We own a vape but it's not a very expensive one. Works really well and the flavor is so different than smoking. Very excited for your purple pheno being a lady! Even though some have started flowering, have you considered revegging a cutting to keep the pheno around?

Howdy JadeLotus :ciao: I hope you enjoy your relaxation time :Namaste: Glad to know you like to vape, most devices get the job done pretty well. It's definitely something I enjoy over combustion, just my personal preference :high-five::circle-of-love:

Oh thanks about the purple pheno!! :thanks: I'm not gonna take a cutting, though I thought about it, the plant is just too darn small to be taking a cutting and the fibers are a little too woody. Not to mention I've got too many plants at the current moment. I've got a lot more of those Blueberry x SM seeds so I'm sure I can find some more of the pheno. Not to mention I got a couple of small sprouts of 'em and I think I may have got another purple pheno. It'll prolly be part of my winter grow plants :surf:

The final result from the Plant #1 in the KC-45 force flower harvest sequence, it came out to 16.1 grams dry (more than a half oz which I predicted so I'm happy) Like I said, low yield but high quality so I'm happy :)

The final result (STILL DRYING) from Plant #2 in the KC-45 force flower harvest sequence. This is an amazing pheno that I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of writing about in the near future. Flavors galore in this one that I haven't tried yet. Looks to be about the same amount, roughly a half oz when it's all dried. :allgood:

Some various shots of the final remaining force flower specimen from inside the chamber. She's got 1-2 more weeks and will probably do a selective harvest of the top flowers and try to coax a couple more grams out of the bottom flowers. It's the last force flowering specimen of the year so what the hell. Coming along good though minus the burned leaf tips and such. It's fun to puff the two initial plants while I play around with this last one. Then I can finally focus on the naturally flowering ladies :laughtwo:
'The beauty of it all. :thumb: Good morning weed Lester. Hope all is well :Namaste:
Loved that update Lester! Gotta run so keeping this one short, absolutely beautiful, I'm glad to see I'm not alone burning leaf tips with organics >.<, :laughtwo::slide: and I will be doing some organic flushing experiments of my own this coming harvest based off of your expertise! Keep the wisdom coming and stay green friend! :passitleft::hug:
Good info on the importance or should I say Lack of Importance of Flushing when vaporizing Lester.
Loved that update Lester! Gotta run so keeping this one short, absolutely beautiful, I'm glad to see I'm not alone burning leaf tips with organics >.<, :laughtwo::slide: and I will be doing some organic flushing experiments of my own this coming harvest based off of your expertise! Keep the wisdom coming and stay green friend! :passitleft::hug:

Much Mahalo Sista :ciao: Can't wait to see your plants bloom too :surf: :Namaste: Have a Good Day SoilGirl :circle-of-love:

Good info on the importance or should I say Lack of Importance of Flushing when vaporizing Lester.
Yeah it doesn't matter as much IMO, especially for organics. But a good flush every now and then can never hurt as you well know :thumb:

Aloha :surf: :ciao:
Decided to throw up a few pictures, I couldn't get more from my phone I will have to figure out why. I had a bunch more that I wanted to post but not able to at the current time. Will try to get it figured out asap. Wanted to show this second KC-45 pheno off plant #2, it's ready to be jarred today and I had a sample bowl and wowzer it is like a completely different strain. Never have I tasted weeds like this, unfuckingbelievable. Left a lot of the sugar leaf on this one cause it's just gooped up and gonna be ground up for the vaporizer so the appeal isn't 100% but who cares. When I get another bowl in I'll try and make some sense of the flavor, but all I know is that it got me higher than a kite. And then I will show the macro pics of the final remaining KC-45 force flower specimen. The buds aren't as heavy as they may look, I just have tied them down because I want the branches to fill in nicely. This particular specimen I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy growing it. Bundle of joy :circle-of-love:

Isolated KC-45 Phenotype #2

Final KC-45 force flower specimen #3, turned the pot to get different angle

Anyway I'll figure out how to upload more pics so I can get the ones I took uploaded and then be able to update the other plants this week. :ganjamon:

Over and Out :surf: :ciao:
:yummy:so frosty looking I know you wanted cooler temps but man. Beautiful Lester. Happy Days.
Glory! Geeze I should of kept that kc45 as a mother plant! Nice job Lester. Lester I seek your help I done screwed up tried to fight it on my own and doubled down in false hope now my grow is on shaky ground. I put trouble in paradise photos up in my gallery, would you be so kind as to take this impromptu thread hijacking not too hard and set me straight? I've never screwed up so bad lol honest. Thank you sir.
Things are looking incredible, Lester! Those buds look mouth-watering. :) Rather, dry mouth-ing? lol. /me runs back to his own plant, talking kindly to it, suggesting to hurry up and finish!
Good morning herb my fellow sun shine grower. Looks to be cooling off a little. Lows in the 60s at night and high 70s for the day with clouds. We'll see how it goes. Happy Tokerday Lester
Things are looking incredible, Lester! Those buds look mouth-watering. :) Rather, dry mouth-ing? lol. /me runs back to his own plant, talking kindly to it, suggesting to hurry up and finish!

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