Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Looking absolutely splendiferous in here my friend :) and theres still weeks of flowering to go! :popcorn::bravo:

Thank you so much! :hug: Yeah! I am happy to see the trichomes concentrating so early in flower. KC-45 is on the way! :surf:

Good evening herb Lester. Just took my RSO for my inflammation in the hip. I sure seem to be helping. I dose 3 days a day. Twice with Harlequin oil and once with a heavy indica oil. Now to toke a little. Your girls are looking pretty darned nice. Been cloudy here also with high humidity. Still vegging so I'm not to concerned. Lovin the bondage. Happy Shatterday

Aloha Good Morning Bee :ciao: That is good to hear your RSO is helping you feel better, it sounds like you are in good hands my friend. Sounds like we're having a bit of the same weather (all of us)... from Hawaii to Texas to Colorado to Washington to California we are all getting a taste of this moonsonal moisture and humidity. I really hope we get some drier weather for when our naturally flowering ladies are going at it. Gotta love outdoor growing! :surf::high-five:

Aloha Shanti Baba:ciao:

Oh you are too kind, calling me Shanti Baba :rofl: Thank you so much for dropping by Jaga, and I hope all is well my friend and that you can upload photos soon. If not, feel free to PM me and we can discuss the nuisances of the issue and get it resolved :Namaste:

Time for a day of soil/plant inspections. Possible transplanting and removal of a male specimen, also I want to run a batch of the Magical Butter, but I think I want to try to make the "MBO" instead of the butter. I'm just gonna wing it and follow their instructions and see what I get. Based off my experience in extractions, their recommendation to "cook it" using the alcohol for 4 hours WITH applied heat seems to be the opposite thing we want to do in terms of QWISO (where we use really cold alcohol to extract the trichomes for 30 seconds), with QWISO we can obtain a clear amber oil in low yields. Because alcohol is so polarized, it can easily dissolve the chlorophyll and other unwanted compounds given time and heat. So the MBO (oil) will come out very very dark/black which isn't normally considered the highest grade oil, but hey I'm gonna give it a shot, I got Everclear and trim sitting around so gonna give it a shot soon. :allgood:
Aloha Brotha :high-five: Have a good one :thumb:

Aloha Buddy You too! :thumb:

Here's a tour, OMM style.


Good evening weed Lester. Very nice update of some Beautiful girls. :thumb: Really nice with the text in the pictures. Lovin it :circle-of-love:
Great Update Brotha looks great in your Garden :thumb:
Mahalo Brotha! :Namaste:
Good evening weed Lester. Very nice update of some Beautiful girls. :thumb: Really nice with the text in the pictures. Lovin it :circle-of-love:
Good Evenings Weed my friend. I sure am happy with those Blackberry flowers. Does me right. Really does. Super happy with how things are going with the new flowers as well. Slowly sculpting my natural plants, definitely trying to get the little ones grown up quick. :surf:
Those babies look awful, pretty RL. Did you decide which way your gonna make your oil?
Somehow you knew I was contemplating! :roorrip:
Looking good as always and so well versed Relaxed, been out of data for over a week so I've been waiting to see updates,

My girl is still going strong too

Thanks for cruising through! :surf: The monstrosity that is the "Natural KC-45" is happily taking over my total allotment of space, somehow I'll have to make everything work. Every plant shall have a final resting place. :Namaste:
Great update Relaxed Lester!

Ya know, with all the success of everyone I've seen grow the KC Brains 45, I can't believe it's still only like 2 or 3 bucks a bean! It's definitely on my wish list.
General thought section

My excitement is growing rapidly. It is such a beautiful thing to continually witness the bloom of the cannabis plant. I wanted to make a note about the 3 specimens that are currently in force flowering. They appear to be all three the same phenotype, I would say that it smells highly of lemon tart. Very very tarty. Like a tart lemon pie. The stench is "musty" almost smelling like mildew, it lingers, and is heavy in the air. When smelling the flowers, it smells potent, and one can visibly detect a vast amount of trichomes that are quickly being synthesized and covering all areas of the accompanying sugar leaves. No signs of purple in the calyx development at all. Calyxs are starting to swell and get larger.

