Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

I may be tardy but better late than never! You have some amazing ladies!!

Thank you kindly for hopping aboard! :surf: :ciao:

Playing with Strings


Wings have been spread, Sail To the Sea My Friend! :surf: :ciao:
I am trying the SNS "fungicide" to test for mold erradication.

I was curious if you heard any feedback on it, :thanks: it's a bit risky,

because it is a spray, we'll see tomorow, what it did/didn't do. This is a whole week of the highest humidity,

I've felt since moving here in 89.
Good evening weed Lester. Good old bondage and the girls never seem to mind. :cheesygrinsmiley: Looking good my friend. :high-five:
Beautiful looking plant you got there RL..
Mahalo and Thanks a bunch for dropping by Brotha Shotta! :ciao: :surf:

Hi Lester. Is it possible to take your clones from out door plants inside or is that not possible because of loss of lumens etc? Got a malawi id like to copy... Looking very fine over there btw but you must know that eh ;)
Hi High Yogi! :ciao: Yes, it is certainly possible! - it's been done by many! In fact, I was actually considering doing that (to veg) with my KC-45 clones when my force flowers are done :)

She's getting big Les....I'm getting excited to see her sail :surf:
Oh me too man, when I was tying those strings down yesterday, my heart rate shot up a little bit.... I thought to myself "What kind of monster am I creating here!!" She's my little Frankenstein :ganjamon::circle-of-love:

I am trying the SNS "fungicide" to test for mold erradication.

I was curious if you heard any feedback on it, :thanks: it's a bit risky,

because it is a spray, we'll see tomorow, what it did/didn't do. This is a whole week of the highest humidity,

I've felt since moving here in 89.

SNS-244 is one of my favorite SNS products by far. I absolutely love the product and I think of it in high regards. I have used it on several test patches of powder mold that we have on the ivy in the backyard, and then I've sprayed it all over my KC-45. Worked like a charm. It is a very good preventative measure in "grooming" the plant tissue towards resisting mold growths as well as fending off any lounging bugs. Now, I'm not sure how well it would work for botrytis since that is heavily "nook and cranny" based. Once the humidity and weather are right, botrytis can be hard to stop. You'd have to selectively spray pretty well for it to have a hope in effecting the botrytis. And as you know you generally want to avoid spraying forming flowers with it. The good thing about the 244 is that it evaporates quickly so there isn't a ton of moisture left behind, just the residuals from the spray.

You would want to spray this product consistently before flowering hits, when your plant turns into a bushy/airflow hindered jungle that is flowering, manual inspections are still the ultimate way to have control. :goodluck:

Good evening weed Lester. Good old bondage and the girls never seem to mind. :cheesygrinsmiley: Looking good my friend. :high-five:
Hey Good mornings weed Bee, they sure do not mind! Getting ready to go out in a few minutes and walk around and get those force flowers ready for another day. We're all sacked in with fog, so hopefully it'll clear up soon for my little darlings :Namaste: Thanks for the kind words my Brotha! :circle-of-love:

that's what I'm saying :thumb:
:cheer: I have created a monster! :morenutes:
Always a treat to stop by here...
Lol looks like your kitty signed up to keep an eye on the plants!

Indeed! He's been the garden protector for years now. He would sleep under the canopy if he could :rofl: He has always been really interested in sitting/sleeping under and with the cannabis plants. They make him feel safe. I'm not sure if he knows they are really important to me, but he definitely feels safer with them than any other plants.

Here are some older pics.

He's still sleeping in front of the plants, been there all morning and probably slept there all night! :Namaste:
AWW! :love::circle-of-love::love: What a cutie!
Under the Canopy?? My Kinda Kitty... :) I've loving the girl you put on the Rack. ;) I have a feeling she will be hedge before you know it. :high-five:

Relaxed Lester, I had a couple questions about the SNS 203. When you use it as a drench, do you use it by itself or have you mixed nutrients with it as well?
Also, do you think a drench like this would have adverse effects on a mychorize (like D&G step 1) ?
Thank you sir.
Under the Canopy?? My Kinda Kitty... :) I've loving the girl you put on the Rack. ;) I have a feeling she will be hedge before you know it. :high-five:

Relaxed Lester, I had a couple questions about the SNS 203. When you use it as a drench, do you use it by itself or have you mixed nutrients with it as well?
Also, do you think a drench like this would have adverse effects on a mychorize (like D&G step 1) ?
Thank you sir.

Don't mix the 203 with your nutrients. It should be used by itself as a solution.

If you are using a soil drench for soil infestation than the last thing you should be worrying about is killing the soil bacteria.

Even though,

It has been shown through scientific studies that a combination of rosemary oil and clove oil (which is the primary composition of the 203) will act with antimicrobial power, but this is only for very few actually tested bacterial strains. Whether this applies to the exact strains we use in our soils, I don't know. They also showed that for certain strains of bacteria, the oil combination work against each other and actually have no harm against the microbial life. So it depends, I certainly have seen no adverse negative effects on my soil or plants.

SNS 203 Soil Drench Spray | Sierra Natural Science
Antimicrobial activity of clove and rosemary essential oils alone and in combination - Fu - 2007 - Phytotherapy Research - Wiley Online Library

When we use the 203 we're on a mission to kill those bugs, once that is done and things are settled. We can simply reinstate the bacteria population with an organic tea. The SNS-203 is not going to kill ALL soil bacteria outright, not by a long shot. But it may slightly reduce the population a tiny bit during the application period, no big deal though because thankfully bacterial population growth is exponential and can literally be back to par in hours after serving a brewed tea.

In reference to the D&S Step 1, you should not really need to be full on drenching a plant that is in the Step 1 stage. When I transplant my new plants into fresh soil, it is a calling card for the bugs, but just because I see some gnats down there doesn't mean I need to drench. I reserve drenching for deep infestations where the bugs have created a kingdom and live in caverns associated with the upper roots. For early cases, such as transplanting into fresh soil, the best thing to do is make a nice solution in a spray bottle and spray the top soil (first 1-2 inches) with it for a few days after the transplant. That way you take no chance on killing any of the mycorrhizae for no reason...

Hope some of this helps brother! :Namaste:
Helps a ton. :)
I premix my soils and have been experiencing a few gnats. I use this soil as transplant soil into final pots so generally they are established plants.
The surface spraying technique is perfect. :high-five:
Thank you for the informative answer sir.
Helps a ton. :)
I premix my soils and have been experiencing a few gnats. I use this soil as transplant soil into final pots so generally they are established plants.
The surface spraying technique is perfect. :high-five:
Thank you for the informative answer sir.

You're welcome! :)
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