Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

I'll guess just under 5 zips :blushsmile: ...because our plants love to tease our set goals lol.

Ain't that the truth! :rofl: You're probably right lol

I'm gunna say........hmmm......6.3oz dried, trimmed, and lookin extra sexy:)

Nice! That sounds good :) Thank you.

Good gracious. Fast times over here, Lester. And tomorrow's Thursday. :slide:

Sounds like all is well in California. So happy to see you bringing 'em safely in. :cheer:

Pot Comp - Well, I have to convert from litres to US gallons. And dividing by fractions is something I stopped after the 5th Form. I think I'll just roll one up and watch this out. :smokin:

PS 9 litres = 2.64 US gallons. Just sayin'.

Haha, that is a really good guess! I can't wait to find out these numbers for sure. All is well in Cali. Sending you some positive vibes into Greece :Namaste:
Hi again Lester! - I'm just a little curious about Zilla - so she was grown entirely rootbound in a ~2 gal container?? No roots breaking through the bottom into extra soil? (I kind of just assumed she was growing through the bottom of the container too) ... if that's the case wow that's really something, I'm astonished, you must add lots of nutrition to that small container to keep her going! I may rethink the huge (comparably) sizes of my pots after that.

420 grams

Hi Relaxed Lester. :ciao:
I hope your ocean breezes have been a blessing for buds my friend. :surf:
I'm gonna try to find the kc-45 girl update! :nomo:

Hi Spimp! :ciao: Great of you to swing through. So far so good, will have a fresh update posted tomorrow! :surf:

Hi again Lester! - I'm just a little curious about Zilla - so she was grown entirely rootbound in a ~2 gal container?? No roots breaking through the bottom into extra soil? (I kind of just assumed she was growing through the bottom of the container too) ... if that's the case wow that's really something, I'm astonished, you must add lots of nutrition to that small container to keep her going! I may rethink the huge (comparably) sizes of my pots after that.


Hi SoilGirl.

Yes, Zilla was never transplanted. She has always been in her pot (since she sprouted in February). She was a part of my winter grow where I thought I was going to harvest quick autoflowers, was I in for a surprise! I'll tell ya, everything I ever grew in this raggity crappy looking half broken 30 year old pot has always been amazing. It does not even have good drainage, in fact, it is quite water logged. It is pure 100% rootball, and there is no root growth going into the soil below the pot. I know this because underneath the pot are plastic trays (which we used to cover the weeds so they didn't come up) and put gravel ON TOP of that. Turns out, with the accumulation of dust and morning dew/water from the ocean air, weeds (grasses) have sprouted up from the gravel, sometimes moss or algae will grow on it.

So yeah, it is quite amazing. And I have made a post on pot size before, about my 7-8 foot OG plant last year grown in a 1-2 gallon pot which harvested a QP dry. It's about the environment, you can grow big dank dense buds in a small pot if you have an amazing environment. I do it all the time :)

And yeah, with, what I call "purposeful rootbounding to constrain the plant" and keep my plants small in my little backyard and quiet neighborhood. In a case like this, the plant requires way more watering, depending on the heat and conditions, perhaps watering 1-2 times per day (which was the case last year for the OG plant), Zilla in particular has NEVER drooped her leaves, she has been extremely drought resistant, and she's been going without water for 3 days recently with no problems. Once they get that big, they have so much stored up nutrients, and synthetic machinery able to produce some of their own water (respiration) as well as closing off the stomata and synthesizing absisic acid (a stress hormone that forms during low water and helps reduce stress). Another thing that helps them fight drought is their cuticle, and the stomata is tucked in underneath the lower epidermal layer. Anyway, I watered her every 48 hours for a long time. She has been sprayed with basically the entire line of SNS, 604 A/B (veg/flower) to SNS 217 for spidermites, SNS 244 fungicide, a little bit of SNS-311, I threw everything but the kitchen sink into Zilla (early in flower - I don't spray when mid to late flower comes). On top of that, her probiotic teas are said to help protect against drought, with some of the natural components of it, as well as the bacteria and mycorrhizae in the roots.

So yeah it should stand as a firm example of being able to grow a decent sized amount of medicine in a small pot, in this case she really did all the work for me by growing so vigorous. If you think about it, she just needs some sort of vessel (uptake device) to exist, in other words she needs some kind of root ball. She has just that, she has the ability to take in water and nutrients. She does not need an endless root zone. So she uses her synthetic ability to build herself, using small supplements from me. Her main ability to store so much starch in her woody stems allows it to store water efficiently as well, with the fibrous structure of cellulose, though, it does require water if she wants to break down those starches and feed herself.