Another thing that intrigues me is that these plants have produced resin so early into flower that literally if a person/grower in some part of the world (outdoors) needed to see to it a harvest they still could get medicinal quality buds even when harvesting half way through flower, for example if bud rot was the main issue, they could still make due and achieve success with this strain. It performs remarkably. Even with cloudy days and low light, they stand strong,tall, and continue to put out resin.

Some pistils were burned as a result of too much SNS-604B foliar spray, but I believe this really helped jump start the flowering process as I did it at the correct time in the first couple weeks of flower...

These buds that are currently forming may be a little small, but their potency is looking really good. My excitement is building. Another reason I like force flowering so much is because my plants are essentially in a "quarantine" area of the garden which makes it really easy to inspect and monitor the plants as they grow.

With the tent, there is more going on and harder to get everything squared away and control bugs that go from one container to the other, or bugs that come from some other plant in the garden. Taking care of the garden as a whole is essential to the well-being of the cannabis, often times things look for a new home when the populations are high, mold or bugs. So even though my companion bait plants are vacuuming up all the bugs, I still need to go in there and maintain things. Rotting citrus fruits that the squirrels and rats drop are the prime producers of botrytis mold spores in a backyard. So having to go up on the hill and dig them out, looking for powder mold spores, and general pruning is common practice.

Yesterday the Natural KC-45 was flushed with 10 gallons of pH adjusted water. I am monitoring her metabolic process, but I think she is over all healthy looking, quite a few burned leaf tips. I haven't treated this plant with the respect it deserves. No more super drenches and super high concentration sprays. Time to relax a little. Sometimes when you think your helping , you may be actually hurting! Less is more sometimes :Namaste:

I was also thinking about these KC-45 force flowers, they are just pure calyx clusters completely plastered in resins coming out, now I've never grown White Widow, but I know that its composed of a Brazilian land-race sativa, could the KC-45 I'm growing happen to be the same sativa as crossed in White Widow? Maybe.. maybe not, I'm guessing there were quite a few land-race Brazilian strains that are diamonds in the rough. It's neat to ponder such things. These genetics originating from Brazil are fascinating to ponder :ganjamon:

End of general thought section
Nice reflection of whats goin on in your garden. Well said and put down:) The ladies and maybe ladies :) look GREAT!!

K.I.S.S. Less is more sometimes i agree with you there:)

"So having to go up on the hill and dig them out, looking for powder mold spores, and general pruning is common practice."

you intrigued me with this^^^So what exactly are you saying here? you physically go dig up the rotten fruit to get it out of the area of your plants?
Great update Relaxed Lester!

Ya know, with all the success of everyone I've seen grow the KC Brains 45, I can't believe it's still only like 2 or 3 bucks a bean! It's definitely on my wish list.
Thanks buddy! :high-five: Yeah it was cheap and it is good! :yahoo:

Nice reflection of whats goin on in your garden. Well said and put down:) The ladies and maybe ladies :) look GREAT!!

K.I.S.S. Less is more sometimes i agree with you there:)

"So having to go up on the hill and dig them out, looking for powder mold spores, and general pruning is common practice."

you intrigued me with this^^^So what exactly are you saying here? you physically go dig up the rotten fruit to get it out of the area of your plants?

I basically just meant that I have to hunt around and pick up any fruit that is in the process of rotting. Stuff that might have gone unnoticed as when it falls down it usually is hiding underneath the ivy that we use as ground cover. So there's usually a few nasty surprises here and there; Since we have a tangerine tree, two orange trees, and a grapefruit tree its usually hard to eat/consume/pick all the fruit and so there is always some waste because of the animals.

Hey thanks for the kind words :) Feedback is always appreciated :thanks:
aw ha I see...thats awesome you have so many fruit trees on your property, NATURES OTHER CANDY!!!!

Thanks for taking time to respond RL!

:peace:have a great day!!
aw ha I see...thats awesome you have so many fruit trees on your property, NATURES OTHER CANDY!!!!

Thanks for taking time to respond RL!

:peace:have a great day!!

