Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

good luck with a mold and bug free chopping les.

Mahalo! I am really impressed right now. She's gonna love the next 6 hours of dry ocean breezes and pure Sunlight coming down on her buds. This is what I call the "putting the icing on the cake" stage. She's being dried out so that she is forced to use her stored up water/nutes in the stems, and so mold chances may be minimized (as compared to having unlimited root zone where you have excess water in these stages, can lead to mold growth! So, is that a perk of a having a small pot? I think so.) :)

QWISO Extraction

Ok so this is a very basic extraction that is affordable (can be dangerous so perform at your own risk in a well ventilated area with the proper equipment). It yields a clear amber oil that when concentrated appears very dark. This particular batch came out nice and potent, it makes your vape bowls last forever and it gets you where you need to go! The idea is to use ice cold alcohol (I use 99% Iso) to rinse/extract the trichomes off of your sugar leaf trim / unwanted buds. You only let the alcohol be in contact with the plant matter for about 30-45 seconds, the longer you let in contact, the more unwanted chlorophyll pigments you will extract (since this is a polar extraction!). If performed correctly you will have a semi-clear liquid (after straining the plant matter from the 30 second wash). As it heats, it reduces and concentrates, rendering the liquid to get continually darker as it reduces to the amber oil. Once it's there and all the solvent bubbles have evaporated, it's just scraped up with a razor and put onto parchment paper (this step is important), and then it's done. Meds on the fly, did not take me very long and it was prolly from about 7-10 grams of trim/mixed unwanted poprcorns :volcano-smiley:

Is zilla a blueberry?
I thought you said you had blueberry going ? don't mind me I am feeble :cheesygrinsmiley:

Yup! Most of it has been vaporized already, I have about 10 grams of dried/cured left (which is incredibley flavored and potent, but the bag appeal kinda sucks so not really worth taking a pic of). And about an 8th drying.

The Blueberry yields were low because I only grew very small experimental sample plants. Now that I know what I got, next year I am growing a lot of this BB x SM.

Maybe Ill snag a pic next time I head out for a bowl. I can assure you, you will be seeing much more of it in my garden. This stuff is the BOMB DIGGITY.

Anyway, more pics of Zilla (KC-45). It's so hard to see her go, this is one of my most beautiful specimens. In my opinion she is absolutely perfect. I cannot believe I have gone unscathed to worms and mold. I am so blessed and grateful. After hearing everyones horrible worm and mold tales this year (which is what happened to me for the last 2 years) I finally did really good. It feels great. :Namaste: :volcano-smiley:

It is going to hard chopping that sweetie. She is going to give you lots of smiles for months to come. :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::circle-of-love:
Drive bye, She's got some impressive looking buds. Plant even looks floral/sweet in smell. I got one kind of looks similar in bud structure and she getting a sweet sativaish smell. And my sense of smells been gone . Takes a lot to get a register. I like those smell charts, seems to really help least me. Don't ya love it.................. Best time of year. I don't want to even ask but,,,knock on wood, any chewed up leaves?? I was tripping back in my grow to this time two years back and well was a bad year for worms. I was looking thru the pic's and you got nailed bad. I didn't see any chewed leaves all summer. I treated mine anyways a acouple weeks back.
Hey congrad's on the plant. Duh I just seen all's well I missed that post. I sure hope all's well. EVERYONE who every grew outdoors well eventually have to deal with them. Just like mites happen with a perpetual indoor trip. GL and Keepem Green
Oh! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning herb Lester. Top of the Day to you. :volcano-smiley::high-five::volcano-smiley:
Whoa Les. Awesome. Go go Zilla.

Right?? :) :thanks:

It is going to hard chopping that sweetie. She is going to give you lots of smiles for months to come. :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::circle-of-love:

I know man! Really hard. I've groomed and watched this plant grow for 8 months now. She's one of those plants that grows REALLY attached to you. :circle-of-love: I can't wait to harvest, today might be the day, if not, absolutely tomorrow....:circle-of-love:

Thanks for the awesome support!! :)

Drive bye, She's got some impressive looking buds. Plant even looks floral/sweet in smell. I got one kind of looks similar in bud structure and she getting a sweet sativaish smell. And my sense of smells been gone . Takes a lot to get a register. I like those smell charts, seems to really help least me. Don't ya love it.................. Best time of year. I don't want to even ask but,,,knock on wood, any chewed up leaves?? I was tripping back in my grow to this time two years back and well was a bad year for worms. I was looking thru the pic's and you got nailed bad. I didn't see any chewed leaves all summer. I treated mine anyways a acouple weeks back.
Hey congrad's on the plant. Duh I just seen all's well I missed that post. I sure hope all's well. EVERYONE who every grew outdoors well eventually have to deal with them. Just like mites happen with a perpetual indoor trip. GL and Keepem Green

Aloha brother! Thanks for cruising through. Yeah, Zilla came through unscathed from the looks of it. No treachery for her. I did pull 20-30 worms from the smaller little plants though (which I'm thankful for not having got to Zilla) They were chewing Zilla's leaves about 2-3 weeks into flower and I knew an infestation was on the way. That's when I sprayed Azamax once a week. Cleared up the problem, and luckily I think the strain genetics have helped prevent mold, as well as the set up with the small pot (big plant in a small pot). I feel blessed :adore: And yeah for sure , KC-45 (Zilla) is fruity and potent, but not too "sweet and floral (which is like Maui Waui)". This batch of KC is on the fruitier side. And the meds look like they're gonna be some of the best natural flowers I've grown without ill effect from worms/rot. And your totally right, one grows outside, they're gonna have to deal with the treachery eventually. :ganjamon:

:) :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:

Holly great huge colas. Awesome lester.
Thanks Kiefers! :volcano-smiley:

Good morning herb Lester. Top of the Day to you. :volcano-smiley::high-five::volcano-smiley:

Good Mornings Herb brother! Thanks for the wake up call. I always love to wake up and log onto 420 Magazine and see what my people are up to. :surf:
I always love to wake up and log onto 420 Magazine and see what my people are up to. :surf:

And may I be the first to say, I welcome our new Relaxed Lester Overlord.
Thanks Ted :)

Looks like shes coming down today! Let's just say ripening has occurred, and rapidly too!

Like I said, I am very impressed, very impressed. Perfect specimen IMHO :)

Getting preparations ready to make cuts (getting bud washing stations set up, drying rack ready to go, bit of pre-cut defoliating).

One thing I want to mention is these nugs are ROCK HARD, dense as hell. Covered in frost and ready to come down. Especially with the cooler temps we are having and clouds coming in. Seems a bit more humid, so gotta strike when the iron is hot!!

Catch you guys on the flipside :) :surf:
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