Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Everything looks the picture of health! - tricky under your conditions. :bravo:

What about that BB x Santa Maria? Is that purple natural, you think?
Mmmmmm. All that ocean grown smoke. Looks great man
Thanks! ;)
My hat's off to you RL for successfully growing in such a hot, humid, pest infested environment. Your plants look great!! :bravo: :goodjob: :thumb:
Mahalo CO high buddy :high-five:

Everything looks the picture of health! - tricky under your conditions. :bravo:

What about that BB x Santa Maria? Is that purple natural, you think?
Howdy GT, thanks for the kind words :passitleft: Yeah I definitely drew a purple pheno, it could be a male though! Without a doubt it is not a deficiency, some people commonly think that purple stems immediately means a deficiency, that is not always the case. A lot of specimens turn purple for me here on the ocean because the UV is strong. Really hoping it's a female! :Namaste:
Gorgeous! :passitleft:
Thanks!! :circle-of-love:
General note section

So with the weather we've been having lately I've been waking up to find the blooms of the inky cap mushrooms. It doesn't get much more organic than that. Fungus and plants living side by side for millions of years, it is quite a sight to see then popping up in my containers in my plants I should have taken a better picture, I'm sure some more will pop up, you can see them growing at the base of the stem in this picture

Anyway, their growth quickly decomposes, as well as decomposes some of the woody organic matter in the soil, the fungus gnats almost seem to be spontaneously generated (we know they aren't!), but literally give them over night to find the mushrooms and they will be all over it, going through the 203 really quickly, will have to order some more soon.

More thoughts, I believe this plant is a male (oh well), it was one of the Swiss Cheese plants, need to let it grow some more to find out for sure but that's how its looking.

Force flowering going great. A few burned leaf tips here and then so just plain water for them in the future.

Also been fending off whiteflies that have been trying to make a home in my foliage, they scurry off, but sometimes I see one or two hanging out. I also have seen the moths of destruction flying around, with this temperature and weather I'm not surprised. My hat is truly off to anybody in Florida who can grow outdoors successfuly year round. It normally is not quite this humid for such an extended period of time. Since we are elevated a few hundred feet in altitude the humidity is not as terrible as being on the sand at the crashing surf, I should start preparing for a really big weather event since there is word of possible El Nino come September.

Noticed some newly formed burned leaf tips on the big KC-45 in the tent, It must be from her "super-drench" and all the 244 I've been spraying (prolly been having a bit too much fun with it,time to settle down), so I decided to give her a good 'ol flushing with fresh plain water, was about due for some water anyway.

End of notes section
Good Day Weed Lester. Sucks that you have to battle the humidity also. Ours has come down a little 47% right now but it was as high as 78% earlier. Have you heard of Growstone that people use for gnats. cover your soil with them and it's suppose to cut the sheet out of them. Kind of like diatomaceous earth works only not messy. Could be a lot cheaper
your jungle looks great! i like the LST on that KC45!:high-five:
Thanks!! :circle-of-love: :passitleft:

Good Day Weed Lester. Sucks that you have to battle the humidity also. Ours has come down a little 47% right now but it was as high as 78% earlier. Have you heard of Growstone that people use for gnats. cover your soil with them and it's suppose to cut the sheet out of them. Kind of like diatomaceous earth works only not messy. Could be a lot cheaper
Good Weednesday Bee :hookah: I haven't heard of Growstone but I'm gonna look into it, the reason I'm not using DE is because it gets a bit messy, will have to get 'em bugs under control soon. Found a cateprillar on the big KC-45 in the tent, it was a small one, either it had taken bites in various spots or there are multiple of them. Probably the latter. Planning on doing a Bt spray in the late afternoon now that the clouds cleared up and the breeze is back. Thanks for the tip Brotha :passitleft:

Sunshine Update! :surf:

First rays of actual direct Sun after 2-3 days of clouds. It had been completely overcast and hot, finally we're in a bit if a clearing and the plants are loving it. Especially the force flowers which I might just update on this afternoon since I'll be too busy tomorrow. It was nice, right when she was done with her flushing the clouds moved to the side and the Sun came out so had to take a few pics of her. :ciao: :circle-of-love:

Lseter , I find mushrooms in my Fire escape girls a lot of mornings. They don't even survive to mid-day though. Let me look in my gallery. I know I have an old pic of them in Laverne's soil.

Sunshine makes the girls so happy and looking so healthy. :circle-of-love::thumb: We are suppose to get rain this weekend and we could use it. Everything is starting to get quite dry. Happy Weedsday Lester
Lester the buds are getting heavy. Looks like it's going to be a good one. So juicy :green_heart::blunt:
Everything Looks Great Brotha :high-five:

Mahalo! Yeah, not too shabby I'd say. Although my vegging plants could be in a better position to enter August but hey. We're supposed to get some hotter drier weather so hopefully in the next couple weeks they take off :surf:

Sunshine makes the girls so happy and looking so healthy. :circle-of-love::thumb: We are suppose to get rain this weekend and we could use it. Everything is starting to get quite dry. Happy Weedsday Lester
Yeah! First day of Sun for a couple days felt nice. We had a little sprinkle but not even enough to wipe the dirt from the cars. Finally a break in the humidity, things cleared up today and the breeze came back. :surf:

Looks great as usual Buddy! :Namaste:

Aloha and Mahalo my old buddy! Take Care and Be Well :Namaste:

She sure is purrrrdy!!
Thank you kindly! ;) :circle-of-love:

Lester the buds are getting heavy. Looks like it's going to be a good one. So juicy :green_heart::blunt:

I'm real happy with how fast two of the forced specimens took hold to the flowering and really went at it. I'm expecting to be harvesting some KC-45 sometime in mid-late August, going really fast and although the buds might not be that big, the quality is gonna be superb me thinks. Got that real nice smell to it, can't wait! :cheer: :ciao:
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