Pretty neat stuff! :volcano-smiley:

Yeah I think you guys are onto it! Should be between 2-3 gallons, but I dunno, it may be less because the rootball doesn't occupy the entire pot. :surf:
Reporting in for Zilla watch :cheer:

I'll guess 2.8 gal and 210g.

Great descriptions on your girls, I really enjoy reading it all.
That Blueberry sounds delicious ... wondering if we might see a Bluezilla next year :) :volcano-smiley:

Good weed, Lester!

Thanks for the estimation! I am really happy to hear that you enjoy the writings and pictures to go along. It is that kind of feedback that keeps me going :) Thanks for the support brother CareStaker! :Namaste: Good Day.

Er Um about 6an a half Ozz easy :volcano-smiley:
Mahalo Jaga :) I think you're about right. :surf:

Im gonna guess for Zilla a good 4.5-4.8 lbs dry. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
LOL I think you ment ounces buddy :rofl: :)

I'm gunna guess about 5.7 oz dry. :) BlueZilla sounds like a good idea for a future grow!

That's a good guess! Yeah, you know I did think about doing a KC-45 / Blueberry cross. It's still on my mind. It would entail Colloidal Silvering the last KC-45 clone or having to buy more seeds. I think I'm ok on breeding for now though I've got way too many seeds/strains I Need to grow out and try. Tons of new stuff. But Blueberry is absolutely a keeper, and damn I need this particular pheno again in my life. :circle-of-love: :volcano-smiley:


Weekly Update - 25 Photos (with captions) Note: I decided not to chop Zilla down today, I'm prolly gonna do it this weekend but I'm giving her atleast 1-2 more days with no tent for full air flow and sunlight penetration. Everything looks flawless and clean. I found the tiniest tiniest tiniest piece of mold in a cola and removed it, everything is looking 98% perfect. But I did chop the remaining second half of a MW and BB x SM plant.

KC-45 Pine Spice Phenotype #5 (reveg) which I am going to toss out to flower now, it's time! I think I'm doing a good job of squeezing another crop out of this one :rofl: Will see what happens folks!


More BB x SM (hoping for that one pheno!)

Zilla's only vegetative clone (1 survivor)

Some naked Zilla shots, You can really notice how she conformed after I released all her strings, it really is pretty much perfect. She still wants to grow those buds so I'm just gonna take it easy and give her atleast 1-2 more days of life. Hard to see her go.

Just a Swiss Cheese cola forming, this one I'm interested in!

Just that left over BB x SM plant I cut the rest of it today

A little Maui Waui cola, a better pheno than the last, less leafy - very sweet and floral smelling.

Ok remember those Zilla clones I took a couple months back? The little things just flowered and made these tiny tiny little popsicle buds. Check 'em out, Putting some decent weight on it for such a small little plant lol, maybe I'll get 1-2 grams or an 8th out of each one ( there's 4)

Some more shots of the fall crop and soon to bloom revegger KC

And to cap off this marvelous update, I will leave you with a few Zilla shots

Aloha :surf: :ciao:
Well I didn't do a guesstimate but you know I'm here for the Thurs update Lest.
Great evening weed Lester Oh Master of the yard. Wow looking really nice. Zilla is going to make you proud. And those little ones are very impressive. Happy Days my firend. :bravo::cheer::volcano-smiley::cheer::bravo:
Well I didn't do a guesstimate but you know I'm here for the Thurs update Lest.
Somehow I knew you would show up :) :high-five:

Great evening weed Lester Oh Master of the yard. Wow looking really nice. Zilla is going to make you proud. And those little ones are very impressive. Happy Days my firend. :bravo::cheer::volcano-smiley::cheer::bravo:
Good Mornings Herb Bee. The morning Sun is just perfect for my ladies right now. Everything was exposed last night with no tent and so I'm hoping some sneaky moths didn't drop a few eggs. Going to make some isohash and continue my inspections, getting antzy to chop, I don't want to risk the entire crop molding!! :Namaste:

What everyone else said! :bravo:

Mahalo my friend! :hug: :circle-of-love: :volcano-smiley:

Just realized that 4.5 pounds is a lot of weed LOL :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Lovely Update Lester can't wait to see those numbers man. Zilla is Amazing.

Glad you enjoyed it brother! :ciao:

Wonderful update to wake up to over here. Thanks for starting my day with a great big sunny Californian smile.

You are very welcome :)

Cool Leedaawg

Aloha Jimbo! :ciao:

Thanks for the support. :volcano-smiley:
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