Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

You the man!
I saw you were online and I thought, here's a guy who must know about pests, with all the outdoor growing you do. Here's a great example of why I value being a member here.

One more question, I don't have the ability to spray plants in my attic with hose. And they aren't coming out of the room until they are chopped down. So... Would you recommend I just use the SNS product as recommended on the bottle? Looking at MSDS (thanks) the only difference I see is the 203 has clove oil in addition to the other stuff. I guess ill go with that one then? I sadly can't afford both products. I'm broke as a joke atm.
Yeah I'd go with the 203. But it won't come in a spray bottle so you'd have to make a solution with it and put it in a spray bottle. Also, I would not want to spray them when they are budding, it works great when everything is in veg. Either one will work good, but I really love the 203.

Edit (more info) - I don't follow their dosage instructions for the 203, I moderate it and use less usually (they recommend to use an amazingly large amount). Usually I'll use like ~15 mL for every 750 mL of water (for foliar not root drench!!). Since it comes in a concentrated bottle.

Sorry for getting back to you so late, was writing a lengthy document. :volcano-smiley:

Thanks for the kind words, we are all happy to be members here I think :)

Looks like white flies but that doesn't matter. Still a pain and will suck you dry. Lester has the anwser

Didn't look very white to me, maybe I'm going crazy :rofl:

Beautiful Les. The nugs are top shelf too.

Mondo Mahalo brotha! :surf:
Yeah there actually a light green in color. Maybe cabbage aphids. This sucks, I have been lucky up to this point though I guess.
Edit: Mother Earth news suggests vacuuming the leaves of plants to remove whiteflies, whatever I have, ill try this in the morn and buy some 203 tomorrow.
Here is the planter bed last year (4 plants)



Here was the planter bed this year (1 plant)

Good morning herb Lester. Both last and this year looked great. We all loved zilla. Happy Weedsday :volcano-smiley:
:yummy: Those really are some trees. Zilla was more like a bush. or a hedge. lol I hope you're enjoying Zilla tons Lester! :love:
Looks likes some amazing genetics. Man you grow some awesome buds. What's the HK OG like to grow? There are so many different OG's out there now and they are all different. What's the yield like?
Looks likes some amazing genetics. Man you grow some awesome buds. What's the HK OG like to grow? There are so many different OG's out there now and they are all different. What's the yield like?

It's a great producer, high yields with very dense, thick, and very odorous skunky buds that can be smelled from a block away.

It's a unique strain as far as I know, nobody else has this strain, and it's not something that could be bought.

As you can see, from the previous post #2446, the clone on the left was very vigorous to be able to produce that much bud, when cloned off the mother, in the same growing alottment time. Very vigorous.:volcano-smiley:

Here's a couple more shots of a nug.

Good morning weed Lester. Happy Days. :volcano-smiley:
That nug looks yummy! Have a great high day Lester!
Thanks RC! :grinjoint:
Good morning weed Lester. Happy Days. :volcano-smiley:
Good Morning Bee! :volcano-smiley:
:yummy: Those really are some trees. Zilla was more like a bush. or a hedge. lol I hope you're enjoying Zilla tons Lester! :love:
Yeah, indeed. Thanks SG. I am enjoying a nice little jar of Zilla as we speak, can't wait to get the majority of it cured up :)

I just want to re-emphasize these roots, has anyone ever seen roots like this? It's not something you see everyday, specially when those roots are all going through a little tiny drainage hole that's probably about, or less than a 1/2 inch. Fricken Zilla!


Talk about plumbing :surf:
I can say one thing about that Root, the soil in Cali must be pretty darn good she went all thru that little drain hole to get a taste of the good Cali soil. Once again Lester Zilla was a true beauty, amazing plant.

What do you have planed for winter? and how is the reveg going? never seen two harvest in the same season with the same plant :thumb::thumb:

I can say one thing about that Root, the soil in Cali must be pretty darn good she went all thru that little drain hole to get a taste of the good Cali soil. Once again Lester Zilla was a true beauty, amazing plant.

What do you have planed for winter? and how is the reveg going? never seen two harvest in the same season with the same plant :thumb::thumb:


Thanks for the kind words dude! Yeah I'm surprised how deep those taproots were able to get in, and the fact they squeezed through that little drainage hole is like WOW. Absolutely incredible plant. You all witnessed it :)

Anyway, I'm fixing to go out and take some pics right now for a fresh update for ya'll. The fall crop (KC-45 Zilla clone, two BB x SM plants, and one Critical) are doing absolutely fantastic. They have grown so much in the past few days, primarily because I fertilized them with D&S Step 2.

And the revegger is doing great! Storing up a lot of starches in the stems, getting ready to make as large sized little colas as they can (prolly just a bunch of 0.5 gram colas gonna form, at best). And I fertilized that with the 4-5-4 Dr. Earth tea last week. So, pistils are continuing to grow and complete flower heads are still centralizing. I'm also fixing to cut down a few buds (from the tiny KC clones and Swiss Cheese bud on a stick).

So gonna relax for a bit, puff, and take some pics.

:passitleft: High Lester.... Not even gonna lie.... I have a lot of catching up to do and it is gonna take me a while but I'm back to trolling your journal.....:circle-of-love:

Dear Dennise, I am so happy to hear that. Please take your time, luckily I have put a lot into each of the posts in the previous 6 pages, so you will be pretty much caught up entirely without having to go back too far! Talk to you soon :) :circle-of-love:


Onward! Fresh pics (with text)

Over and Out! :volcano-smiley:
Lester do you have or know where the procedure is for washing buds with the threat of mold. I know it's hyd. peroxide , lemon and clean water. buttt
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