No problem! You are welcome :)

Have a great day buddy! :high-five:
Those Ladybugs are definitely getting their groove on. How was your weekend Lester?
I was also thinking about these KC-45 force flowers, they are just pure calyx clusters completely plastered in resins coming out, now I've never grown White Widow, but I know that its composed of a Brazilian land-race sativa, could the KC-45 I'm growing happen to be the same sativa as crossed in White Widow? Maybe.. maybe not, I'm guessing there were quite a few land-race Brazilian strains that are diamonds in the rough. It's neat to ponder such things. These genetics originating from Brazil are fascinating to ponder :ganjamon:

End of general thought section

You and I share an interest in these Brazilian sativas. I'd never heard of Brazil as a source of strains until I grew that Utopia Haze and was so impressed with the smoke. And after looking into them a little further, they seem like they're kinda undiscovered. So I'm exploring 'em. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have a couple more Utopia Hazes(Brazil sativa) in veg, and a Buddha Haze(Amnesia Haze x Manga Rosa) seedling, and a Nexus(Brazil sativa x Sativa blue) that'll get sprouted soon. :slide:

It's really nice to hear about your KC-45. It confirms what I experienced. :high-five:
You and I share an interest in these Brazilian sativas. I'd never heard of Brazil as a source of strains until I grew that Utopia Haze and was so impressed with the smoke. And after looking into them a little further, they seem like they're kinda undiscovered. So I'm exploring 'em. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have a couple more Utopia Hazes(Brazil sativa) in veg, and a Buddha Haze(Amnesia Haze x Manga Rosa) seedling, and a Nexus(Brazil sativa x Sativa blue) that'll get sprouted soon. :slide:

It's really nice to hear about your KC-45. It confirms what I experienced. :high-five:

Ok, now you guys are starting to get me interested in Brazilian strains. Supposedly the Manga Rosa is the one in the WW. Not sure if true, but I've heard that the Manga Rosa developed from Angola Red, which is said to be the origin of the Central and South American red strains.
Those Ladybugs are definitely getting their groove on. How was your weekend Lester?
That they are! :rofl: I love getting those shots :surf: My weekend was excellent. I enjoyed many herbs and fine garden cocktails while watching the waves of the ocean as my plants rustle in the breeze. Couldn't get much better than that my friend :Namaste:

Your KCs have fully captivated me, it's a plant-romance :circle-of-love: I'm finding that I'm partial to the genetics, both landrace and hybrid, from the same general geographic areas the 45s. :circle-of-love: Your girls are awesome Les, very happy to see them. :Namaste:

I am so happy that you are about as enthralled as I am! Definitely a unique year with a lot of the KC-45 in the garden. Next year I might rock out with the modern-day hybrids. Just super excited to reel in the upcoming KC harvest. :cheer: :surf:

You and I share an interest in these Brazilian sativas. I'd never heard of Brazil as a source of strains until I grew that Utopia Haze and was so impressed with the smoke. And after looking into them a little further, they seem like they're kinda undiscovered. So I'm exploring 'em. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have a couple more Utopia Hazes(Brazil sativa) in veg, and a Buddha Haze(Amnesia Haze x Manga Rosa) seedling, and a Nexus(Brazil sativa x Sativa blue) that'll get sprouted soon. :slide:

It's really nice to hear about your KC-45. It confirms what I experienced. :high-five:

I'm glad we could confirm common suspicions. It just goes to show that we both aren't crazy, and Norcaliwood was correct about KC Brains, he truly does know what he is talking about! I think it must be something in regards to the specific terpene content, it has been shown that some terpenes can work with certain cannabinoids in binding to the CB1 or CB2 receptor agonistically, this may explain some of the exotic feelings coming out of the Amazon Jungle! :cheer:

Ok, now you guys are starting to get me interested in Brazilian strains. Supposedly the Manga Rosa is the one in the WW. Not sure if true, but I've heard that the Manga Rosa developed from Angola Red, which is said to be the origin of the Central and South American red strains.

Yeah! I believe Manga Rosa is the Sativa that composes the WW. It is believed Manga Rosa is a very very spiritual cannabis in its pure sativa state. It is possible that the KC-45, since vaguely named as crossed with "Brazilian Sativa" may be of similar descent to the Manga Rosa. Based off my experience so far, I would say we are onto something! I would say the Panama seeds are probably similar, it seems the strains derived from South American genetics in general have some interesting evolution of the terpenes and their ability to work with the cannabinoids. I have seen no sign of "Russian Ruderalis" in my KC-45, which leads me to believe I am essentially dealing with a Brazilian land-race pure Sativa. :surf:
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